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Everything posted by Mattzs

  1. I might be foolish for saying this, but I believe the zombie team now has a little bit more of a set storyline for BO2. We've seen the same concept throughout the last 5 or 6 maps (from CotD on at least) of Richtofen trying to take over the world, giving me hope they've thought some of this stuff through. The team had a lot of time off between BO1 and BO2, and I'm sure they knew the story needed to be complex as so many would follow it closely. Makes me think they put some time into to develop their own storyline to follow. Still, it's hard to tell. I believe that they have their ideas for envy thing planned out, but the details are something they get as they go along. I'd argue that the first 5 maps weren't very set in stone or organized, but after Kino they seemed to get a good idea of where they wanted the story to go. I'm very unhappy with the movement away from Nazi history, but as Richtofen says, I digress. But I mean in Kino, Richtofen has no clue where Sam is or anything like that but in Moon radios we find out that he's the one who cast her away and knew when she came back so he very well should have known. It just seems like they did some things early that hindered their ability later on to make changes, but they have the whole story at their fingers so I think they've known what they're doing since Ascension or so. I don’t mean to re-open this case, but I thought of more things that baffle me. I just found out today that in the Wii version of BO, in Kino there is a radio that talks about Mao's Great Leap Foreward. Was Die Rise planned 1-2-3 years ago? KIno was going to be WAW MP4, but I doubt that Treyarch would have had that radio in Kino from the begining. WHat about the "115 Crater" on the Moon in Der Riese? Was that something they added, that they later expanded upon to be the moon base? Lastly, wasn't their a quote a long time ago by Treyarch saying that we haven't found all of the Easter Eggs yet in all of the zombie maps?
  2. Neat! There are two things I am wondering about. By spirit, do you mean a man's emotion/mind? I understand that spirit has been used interchangebly with mind or emotion. Other than that definition, spirit and soul are kind of the same thing. Also if the MDT is the "body" MDT, then why did Richtofen need to switch his soul with Samantha's and not the entire body? I understand her body is in the MDT, but it is his soul that controls it. Other than that, I think this doesnt sound to far off.
  3. You beat me to it! I was going to ask the exact same question. I understand that the reason is that the main zombies team needed time to work on the next map pack or something, but how can they give the project to another team? How much creatve control does the other team have and who is responsible for the "story" aspect? This was another question I was going to ask, but I didn't want to sound like a noob. I understand that Benn has gotten info right in the past (with moon), but how does he still have a huge following? I am SOO confused because they were behind the whole Henry Langham thing, which was proven false, but now it is like it never happened. Did anyone call them out on it? How reliable is he? And what does Codz think of Benn? One day I might finally ask the entire forum this question, but I don't know if it would go over well. It seems to me that PTG is somewhat of a taboo in the zombie community. Plus this happened a loooong time ago. And I hope I am not getting too off topic. I belive this is still relevant.
  4. If I'm not mistaken in the panel at COD xp Collin Ayers said that they named the Samantha character basically because the community after hearing that sound effect of the zombie scream decided it sounded like "sam" thus they named a character and started building around it Mhmm, they said that we at CoDz basically created the character because someone here posted asking who Sam was and that one of the Zombies was saying it, when that actually isn't true because the character was never thought of before that! CoDz ftw! So, the plot thickens... This makes me wonder, if Sam was created by Codz, then who did Treyarch originally have in mind to be the controller of the zombies? Or was this entire concept of a controller created from fan speculation? Which makes me wonder, how far ahead does Treyarch plan for the zombies storyline? I made a post about this earlier, but I get so confused on how far they are in the storyline. For Example- the CotD lighthouse in Der Riese. Was that an idea that came to fruition in BO or was this map set in stone from WAW at the start?
