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Status Replies posted by Slade

  1. We have some new Green faces! Finally some fresh meat to put through the grinder >:D

  2. The freshmeat has just rolled in - Boom and Slade. There is no escaping the hazing- I MEAN trials of acceptance. ;)

  3. Seeing as CODZ has reached it's donation goal for this month, we should give the UOTM that $0.10. He deserves it.

  4. Great to see the forum cost has been dramatically reduced. Well done staff. And we are almost paid for the month!

  5. Playing alot of Gears Of War lately :P

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGjkL_X70Dg I made a trailer for Waffe craft for anyone that wants to see...
  7. Heads up zombie slayers, Killing Floor is currently 80% off on Steam. It's a fantastic game and would recommend to all. Also, if you buy it you need to come play with Werf, Eye and myself ;)

  8. So, as of 4 hours ago, Steve has reclaimed No Man's Land.... 393 kills.

  9. Uncle Festo needs some help with the frontpage. If you're interested, please PM me. Thanks!

  10. Frontpage has been updated with new tidbits. ;)

  11. "new" engine, Troy Baker as protagonist, last-gen versions done by a different studio. Who knows, this cod might actually be a real gamechanger.

  12. Why do I see so many people write "der Reise" whent it should be written "der Riese"?

  13. Waffe-Craft is up for download! It's easy to use, fun, and it allows a whole new REALM of possibilities for custom zombies maps!

  14. Well, it finnaly happend I got Shotguns in Blops 2 after an awesome Die Rise game. Well deserved i think(:

  15. Dag-nab-it I will GET that tekkit topic stick-ied if it's the last thing I do!

  16. One year on CoDZ! Seems like so much longer. I've met so many great people here and have had a blast doing it!

  17. GG Paolo/Kieran. Too bad my cold and crazy lag spikes screwed me over near the end, ha.

  18. GG Paolo/Kieran. Too bad my cold and crazy lag spikes screwed me over near the end, ha.

  19. GG Paolo/Kieran. Too bad my cold and crazy lag spikes screwed me over near the end, ha.

  20. Anyone know where I could get the Loading Screen music for Solo Kino? Plays in the background while Richtofen speaks. I'm not sure if it's a unique piece or a short part of a song off the soundtrack. If anyone can help, that would be appreciated. :)

  21. Welp Ive hit the one week mark on this website. Time to grill a good steak and drink a nice glass of celebratory wine! ;)

  22. Mass Effect 1 completed ! 2nd time was even more fun !

  23. So how do you throw a space party? You Planet.

  24. I want to nom nom someone for my uotm !

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