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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. GRILL


    quite interesting indeed and always, killer support from the PINNAZ himself.
  2. wow I logged in to literally make a thread like this, and HERE IT IS. nice yob Shooter, per always. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first I actually thought Livingstone's tweet was alluding towards "Rathmore" (not "Rathmullan"). Rathmore has a railway station that has been open for quite some time. After hearing rumours/allusions towards a Steam Engine, I immediately gravitated towards Rathmore. But now that I look at the maps, Rathmullan makes a lot more sense. Clearly we can see that Rathmullan & Kerrykeel are quite close by. They are both along R247, which as DeadMike said is a road/highway. Another road/highway is known as the "Military Road" or R115 Several bunkers were built along the "Military Road", which in my mind could play out in another TranZit scenario. Military roads were built to help secure British military control over remote areas. (the mentioning of R115 is more of a fun fact than anything else, I don't actually think it'll play into the game in any way) @Way: awesome point bringing up Carrowmore. I always thought it was super interesting the different types of tombs created there. Carrowmore's one of the 4 major "passage tomb"'s of Ireland, I'll have to look into the others.
  3. Too true. I'd go as far to say there are more campers in Core then there are in Hardcore. I'm a run and gunner by trade, and that's why I love playing Hardcore - PEOPLE DO NOT EXPECT THE RUN AND GUNNER. The key is to move without fear, to take cover where ever you can, and to LEARN from your deaths/mistakes. Undead was not lying about the camera jerking towards the direction of the enemy fire that brought you down. Use that to your advantage. If you can't CLEARLY see the enemy in the open - go by logic (i.e. "oh okay, he must have shot through that window") If you are getting killed by someone camping, consider not traveling the same way you have been. Many people get into a "pack mentality" mode and stay with the group, go the ways they know. WRONG. Go the road less traveled. Be a lone wolf. Move. Camp a bit. Move. Camp a bit. The key is restraint, and a little bit of balls. Get a gun with Quick Draw and ADS often. Get used to ADS every time you go around a corner, it'll save your life. Once you've found that you can "go the road less traveled", consider your enemy that is in the pack mentality. Consider the obvious spots. Press start to look at your map, are your teammates there? No? Well then it's the enemy. You don't need a mini map, you don't need killcams, you don't need to get 5-9 hit markers - you just need to learn the damn map. People are habits of repetition, exploit that.
  4. wooooops, my bad. all set. typically you have to play several more games after reaching rank 55 on prestige 11 to be given prestige master - but i'm not sure if that transfers over to elite or not. regardless, you're there!
  5. bump for C4 video now working on mobile (had to choose new music). Q0XQyaT4hDI CODZ - SEND ME YOUR VIDEOS. I WANT TO SEE YOU KILL STUFF WITH STUFF.
  6. @verrukt, slappamedoo, ninjanick: ALL SET! keep 'em coming, CODZ!
  7. welcome to the forum spartica! post as much as possible, challenge yourself, and have fun!
  8. no apologies needed - I'm the one who brought us off topic! lol. but I'll see your "off topic" and raise you an "on topic" : Remember how many hardcore game modes were in WaW? At least 6. MOAR HAHHHD COOORR-AH!
  9. YES. nice find. Tac will be pleased. viewtopic.php?f=69&t=22842
  10. I don't think it would conflict with user videos, because all videos will be approved - right? Maybe I'm not getting what your saying... Yes 5 seconds is key. I'm going to use a couple of examples from my post above, but this time provide some context: This one has blue electricity, similar to Richtofen's - I think it could work great. Also take note that the logo displays well by the 5 second mark. TkRJY3ryeY4 This one has the orange/black feel of TranZit & BO 2's color scheme in general. Logo is displayed well by the 3 second mark. AGEUHlCwRMM Those are the 2 most relevant intro's I could pick out of the bunch I gave. In terms of differentiating videos, whoever is loading to Youtube could simply put text in for the title/series/episode. We could all agree on a font that is CODZ-ish and use that (hopefully this has already been thought out before and someone can just pop in and say "gothic bold" or something )
  11. well hopefully they will get rid of the nuketown moshpit playlist now that it's available for everyone. this will free up some space, and who knows? perhaps we'll get some sweet HC lovin'. ... I'd love some drop zone lovin' - but I doubt we'll see that until COD '13. Speaking of which - did y'all hear the rumour that the next COD will be developed by Neversoft? If that's the case, maybe we will be able to play guitars and skateboard while shooting people.
