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Everything posted by Tridalo

  1. I apologize if this isn't allowed but I'm seeing some spoilers on here, not much but I'm kinda assuming this is allowed and I apologize if it isn't once again.. Anyway, unless I'm deaf or something were the names of the 4 tranzit characters said? Because me and a friend have been playing since midnight basically, and we haven't heard any mention of the tranzit character names.
  2. Carrion is an actual word. It means dead or decayed flesh of a dead animal. It can also mean a dead or rotting human body.
  3. Needs more zombie slender... or just slender himself... Slendy where are you...
  4. Welp based on what I have seen, I will be having my TV muted if any moron activates the song. I do not need nor want a headache induced by robot sex sounds.
  5. I took part of your post that made sense. Seeing as how the two new perks took the colors of the older perks. Tombstone looks grey and deadshot was grey. Stamin-up was orange and that other one is clearly orange. Just basing it off that alone, I'd say they were gone. However The tombstone one looks like a darker grey so deadshot may be safe. However stamin-up may not due to the fact that new one is the same color as stamin-up's color. I mean unless they decide to change the color of stamin-up, then basing it off color alone, stamin-up got replace. Of course this is all speculation based on perk color which isn't much of a base to begin with seeing as how we have two shades of green, a regular green in speed cola and an olive green in mule kick.
  6. I will play the multiplayer once I know that some of the issues I posted in a topic I made are fixed. If I don't get any confirmation at all, then I guess no multiplayer for me.
  7. While I didn't play mutliplayer much mainly because of these issues. If any info was released on these issues being fix, please let me know. 1. Joining a game just as it ends. So many times I join in just to see the end score screen, why are you even allowed to join these games? 2. Joining games where the game is going to be decided with in a few points or kills. Self explanatory, once again why were you thrown into games like this. 3. Team stackers. To put it simple, Baddy Mcbad and his crew of baddies went around and stomped on randoms. Why don't they throw teams like that against other teams. Its stupidity. 4. Unloading bullets into people, getting hitmarkers, them not dying and killing you in two bullets. So many times I'd put bullets in Baddy McBad who was sitting there sniping way away from anything. I'd unload into him. Nothing, he'd turn around and shoot me with a pistol. 5. Second Chance, hated it, so many baddies. and finally. 6. Perverted emblems. While I know emblem maker is in, they need some sort of approval process because I really don't need or want to see male genitals, animal sex, girls getting things done to them by animals, boobs, or just a female bend over while I play. Maybe if those people left the safety of their mother's basement they wouldn't rely on pixels to get their jollies off.
  8. I don't play multiplayer that much however, really they brought back emblem creator? Now every pervert in the land can remake their perverted emblems. I shouldn't have to go into a game and see male genitals, animals doing other animals, or a naked female in any form just because some idiot can't control the thing in their pants or because they can't get a real girl. They better have a way to turn off the emblems for other people, its really annoying having to report 3+ people every game because little jimmy can't control his little jimmy.
  9. Its a "what if" question. I never said they were the old ones, and yes its hard to accept that the old ones are no where to be seen but this was a "what if" question. It wasn't meant to be taken that seriously, I just wanted to know based on what we know of all the characters which new character just based on their looks would the old ones choose. That's it, no need to go on a "you just can't accept the old ones are gone" rant.
  10. First let me say if something like this was mentioned in the leaks I apologize in advance but I've never seen them. Until I came to this forum I didn't even know there were leaks so yeah. Also if this is the wrong section I apologize again. Lets say hypothetically the old characters got new bodies or "possessed" these new characters. Based on what we have seen who do you think would fit each character if the new body or possession thing is true. Now besides Sam being Bimbo chick, the others I really can't put into the bodies except Dempsey being mustache. So thoughts?
  11. So they reused cars. I mean they are just cars, I don't get the big deal over them reusing cars but whatever.
  12. To be fair they didn't show the other guy at all after watching it again, unless you count a shot of his back and someone loading a gun which was either mustache or him as showing him.
  13. It could be a zombie, it probably is, but until we get an actual evidence of it, I am still thinking that maybe this electric zombie is just the after math of a wunder weapon. Could be that thing we saw at the end that looked like a bigger version of the thundergun.
  14. There is bimbo. Hipster I saw a guy with a mustache Then there was someone else but you only saw his back from what I remember.
  15. Does it matter? To an extent it does because instead of focusing on gameplay aspects everyone is like "omg that girl is hot" "That girl is hot" "Look at her she's hot". People if you get out of your basements and raised your standards beyond gutter trash, then you'd see alot more "hot" girls and not ones that are just easy on your eyes but "hot" all around.
  16. So basically what you are saying is most men think with the head in their pants instead of the one on their shoulders? Gee I didn't know that, thank you captain obvious. Also if it looks like a slut, it is a slut.
  17. Really? I thought that happened to everyone. I thought everyone had an electrical monster that lurked in their walls waiting for a switch. Anyway, honestly in my eyes, that looks like it could be a zombie, or it could be the after math of an electrical weapon. Maybe the wunderwaffe is returning, its a stretch but yeah that's just my opinion.
  18. Let me remind you that is an opinion. Personally I think she looks like a gutter trash slut who the zombies would be running from for fear of an STD. lol she isn't that bad. Really? Because I've seen girls that are dressed exactly like her that "work" street corners for a price.
  19. Let me remind you that is an opinion. Personally I think she looks like a gutter trash slut who the zombies would be running from for fear of an STD.
  20. She looks to be average. I mean she looks like the average girl these days. Don't know about you but I find it more attractive or as kids these days say "hot" when women wear clothes that actually COVER the body, adds more to the ending when you finally reveal them. But nope instead women these days show off basically the whole package for attention.. Anyway, I don't know this new crew is reminding me of left 4 dead for some reason. Don't know if its the 3 guys, 1 girl thing or what, but I am getting major left 4 dead vibes the more times I watch the trailer.
  21. You can see speed cola in the trailer. So there are perks, or at least speed cola.
  22. Pretty sure each area isn't more difficult, it's just the trailer making it look more difficult and more exciting. It could be more difficult, like each different location emblem could be the equivalent of a certain round like in regular zombies.
  23. Well this could be the campaign that people are talking about. I'm almost 100% sure they wouldn't remove the classic rounded mode. Its probably there but they wanted to highlight the campaign since its new and all.
  24. Trailer was awesome. It did leave me with more questions than answers though which I suppose is ok since it all shouldn't be revealed. However two things I thought they should have told us or at least hinted at was A. What happened to the old crew and B. Who is this new crew and how did they survive the rockets from moon?
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