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Everything posted by Tridalo

  1. Hitmarkers every time, I'm unloading into them way before they even start shooting me, and they shoot me twice maybe 3 times and I die. That's not an aim issue. Also I do have it set to best and I still get games where there are 3 bars all around no one has 4.
  2. 1.) Skull with knife, 4 slashes. No blue eyes. 2.) Highest Recorded 27 with 4 people. A friend and I got a 30+ but randumbs left and it didn't save to leaderboards. 3.) Nope 4.) Yes 5.) No, I haven't played grief yet. 6.) Depends on your definition of gone down. I've had my slash marks drop but the whole icon changed as well. See below. 7.) It was after a game with a friend that is all I know. It was a blue eyed normal skull with 5 slashes, then after the game it dropped down to a skull with a knife on it with 4 slashes and no blue eyes. 8.) Maybe, I thought I saw something that looked similar to it when a friend that had completed the EE spun the box but I wasn't paying close enough attention so not 100%
  3. Standard game? You mean public because custom matches do not count toward leaderboards. If you do have a leaderboard round rank from custom matches I would like to see proof you started in a custom match and ended in a custom match with your round leaderboard counting.
  4. I went back in theater mode and watched it, they didn't throw emp grenades at the machines. What I did notice though is when one of them quit, they put their gun in the pap machine and quit instantly. Don't know if that is why the pap machine stopped working but if it is, that wouldn't explain the perks.
  5. Me and a friend were playing yesterday in public and after the other two people dropped out we had a very unusual glitch. We couldn't pack-a-punch or buy perks. It said "You must turn the power on". Now the perk machines were lit up and had their little jingle playing as did the pap machine but we couldn't use them. This ended up lasting the rest of the game, the last randumb left at round 11 where it glitched and we failed at 28. What causes this to happen because this isn't the first time we've had it happen, although it is the first time we've had it happen for that long of a period. Before it would only be the pap machine and only last like two rounds but this never went away and affected perks and the pap machine.
  6. I got it in custom and have it in both custom and public games so I don't know. For my friend he got it in public and has it in public but doesn't have it in custom.
  7. For kills and such yes however rounds do not count. Trust me, a friend and I constantly do 2 player custom matches hoping one of them finally catches on the leaderboards but nope. So if as of right now if you say custom match round leaderboards work at all, I would like to see some sort of evidence that you started in a custom match, and at the end of it your round leaderboards updated.
  8. I had the blue eyed skull since the 5th day of release. Today it switched over from blue eyed, to normal skull with a knife behind it.
  9. I do think Misty's "clothes" I use the term clothes loosely considering the fact that her upper body is basically fully revealed and clothes cover up, are a big indicator that TranZit isn't set in the 60's. Women back in the 60's had some decency to cover up compared to women these days.
  10. Metal boards being luck based? Uhh I really don't know how to respond to that. Either way, I have tested both in a solo game and in a public match I no longer put up wooden boards of course in both tests I was Russman again so I really don't know, I could keep trying until I get someone else but the game seems to like to put me as Russman. You build a board. You have a RANDOM chance of it being wood or metal. Yes? No? Maybe? Oh ok, sorry I guess I didn't follow but I no longer put up wooden boards. If it was random wouldn't I still put up wood ones?
  11. Metal boards being luck based? Uhh I really don't know how to respond to that. Either way, I have tested both in a solo game and in a public match I no longer put up wooden boards of course in both tests I was Russman again so I really don't know, I could keep trying until I get someone else but the game seems to like to put me as Russman.
  12. I don't quite understand what you are saying to be quite honest.
  13. Yes but when a friend of mine boarded a window his was wood. I reboarded the same window and it was metal scraps. Unless its different for each character I think there is something else at play here. If it matters he was Misty and I was Russman. We had a third but they disconnected.
  14. People say if you listen that you can hear voices in the shelter and that one of the voices is Marlton. Personally I couldn't pick him out but I don't have that good of hearing as it is.
  15. Must be a glitch or something because I ran with 4 randoms got past my highest on normal farm survival with 4 people. 1 of them left and it didn't count for me.
  16. My boards are metal, I've already stated this. However they break like normal wooden boards. So I don't know if there is one higher than this scrap metal I have currently but yeah they break like wooden boards on the bus at least. I will go now and test a normal window but on the bus they look like wooden boards with metal edges and break as quickly as normal wood.
  17. The deadshot-like perm you'll know you have because no matter where you shoot a zombie their head explodes. So if you really want to test it get down to one last zombie, and keep shooting the lower body or just anywhere that isn't the neck or head area. If the head explodes you got it, if not keep trying. I do know when I saw my flash of light for the deadshot-like perk I didn't get a double headshot, I killed a crawler to finish the round. So I really don't know if there are different ways to obtain it but I do know that I killed a crawler with a headshot using the 3 round burst pistol from the bus when the flash of light appear for that.
  18. As I stated unless it has a different effect on normal zombie windows, the windows on the bus destroyed at the same speed.
  19. Into "hitmarkers", its slogan? "You will get massive amounts of hitmarkers, but your enemy will kill you in two bullets." Its like they were trying to compete with IW to make the worst possible multiplayer and 3arch seems to have pulled it off.... oh well at least the zombie side is decent as is campaign.
  20. I haven't watched it long enough at normal zombie windows, but on the bus we repaired two windows side by side and let zombies pull at them. One his repair, one mine. They destroyed the windows at the same time.
  21. My friend noticed it today and I hadn't. Anyway, whenever I rebuild the barriers of something outside the bus, apparently I rebuild them with what look like metal scraps, where as my friend still has basic wood. On the bus rebuilding barriers I have what looks like wood with metal edges. Now I don't know if I am just seeing things but there is a distinct difference in what I rebuild the windows with and my friend rebuilds them with. Is this another of those "prema-perks" or is it just a visual upgrade because the zombies pull of the barriers at the same speed.
  22. Don't think so I've had the green burst for the quick revive thing and my rank stayed the same with the blue eyed skull.
  23. Long story short me and a friend decided to do a public match since custom games don't count. We got paired up with two morons to say the least. They both left at round 5. We ended up getting to 33. And it doesn't count because those punks left. Why would Treyarch do this stupid crap? I mean my friend now has a high of round 5 with 4 people due to the fact that Treyarch made it so where people leave that is where the leaderboards mark. Is there a way to do a public match with just 2 people? If so how because this leaderboard crap just irritated me to the point where I don't want to touch zombies for awhile.
  24. Tridalo

    Two questions.

    1. When selecting Green Run, you can select Tranzit/Bus depot, town and farm. What is the last area in the Green Run area? It looks like the diner. Do you have to do anything special to unlock it? 2. Are leaderboards completely disabled in custom games or just like round based leaderboards?
  25. I've only played it twice. First time around we built the turbine in the beginning room and it kicked two of us out for no reason at all. The other two were just fine but two of us got kicked out with no error message and unable to rejoin. The 2nd time I played it we got a bit further to the stop immediately after the first area. All in all its good but eh, I'll wait for final judgement once I see the whole map.
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