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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. At this point I not only suspect a final DLC tranzit map, but maybe every DLC. I want to have my o4 back, and that would be niiiiiice treyarch. I think they will return as playable eventually but well just have to wait until DLC 1. I still need to get a season pass but im just too lazy. But nuketown zombies... And elena hinted at a return, So maybe she will do the music for an upcoming O4 map? Every map to not feature the O4 has had a non-Elena song, like five, tranzit, and CotD. So if she is going to return it will certainly be following our heroes!!
  2. Knife someone off the balcony after they spin the box and block the doorway with a pal. Trolling level: 9001.
  3. Eeerm, i'm not the person who complained about it first of all, i just had a friend who had to restart his system because of it so that's how i know what it's like. No need to take offense, but people are having issues and just because you aren't doesn't mean everyone else is to :/ I was just joking around as usual. No need to take anything I say to heart. Don't mind me; If you see a rainbow signature just keep on scrolling. If I find out that my friends have had problems they fixed I will let you know in case anyone neesd a bit of advice.
  4. And yet despite all these hints and connections you think it just means a car?? Great topic and thanks for the shoutout. dun inspired mine so SHOUTOUT DUNBY! :D
  5. Hey guys, I have been putting off making this for a while but then I saw a group of people directly mentioning the theme I had in mind in a discussion so I thought what the hell, why not. Anyway here us my zombie's theme theory and his it will most likely present itself in the future. I have two ways if wording this theme. One is simpler, and the other is more directly related to the games. "...The enemy of my enemy is my friend..." -Captain price THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS In almost every aspect if zombies these themes are present. While not necessarily TWO evils, all of the original four were in some way evil. All of them having killed loads of people. However, despite obvious racial prejudice between the four groups involved in WWII, they fight the zombies side by side, conquering an evil greater than them. While maxis may have been working for nazis and performing cruel experiments resulting in loads of innocent lives being wasted, he works his hardest to thwart richtofen on moon along side the O4. No matter how bad he might have been he battled the will of he who conspired and helped to weaken the greater evil. As shown by quotes, and the analyzed lyrics of Easter egg songs, AND hints from treyarch, but most importantly the whispering voices, we know that richtofen not only is under the control of some malevolent force, but that he is remorseful about his actions and wants to break free. This shows that he may be evil for all he did, but would rectify it at once and destroy his "captors", defeating the greatest evil of all thus far. whether it be aliens, Satan, vril people, or some other evil creature, they reign as the supreme evil, even over richtofen. as you can see, nearly every aspect of the story involves the lesser evil redeeming themself by fighting against a greater evil. While very vague, it seems apparent that richtofen will look to find a way to eliminate the voices and undo the damage he has caused. Naturally this will likely be through Easter eggs. Has anyone ever seen "HELLRAISER 3?" in it the main antagonist occasionally flashes back to his oral human self to instruct the main character how to destroy both halves of him once and for all, this overcoming his initial evil and destroying an even greater one. I believe something to this effect will happen in future black ops zombie's, so keep a eye out or the theme and let me know what you think. Peace people.
  6. What is the sound glitch? The only things I've gotten are the occasional freeze and "Waiting for more players to balance teams". Everything else becomes mute and you just hear this weird stuttering sound...it's pretty hard to explain. Neither I nor anyone I know have seen this... Are you sure you don't want me to perform an elexorcism on your system? My game has been pretty much bug free, to the point where I can't even remember any u encountered because if how negligible they are.
  7. Sorry but this has been brought up loads of times already. The dunbarian started up with green run ideas months ago. Still, that doesn't stop it from being true.
  8. Can it be-- video game-ception? Sweet find dude. I had a feeling this would be here like you said, and great job finding it.
  9. Im going to get around to fixing this thread up in the next 24 hours guys. Thank you all for participating and providing feedback!
  10. You can do it with me and two other site bronies in a week! I'm down bro. Busy this week though, but... SOON. I wish every Easter egg had a solo variant that gives the same achievement.
