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Mr. Jay

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Everything posted by Mr. Jay

  1. Hi, I'm Jay, if you are not sure who I am. (Just for you Undead.) With Black Ops 2 just around the corner, we could reflect back on Black Ops 1 and appreciate what it has done for us in the last two years or so. One thing spiralled out of control during the tenure of black ops is the leaderboards and world records. Friends compete among themselves with their respective high round co-op records. With that said, how much cheating is acceptable? -During a few of my Five records I have used the window glitch to avoid the thief and/or to take a break. Not a major part of the process but may have contributed in a big way. -Many failed attempts with quality friends on Verruckt yielded poor results, one game with Way2g00 reached 27 and shattered previous highs on points and kills. Although my contribution was on par with rest of the group, his presence and guidance was the difference maker. -On COTD playing with one other random I had 0 down until 28. Never once needed help from the random aside from occasional door openings and maybe divided George's attention. Went down on 28 and never revived, upon spectating found out my running mate (a random) was doing a invincibility glitch by the MP40. Although I had more than equal share of kills and never needed his help, arguments could have been made that I never had to account for the random thus making the game easier. -My Moon high round was not "true co-op". With two PS3s I played the game with myself dying beginning of each round. Almost like solo with the exception of no reviving if downed. -Was in a game with 3 PS friends on Ascension. By round 30 was too tired to continue, but being the host to three friends could not simply end the game. Notified them of my intentions of leaving the system on for their sakes but headed to bed. Woke up 4 hours later found them still playing, already on round 36. Resumed the game (a monkey round) on 37 and downed without sufficient weapons. Never revived and died beginning of 38. The game end with all three dying on 38. Until leaving on 30 I had far more kills, all 10 revives, and twice clutched the rounds. I did not earn my 38 on Ascension, but I was a major reason why we made it to round 30 even without the ThunderGun. Did I earn it? No, but just as deserving as any of them. Do you have any asterisks on your co-op records? Do you feel I have earned mine? How much cheating is acceptable? Thanks for reading.
  2. Sounds like fun. Where do we sign up for games like that? BTW weed smoking is not promoted on this site.
  3. Hi, I'm Jay, once a regular on the CODZ. With black ops 2 just around the corner, we can reflect on black ops 1 and appreciate what it has done for us in the last two years or so. I did not get into zombies until last November, and did not get the map packs until may, making all the maps to date parts of my black ops memories. Anyways, let's do a top 5 moments of your black ops memories. 5. Round 22 Der Riese Trench Gun Challenge with Chopper, Eye, and Jolteon: other participants will claim failure due to failed objectives. For me it was a great fun game with friends. I didnt even care about the results it was like four buddies hanging out drinking cosmos and singing lady Gaga. 4. NML. The game that many love and many hate. Playing NML I learned much about the game, improved many facets of the zombie game that I had lacked or neglected. Many failed attempts and many YouTube videos I finally reached 171 a few weeks back. Although I have yet to post reflective co-op records, my overall game is night and day prior and after NML. 3. Verruckt 27 with way and smooth: hard to choose a favorite game with way as there were so many great games. MPL challenge on Five, Der Riese round 30 challenge, Call of the dead with Sam in which way revived me 25 times with 0 downs. The Verruckt game way guided us to personal highs relatively easy. His tutelage made the game not only easy but also entertaining and action packed. BTW my wife thinks way is a young blonde with a killer body because he is the only one I had passed up intimacy for. 2. Round 28 Co-op on Five. My first and favorite map. After finally reaching 30 solo I spent the next month figuring out co-op. Many failed attempts I finally catapulted my co-op record from 14 to 28 in a game I finally clicked. Many good games followed. 1. Round 30 solo on Five: my first taste of success, after spending the first two months trying to get past round 8. Many thanks to Superhands' solo guide and Eye's master zombie guide. As well as Xcalizorz. Do you have top 5 moments in you black ops memory?
