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Everything posted by Slade

  1. Hmm. Fear. Ruva. Odin. Fear. Russ. Odin. Fear Russman's Odin? Now that's just ... wrong, Activision you. also first on that.
  2. It seems this section is in poor state and often overlooked, which is really a shame. So much creativity here. Anyway, keep up the good work. Both of you. And hopefully this'll get more attention as we venture through the off-season.
  3. Holy Schumacher Bat-Nipples. There is a LOT of juicy info, ideas and creativity here! Man, you're practically the only guy keeping this section alive. All by yourself (or is that, undead?) Kudos.
  4. Get some more creepy ambiance s---t in there. The map is great, but the atmosphere is still lacking. Let's hear some voices of people that aren't necessarily there anymore. Indicating that even in death, the horrors of war still live on. Sounds of the past; like what this place was before the war. People going to church, children playing. French gibberish on the streets. And then throw in some player-specific ones, like russian bar chatter for Nikolai or Japanese proverbs for Takeo. That way it can be speculated if anything abnormal the characters hear could just be them slowly losing their sanity. You know, Verruckt-style.
  5. As much as I love Steve, Fred, Nolan and Tom -- I don't want the 04 back. We've seen enough of them, they have outstayed their welcome. Time to begin anew and put all their focus on creating a good story with these new characters -- Samuel, Russman, Marlton and Misty. - Heather
  6. "Oh no! Something terrible is about to happen to Russman -- quick do nothing!" - M "Don't worry Russman, they're only after brains" - M "Maybe I can use this key to lock up that sassy little bitch, Marlton" - R "Stuhlinger's going down! And this time it's not even on Russman" - Misty hahahaha I love the chemistry between the N4. They need to come back. - Heather
  7. I feel like this Ranking System was created solely to differentiate players from one another (like Prestiges in MP). Something that was lacking prior to Black Ops 2, and something that is a really good idea in itself, but sadly it ended up as a wasted opportunity due to poor execution and implantation. Feedback is good. Especially negative feedback. (I haven't come across a single person that actually likes this whole Ranking thing). In my opinion, this is the perfect "Rank / Skill / Show Off" - System. Introduce, (weekly based) challenges - like the Contracts in BO1 - that can be anything from; 'get so many headshots with a certain weapon' to 'survive a specific amount of time within a zone in the map'. Completing these challenges, along with getting to high rounds / rising up in the (global) leaderboards would then grant you XP. Get enough and you can unlock icons like the Skull / Shotguns / Characters' Mugshots for your personal titlecard. Then on top of that have exclusive zombie-themed Calling Cards that can be unlocked by doing things like sidequests, challenges, et cetera. et cetera. Each individual Calling Card would have like 5 different levels attached that can each be unlocked. (Each with their own quote that relates back to the challenge completed) like Revive [bones level 1 -- revive someone 50 times] - Medic in Training. and then Revive [skull (max level) -- revive someone 1500 times] - Richtofen's Protégé. If you know Gears of War 3 -- you know what I'm talking about. Something as simple, yet effective as Z Calling Cards would have made the choice in Buried's Endgame a lot more interesting and rewarding. Imagine having two separate Cards for each path you took. Richtofen's Delight -- "Complete Richtofen's Quest for Control". Samantha's Desire -- "Revenge is a dish best served cold, mein Freund". and even one for completing all sidequests without ever touching the endgame. / Start Buried without having powered any towers. Out Of My Head! -- "I Am No One's Pawn". Sincerely, - Heather
  8. I was hoping to see other variables other than Downs / Rounds that would affect your rank. Like amount of revives, completing sidequests, how many times someone left a game, et cetera et cetera. Now what could have been a really rich and ingenious ranking system has been pretty much reduced to 'Look How Much Time This Guy Has On His Hands'-system. Oh well. - Heather
  9. The Rank is "live", it rises and falls based on how well you play overall. It is based on how many downs versus your final round. Low round downs count [against your?] ___ in later rounds." - Heather
  10. Of course, reviving your teammates. I.. feel really stupid now. - Heather
  11. Black Ops 1 had the best sidequests and rewards. Black Ops 2 had the best story, writing, maps and overall best value. - Heather
  12. Youtube Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLZ3JERMEno If you require the files - viewtopic.php?f=12&t=36796 Et voilà, - Heather
  13. I'm sure. The one from Nacht is called "Undone" - Heather