  5. With the advent of the newest trailer, it seems to me that Billy “Handsome” (Ray Liotta) will play a big role in the zombie storyline. It is interesting to note that the trailer takes place from his perspective. Maybe he is not the main character, but from the trailer he seems to have some importance. Also, he is a psychopath! "A psychopath employed by the mob to kill people in interesting ways." — Executive Producer Dan Blundell Along with Samuel and Richtofen, those who are in some way, shape, or form mentally disturbed play a significant role in the storyline; due to their susceptibility to hear/ be influenced by the voices. Will Billy be hearing the voices? Is he the key to the alternative easter egg, if there is one? What do you think? Also, in the trailer, it says he was convicted for 116 counts of murder. That is an oddly specific number and even weirder that it is not 115. In Finn's newspaper clpping it says he is wanted for 16 counts of gambling fraud. Why 16? http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Billy_Handsome Update- I think it is interesting to note that in the intro cinematic , Billy’s cell was completely dark. I think this speaks to his character.
  6. Don't worry, I will rage quit after this thread is done, like any true gentleman should. Anyway, Even though the subject matter of the songs may be the zombies or the O4, I thought the "singer" was the anouncer. I thought each song (except Not Ready to Die or Carry On) was from the anouncer's perspective. This always bothers me. How much does Treyarch know of what direction they are going with the Zombie Storyline ahead of time? Like the Legendary MP4 for WAW, Der Riese Crawler Picture, Der Riese CoTD picture,and most recently when Trejo and Rooker came to work with Treyarch for some unknown project. But this project was waaaaay before MP1 was released and before the actual release of BO2. Does Treyarch have a general idea of where the story will go or are they really planning that far ahead? I am sorry, you lost me here. I am a little confused on what you mean.
  7. I can't believe that I have never noticed this before, but is it true that from the radios on Moon, Sam did not gain control of the MDT until after the events at Verruckt? Excluding the "Sam" version of the demonic voice, there are some things that still baffle me. If Sam isn't the controller than 1. Whose perspective is Lullaby for A Dead Man from? 2. Why do the zombies say "Sam" when the attack you ( They may even in Nacht if I remember correctly)? 3. What about the [her] teddy bear ( I know it was featured in previous CODs)? 4. Why is "Eddy is a liar" is written on the wall?
  8. Yeah, that is quite interesting. This is a LONG stretch but, could that mean the Avragado is one of the Mobsters lost in time?
  9. I noticed that too! I would place it with the timeline of MotD, but it seems to contradict other findings. I would say that the "stock market" phrase in the picture would be the hint towards the next map EXCEPT the "film reel" preview from Die Rise is not present in this picture. So, it wouldn't be the loading screen for MoTD and therefore, the stock market clipping wouldn't be the hint for the next map. But, I could be wrong. If it really is the next hint towards a map, are we actually going back in time now?
  10. These lyrics make me think the inmates going to escape the island to only die or somehow get put back on the island to forever be trapped in "purgatory".
  11. That is right, he does speak. My guess would be that the more "evolved" zombies posses some abillity to speak. Most likely very simple phrases ( Although, Romero is an exception). The other zombies do say words when attacking, but never full sentences. OR, the zombies could posses speech because they are BEING possessed. "Sam" anyone?
  12. There is one thing that baffles me. In this picture released yesterday- http://gyazo.com/8970eb2314ff5187df7e46a1e61b3200 You can see the phrase "Wall Street In Panic As Stocks Crash". But that was in 1929. Is this an old newpaper clipping or what? I would say that this phrase in the picture would be the hint towards the next map EXCEPT the "film reel" from Die Rise is not present. So, it wouldn't be the loading screen. What do you guys think?
  13. Thanks for posting this! It made my night! At the end, is that Elena Siegman?
  14. Interesting... Sins like- Blowing up the Earth? ( Although in all fairness they were tricked) Murdering all your wives? Killing your family for insolence? Extracting revenge and torturing individuals via newfound supernatural powers? Is purgatory the place where th O4 have to make up for their own personal sins? Is that why they are there?
  15. Maybe, that would make sense, but wasn't the name refering to Sam? She was in a cryogenic type state and the term "slumber-party" usually refers to a child's sleep over party.
  16. Sorry if this has been posted before. I couldn't find an mention of this so I think I am alright, but again sorry if this is old-hat. Anyway, I am wondering if the Easter Egg revolves around Purgatory and the O4. What if, sometime after moon the O4 became trapped in an ethereal state( via teleportation) winding up in what we know as Purgatory? And now, it is up to our Mobsters to free them. Any thoughts?