  11. On town I pack a punched the HAMR like five times. The first time it costs 5000 and turned to SLDG HAMR. Then the next upgrade cost 2000 and put on ACOG. The next was 3000 I believe, and gave it another attachment, and so on. I don know if there is a limit, or why it didn't work for you, but you can pack a punch many times.
  12. I had a dream last night that I was mr robo bus guy. I accidentally crashed through the front of a grocery store and zombies were durroubding my disabled bus. It was pitch black outside. I fought into the store using a flanethrowet wonder weapon called "the vorkuta." interesting... Anyway, this gave me an idea for a new tranzit map. It is an easy coast USA suburbia. There are four areas which are... The starting area, which is a bus stop on the corner of a street. You can't enter any buildings here but it is medium sized. Next is a small shopping center. You can go into various small stores and around the parking lot. Next is around the block at a big supermarket. The parking lot is mostly demolished and the inside is cluttered but HUGE. Then is a residential cul de sac which allows you to enter several houses and explore them in their entirety. What I like the most about this is sort of why I like the feel of green run. Treyarch kept trying to think of clever locations for us to fight in, but in the end the real fear and excitement comes when you bring the horror home. :twisted:
  13. WELL ALLOW ME TO RETORT!! Disclaimer: I am probably about to sound like a jackass so forgive me. I know this is like the millionth post you've seen about this game but I plan on defending it. Ive seen way to many people complaining about some of the DETAILS of the game. I want to point out some things: -Treyarch is doing the best they can. We wanted bigger maps, more challenging, we got it. We got one large map. Think of it as three small sized maps that were expanded upon in a new mode. The way it looks to me is three point five maps, with tranzit being the point five. -Treyarh listened to our ideas. We move on a bus like some people wanted, we have stronger weapons, less snipers, more RAYGUN (ive gotten it a ton of times and ive only played a few times), and melee items (not what we may have specifically wanted but they did give us the riot shield and Galvaknuckles) We do not have stronger weapons. In BO1 we could get more than a raygun on every map except for CoTD and Five. We have galvaknuckles, the HAMR, RPD, and nearly all of the pistols and low-power weapons are much better, with full auto and burst fire and better damage. And quite a few more... -We now have 2 difficulties for playing, Easy and Normal. Like we needed an easy mode for zombies? Seriously bro? I'm sorry but this one is just.... Just.... Ignorant. I'm sorry but Not everyone is a pro! It is for beginners! Not everyone played WaW or even black ops 1 zombies. The high and mighty would do well to give the less fortunate a leg up now and then. -We can get perks and stuff without power (turbine) Whoop de doo. Lets put the power switch a mile away so people can just use an alternate source and make the challenge a moot point. The idea is that rather doing one hard task to get your perks and stuff you can perform an easier one. The negative side is that it eventually breaks and must be carried around. Whatever you do is based in your gameplay style. -We have musical easter eggs and a big easter egg again (the dubstep is a bit much; the big one has not been fully completed and is difficult and challenging for players) This music...how many people said they wanted dubstep again? And how many people hoped elena came back? Hmm, minority rules these days I guess. She has hinted at a return. Don't be disappointed yet. -FOG: DONT MISS THE BUS. PEROIOD. I don't know how this is a positive for them since as most agreed the fog in Cotd was a piece of crap and wished it would go away. It adds to the challenge and gives the player more choice and freedom. The point is that you can either take the much more dangerous route through the fog and be rewarded with the ability to move freely from the bus, access teleporters, etc. it is better than being stranded and waiting for the bus for ten minutes. -several different maps albeit small but still... There's several maps but not different. They're all the same big map. What he means is that you don't encounter the same obstacles or buildings and such from one survival map to the next. Whether they are UN the same geographical location or not is irrelevant. -4z4; 4 player couch co-op (ive only heard this works; i dont know that it does but it was said on an official article on zombies so if it doesnt wor...sorry) This is probably a positive for some. Correct. -MORE ZOMBIES=MORE MONEY To do what exactly? Get a ray gun and have literally no need to use the box anymore since as there isn't anything better? Then you might argue that using the box in kino is dumb because if you got the thundergun it would ruin the fun. -new zombies (gremlins and avogadro) Finally something more annoying than nova 6 crawlers, and a boss more annoying and useless than george and the cosmonaut combined. That is a bit of an exaggeration. He only attacks you, no perk theft. also he isn't that hard to kill and emp is an insta kill on him. He isn't that bad IF YOU KNOW HOW TO HANDLE HIM. -MORE ACHIEVEMENTS!!! Some people do love the trophy hunt. Correct.