  14. Remake Custom Games from scratch. Don't see the problem. What do you mean 'slowing things down'? More individual gamemodes, not more gamemodes per map. The theme is called 'Damned' (the remix featured in BO2 is called Damned 100ae) It was really, really annoying in the original Black Ops. I like the remade one much more. It's obviously the Theme of Zombies, so expect it to return. Lobby Gamechat, Local Play and Private Matches for PC please. - Heather
  15. Why wouldn't there be real trees in the cities anymore? - Heather
  16. They appear to be religious. Judging by the people's headscarves and clothing, I would say that they are in a hot desert climate. So I would rule out Rome. They're probably Arab Muslims, or Christians. So any Arabian/North African City. Jeruzalem, Cairo, or Alexandria, former capital of Egypt perhaps? - Heather
  17. Sweeet, yourmapper! Thanks Also is it just me, or is Takeo the only one who doesn't have that Black Sun on his chest? - Heather
  18. Jude Law, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Helena Bonham Carter. Make it happen! - Heather
  19. There's a difference between poorly written, complicated, and leaving a lot to our imagination. It's true -- a lot of things aren't explained (such as the Avogadro, Jumping Jacks, Certain People's motives) but that clears the way for us -- for you, to fill in the blanks. Keep in mind, it's hard to make a good story for this sort of game. I think that they focused a lot (a bit too much) on the Richtofen VS Maxis story arch, leaving a lot of Map-Related Plot Points (avogadro, denizens) to our imagination. And while it may sound cheap that Treyarch does this, it also provides access to some great theories. "How did they end up in Green Run?" "How did the N4 meet?" It's never explained, but that's why we can theorize about it all we want. And that's the great thing about theories. They're neither right nor wrong, it's basically Someone Sharing His Own Personal View And Thoughts On Something That Isn't Fully Explained. Meaning, it's free knowledge. You can apprehend it just the way you want, he isn't forcing it down your throat. Theories are the backbone of CoDZ. So in a way, all these plotholes allow us as a Community to exist and thrive. Weird huh? - Heather
  20. This is nice stuff. Thanks for bringing them out, Nai. - Heather
  21. Time. I simply do not have enough free time to make it to below-average high rounds. Nor do I have the patience to get to high rounds. - Heather
  22. Wait, is there any evidence or anything that might suggest or indicate that Samantha is Nikolai's daughter? Because I have never heard or seen any evidence that contradicts the statement that Maxis is Samantha's father. - Heather
  23. Once you have completed all the Easter Egg Quests for Maxis or Richtofen (and succesfully inserted all the navcards) the Endgame for Buried becomes accessible. Once you trigger the Endgame - regardless of who you chose - all the Easter Eggs reset and you can do them all over again, if you wish to do so. Apart from the individual achievements for completing the Quests, and bragging rights, nothing in-game will actually change permanently. - Heather
  24. The navcards are required to unlock one of two additional endings (so called Endgames) in Buried. Once you've completed all the Easter Eggs (sidequests) for either Maxis or Richtofen on the maps TranZit, Die Rise and Buried - insert the three navcards in their designated navcard table (I believe the one in TranZit goes in Die Rise, the one in Die Rise goes in Buried and the Buried one goes back in TranZit -table). Once you've done all that - depending on who you sided with (Maxis / Richtofen) - you'll receive a special 'ending' in Buried. Right after pushing a big red button located in the backroom of the Court House. Note: all 4 players need to have done all the EEs + Navcards for the button to become accessible. (You need 4 players) Without spoiling, if you want to see the endings for yourself without going through all that trouble mentioned above, look them up on Youtube "Buried [Maxis / Richtofen] Endgame". Hope this cleared things up - Heather
  25. I'm fine with her breast size, what annoys me is that that's her only distinguishable characteristic. Like in a discussion why you like certain characters, one might say: Richtofen, because he's crazy, hilarious and his not so subtle romance with Nikolai. Castro, he is short-tempered and his spanish outbursts are hilarious. Takeo, while not a fan-favorite, his Japanese proverbs and seriousness make him very likeable. Misty, oh yeah, uh.. apart from her boobs? I, uh, she likes Marlton shotguns, I guess. To be honest I rarely get to play as her, so I may have missed that one thing that makes her great. Like I said, she's not terrible, but she lacks that special spark that makes everyone stand out. - Heather
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