  17. I was guesing that he would return in another Five styled map. Maybe it would continue the JFK storyine? But what do you think about Rooker and Trejo?
  18. Do I smell an easter egg, perhaps? It sounds like an odd feature, but I am assuming this is going to have some significance. On a side note... I started to watch this, am I going to die?
  19. The red eyes fit in perfectly with the whole “horror theme”. As we said above, the colored eyes symbolize that the zombies are being controlled. Remember how the EMP “disabled” the zombies in TranZit? They become completely mindless and simultaneously their eye color disappears i.e. they are not acting as a unit, meaning they are not being “possessed”. Now back to my theory, The red eyed zombies are PURE zombies. Along with the whole connotation with red being an evil color, these zombies appear to be pre-Samantha. This would mean the MDT is pure, as no human has made contact with and entered the MDT yet (well as far as we know). Therefore, it is most likely that the zombies are being controlled by the Vril Demon. While Sam and Richtofen were controlling the MDT, bits and pieces of their personality/humanity remained. But without a human, all that is left is the demonic essence. This would make the zombies "completely evil". I personally believe these zombies will be highly aggressive, chaotic, and violent. This would also add the whole horror theme of the map, as the zombie’s behavior and controller is pure evil.
  20. I know. That was my question "Are the perk beverages canon?". I have seen posts and storylines refering them as canon to the story.
  21. i think our perks will be in cans not bottles,and i dnt think the perks contained alchol,what led u2 believe that Some of the quotes by the characters when they drink the perks refer to an alcoholic taste. I will try to find them.
  22. If the map takes place in the 1920s- early 30s( Before the 21st amendment) how would some of the perks contain alcohol? Unless Alcatraz is a secret zombie testng facility (proto-935?), how would the perks fit into the storline? Especially the ones containing alcohol. Are we going to have moonshine/Bootlegged Perks? Even if the perks aren't canon to the storyline, I think that that would stll be funny to add.
  23. The quote about the "banishing" I think is Marlton referring to himself. Established by the first two quotes, Marlton is either not well liked by his superiors , not taken seriously by his superiors, or found out information he should not have known at Nuketown. This resulted in him being the "The odd man out" which, may have been a good thing considering the outbreak and all. Marlton seems like he has to prove something, he may have an inferiority complex and or a grudge towards his fellow workers/superiors. I think you are on to something!
  24. That would make a really interesting map/game mode! Although, I honestly feel the original four would be on Richtofen’s side. I know that in Moon they vowed to get revenge on Richtofen and Sam is currently in Richtofen’s body but, I have a strange feeling they would somehow wind up with Richtofen again. There is something about Maxis that makes me think he might be worse than Richtofen. Besides Samuel, I feel the new crew has more of a connection to Maxis than the O4. Just like the TranZit crew, we are finally getting to know Maxis more than before. He is being integrated into the story’s foreground, while we are simultaneously getting used to the TranZit group. It is almost as if he is a new character. I am assuming part of my reasoning comes from the fact that Richtofen is a fan-favorite so; he will be in the spotlight more than Maxis would. The original four (well really 3) have more chemistry with Richtofen. It would seem more natural to see them with Richtofen. Once again, I am not saying that they will be doing this willingly. Anyway back to Grief. Before anyone reads this, I want to state that this is most likely not going to happen, but I thought it would be a fun thing to write down. (Nonsense inc.) What if the O4 somehow wind up with Richtofen and the TranZit guys side with Maxis but, with a twist? What if it comes down to a fight for Samantha/Richtofen? Maxis wants his daughter but, Richtofen wants his body back (because he wants to leave the MDT before he is consumed by darkness).Although, that would imply that O4 are physically down a man which, would mean they need a 4th member for their team (5th guy in Kino anyone?). And, I would assume Maxis would not be happy to see his daughter in Richtofen’s body but, he could be working on a solution. OR Samuel joins Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo, while Samantha joins Russman, Misty, and Marlton? This is definitely a stretch but, I enjoyed typing it!
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