  14. GUYS!! It's been literally three days since release and you are already up in arms. They always release updates after a week or two. Just chill. I think the ratio of "republicans who swore they would leave america if Obama won" to "republicans who actually left" is astronomical. Y'know why? Because even if you don't like him it's not like he's going to blow up the world, and people overcame their ignorance and realized that. Likewise, don't be like that with black ops 2. Im sure once you all get to know BOII zombies and after a few updates and maybe a DLC you will probably Be all over it. Just give it a chance. The world isn't coming to a screeching halt because a wonderweapon is impractical, or the Leaderboards in zombie's are buggy.
  15. :shock: Super-mega-spoiler alert: Yeah, as long as you didn't shoot him in the head he'll be fine. I shot him in the chest and legs. So you mean my 1337 Sn1P3R 5K11LS killed off mason for me?? :cry:
  16. I think your finger must have slipped, because that is one hell of a typo. Der riese* But yeah, it's a bit too small to read the text. Great work though OP!
  17. TranZit is the game mode. Green Run is the map. You can play TranZit on Green Run, or you can play Survival/grief in the sections, but it's still Green Run. I made the thread before that was found out, and it has already been mentioned in the above discussion. I guess I really should change the OP then... A good point was raised though! The old crew haven't returned in ANY form yet (except richie-poo) but he doesn't count anymore because of the whole king of the zombies thing... So the O4 are surely going to strike back with a vengeance in the next DLC or a later one.
  18. That is a good point MMX. The only wall gun or old gun I've PaP'd have been the MP5 which is still the mp115 kollider, and the ak74u is still the AK74-FU2
  19. I decided it would be more practical to just investigate in my own as a service to all of you, so here they are! Every pack a punched weapon and a basic description. I also included how pack a punching several times works if you need an explanation. It turns out I was wrong about how it works initially so check it out for me (and you I guess).
  20. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Kf1Iy5E6U Quite. :mrgreen:
  21. I love green run, so forgive me for defending it by trying to shoot down your points. 1. Lightning. It is really only hard to see in the fog, and even so streetlights, fire, and the blue eyes light your way, so it isn't so bad. 2. Like you said later, they wanted to appeal to the fans who requested oldies. If the gun is new to zombies (like modern warfare guns) I can't see how that is disappointing at all. 3. This is an opinion thing so I can't really say anything about it except that I personally love it all. 4. I'll cover this in a second. 5. Same. Wait a sec. 6. Same. 7. I'm not sure what you mean by this, but the revival of past guns seems to be reaching to the past effectively if that's what you mean. 8. Again just wait, I'll cover these all at once. 9. The guns feel awkward because you aren't used to using them (At least not in zombie's.) I felt the same but now it feels fine. As for your disappointment with the lack of maps, modes, and other stuff... In black ops we started with two normal maps and dead ops arcade. There was only one mode and no customization at all, and everyone loved it. Now we get three maps and TranZit which is basically an ubermap, three different modes, and custom modes, and you manage to complain about all of those things?!?! Come on dude. Just saiyan. That's my opinion, and while I disagree with yours I accept it. Even so I can't help but try and change it.
  22. Yeah he starts to say the power up name but starts choking and coughing, then he says "sorry I'm still getting used to the Aether!"
  23. You didn't include how to make the wormholes! When the power is on and a denzien is on you run under a street light and a wormhole appears. Make two and they form a passage. Wow, now treyarch is really thinking with portals!! Note that you can do it with no power on by putting a turbine next to the light.
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