  12. damn you tempting micro transactions!!!
  13. Alright Crimson - you're on the list!!!! Finally we get some photo proof. Nothing to be ashamed of at all! Just camp a little and you can get that k/d to 1.0 - I believe in you.
  14. wow - Gearbox released skins for 80ms points. I wouldn't pay a penny more for such superficial things. I may be bitter because I was a "care package edition" pre-order, but for f***'s sake we should be getting this shit for free - or AT LEAST earning it through elite. It's an absolute shame and personally I think it's disgusting how they've bled us dry. But hell I mean... I still play... :evil:
  15. man do I hear you. Hardcore is where it's at, I'm so glad they have HC Kill Confirmed - but I'd love domination, HQ, hell anything. What it really comes down to is server space and money. I remember when Drop Zone* was yanked from the MW3 playlist, it took them a little while to get it back on because they literally had to create space. I'm not exactly sure how it works - but there are a finite amount of playlists. To add in one would be to take out another. I also remember reading a Vahn quote in which he said that they would be monitoring which playlists received the most activity, and which didn't. Whether or not this will AMOUNT to any change is beyond me. *speaking of Drop Zone, man I wish they'd add it in. Hardpoint is a'ight - but I miss the care packages, it was a really great concept. Also getting 20 points per second really helps ye olde scoree.
  16. apres vous la creme... (one of my favourite Hans Landa quotes) welcome to CODZ! If you're looking for teammates, hit up the Teammate Finder: viewforum.php?f=13 If you have any questions towards the zombies storyline, one of our members (MMX) has created quite a detailed account: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=18279 We're glad to have you!
  17. okay - well chopper made that intro, and he just stated above it's not high quality enough and that he doesn't have the time to work on it. This is going to continue to go nowhere if we don't try something new. Sometimes you just have to eat your babies. But I'm not saying we scrap the custom intro... We could get the most fitting intro, and then work on a custom one in the meantime. We officially cannot put content out unless we have an HQ intro. At the moment, our custom HQ intro is in development. Do we really want another DLC to go by unmentioned? It's been said above, but I'll say it again to demonstrate my point: the last video is how to pre-order nuketown zombies. there is NO content from Black Ops 2. Shouldn't we fix that as soon as possible? It is literally an intro away.
  18. Couldn't have said it better myself. ahhhh little libraries. how i love thee. i must indulge, and then respond intelligently. just wanted to get some verbal-brains out there!
  19. GRILL


    welcome to CODZ thatgaminguy! if you're looking for teammates, have a peek at our Teammate Finder: viewforum.php?f=13 If you'd like any info on where the storyline is at, I'd have a look at MMX's fantastic thread: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=18279 Regardless - challenge yourself, post as much as possible, and have fun!
  20. Thanks PINNAZ. I'll add this to the top. I'm working on a bunch of new info for this thread :mrgreen:
  21. Totally understandable. Here's what I propose: For $10 - $20, we can buy a "stock" intro that will be very high quality. All it really requires is 20 members donating $1. If that is a problem, I'll donate the money myself. Here is a great site for youtube intros: http://www.intromaker.net/catalog.php Here are my favorites: (the logo at the end would obviously be the CODZ logo. Also keep in mind we can ditch the audio and come up with a theme, or a EE song, or whatever. nSISUDNGdZo 067ejaF4Okk TkRJY3ryeY4 ponu4392iZE AGEUHlCwRMM MdAejjv_iA0 ZpQb7lTLk9Y R2eZ8ONRcF4 Regardless - youtube is all about being timely. If we are not timely, we will lose the fan base that we have - 800+ subscribers took a long time to build I'm sure. Obviously the best solution would be a 100% custom intro, but I feel like that's just not a possibility. It's been YEARS and we still haven't come up with something we're happy about - so why not just get a stock intro? we could have a poll vote for which intro(s) we like the best.
  22. ... Could a staff member sticky this thread? Please? This.
  23. shall I do "Killin' Stuff with Claymores" next then? :mrgreen:
  24. alright DontTouchMyVodka, you're in there! nah aren't bad, man. half the times the lag comp makes things unfair anyway. if you don't already - play MOAR hardcore, helps with ye olde kd...e.
  25. Fated - this is a fantastic resource. Thanks for providing this. Also, it's good to see you around the forums again! I wanna see MOAR.
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