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Everything posted by xXExpertCoahXx

  1. Anyone else think we will be getting TranZit sized maps in future DLC, as if this is going to replace the actual zombie 'maps'?
  2. I gave my idea on Verruckt's theories and ideas topic post. I believe we will be able to customize pre-made characters.
  3. I think he was saying the map would look different, not that you wouldn't be able to play on the map if you didn't do the egg. That would just fucking suck.
  4. It is not a pre-order bonus. You can only acquire Nuketown zombies through buying either the Hardened or Prestige addition of the game. Sorry if someone already answered this, my computer is not allowing me to see a few post.
  5. Like I said before. MW3 had EMP grenades. How do you know that this can't/won't be integrated into zombies?
  6. That would be quite interesting if the game borrowed achievements from Blops. I wonder how they would make TranZit look if it was all destroyed and everything, due to the player not doing the MOON easter egg.
  7. Hmmm...you do have a point. I'm not sure but to me survival sound more like private matches. I dont know . Also, your posts never showed :shock: so that explains why you didn't posted asap. Explain to me your reasoning on why you thought they would make survival private match only? Wouldn't that take away the core concept they had for WaW and Blops?
  8. MW3 had EMP grenades. How do you know that this can't/won't be integrated into zombies?
  9. I like how everything I typed before didn't show up :evil: I was saying, why do you think survival mode will be in a private match only? I believe that we will be able to play all game modes in an online game search (in Halo terms: matchmaking).
  10. No, wrong picture. I'm confused between Nolan North and Oliver North. I think it's Olver North lol. I'll find and post a picture when I get back home. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  11. Lol sorry...I'm just very excited for this game, so I guess my excitement is reaching out towards others. I've been with zombies since NDU when me and my friend finished WaW campaign. I remember us going like 'WTF is this?' lol
  12. I can't post pictures, but from others peoples post you can see a white male wearing shorts, glasses, and a combat jacket. I remember reading an article posted from Syndicates twitter which said Nolan North is confirmed for the Zombies campaign. Could this man be Nolan North?
  13. Perks are considered magical items because they were chemically engineered by Group 935, same people who started the DG weapon series (ThunderGun, Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun, Winters Howl). The perks are known as Perk-A-Colas. Just a little history for ya =)
  14. Which I know what it is, but can't say due to leakage in the ship -____-
  15. @CrimsonZombie You can do that in custom games. Option to take away magical items.
  16. Complete quest as you traverse the apocalyptic world to reach the ultimate goal: salvation. ok thank you...it will interesting how we are going to survive with no perks We have perks. They showed Speed Cola in the Diner.
  17. Complete quest as you traverse the apocalyptic world to reach the ultimate goal: salvation.
  18. Still no...Sorry I just don't enjoy it. It seems boring and not worth my time.
  19. Obviously we got a young'n in our midst. Take it easy on him guys, he's just trying to be insightful ;)
  20. I agree and I don't agree. I think we will be getting something with them in at launch. Whether it be Nuketown Zombies or a normal CSM map, we'll be getting them sooner or later. I'd rather not think about it though. I wanna learn more about these new characters we got.
  21. I meant open in the sense of bigger. Not open world/free roam. And I resent the fact of you claiming I was playing dumb :|
  22. 1. TranZit is the new campaign, but it is not free-roam in the sense of GTA. Yes you can explore, but a series of objectives will be needed to accomplish the ultimate goal of survival. 2. For Classic Survival mode, the many areas of TranZit will be converted into small maps. No bus. Just one map. So I'm assuming there will be 5-6 CSM maps. 3. TranZit will be in support of 4z4 mode AKA Grief mode. Hope that helped!
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