  4. Hi, I'm Jay, once a regular on the forum. A good friend on the forum and on PS3 lobbied for my return, as well as PMs from other dialy contributors asking for my participations to help drive for forum. Not sure what I can bring to the community, but here I am. To be honest I never really left, lurking from time to time, as well as skyping many others since my departure. The forum is lacking activities lately, and hopefully many big names will re-emerge. To the new guys who have no clue to who Jay is, he was a regular poster from March until late July, left in frustration due to many great users MIA. Along with Tankeo and MLH they formed the three stooges of CODZ, or useless posts club due to their allegiance in the off topic section. Jay never posts anything extravagant in the story sections, or provide gamebreaking strategies, he has a reputation of being outside of the box thinking, creating new and inventive ways to connect. With Black Ops 2 right around the corner, many big names will re-emerge, and hopefully guys I joined to root for will rejoin. The golden times of CODZ with legends like Eye, Superhands, Tom, Chopper, Rissole, Tac, and many other will sub-merge and become regulars again. Even Hoardkillrepeat and doggy 2, the community is better served with everyone's participation.
  5. One of the worst feelings is to work so hard on something to not be appreciated. Even worse to be questioned the legitimacy of the work you put in. This clip looked identical to another person's strategy you failed to mention and credit. No one is perfect right off the bat, we learn from our mistakes and rebuild all the paths we wrongfully took. We would love someone your status to be a regular contributor, but please put your ego aside and recognize greatness when you encounter one. Welcome back and hopefully the new man is here to stay, metaphorically speaking.
  6. Mine are similar to yours, but I do understand we are at the minority here. I do apologize for poor internet issues, last night and during the Der Riese challenge few nights back. During the Der Riese challenge I lagged so much it was insane. Although my connection was good. I hate carpenter when training near Windows. I lost count how many times I fuck someone for taking carpenter or board windows when running Thompson in Der Riese. I hate long talkers. I know you have a mike but please refrain. Especially music. Who the fuck turns on mike, not say one word but music the whole time? I hate guys/teams that you meet in random lobbies that make up the strategy already and expect you to cooperate in game. No fucking way, tell me before game starts so I can decide leave or stay. Don't tell me on round ten after I have a great start that you want to do xxx and want me to cooperate. Especially glitchers, warn someone you are cheating, so we can choose to avoid or part take in your performance enhancing adventure. I hate kill thieves. Come on, if I'm standing two feet away and do not need help in the point building stages LEAVE MY POINTS AWAY. After 10 its ok, its anyone's playing field. That all I have for now. Too angry to think. BTW had a game last night with other members of CODZ and someone asked me who i was. I said Jay and they had no idea who I was. With that in mind i vow to post 15 times a day to increase my street cred.
  7. Ouch, unnecessary attack on my credibility and credentials perhaps? I see myself as an average player at best, yet reached 27 on my third or fourth try, 29 soon after. Not nearly the case on Five or Verruckt. Keep in mind the general public do not reach high rounds. The general public, aka average players, see reaching round 30 on Der Riese not as daunting as a task as Five or Shang. Is it hard to reach 50? The general public would not know. We can only judge the difficulty of maps base of low to mid round reachability.
  8. Tankeo I feel your assessment is a bit off. The feelings I get although very small sample people seem to favor easy maps. Ascension, Moon, Der Riese are among the easiest regardless what style you prefer. Five, Shang are the least favorite, due to the difficulty. Truth is, not all maps are created equal, they each present unique challenges. Verruckt is very easy solo, co-op is complete 180. Same could be said for Five. Call of the dead is easy for two, much harder for 4 or solo. I think by this point Treyarch understands the Moons and Ascensions are what most people want, and likely what we will get. Hopefully with something like a NML somewhere in between.
  9. Hard to visualize the strategies without the videos. To link YouTube you insert only the link, minus the http://WWW.YouTube.com stuff, only input the code after the watch v=. I'm always a fan of different strategies, welcome to CODZ. Looking forward to future contributions.
  10. The new skype feature is great. All PS3 should join our chat. Awesome. Anyways DJ and I are looking for two revive happy players to join us tonight at 11 EST. Possibly a challenge on Der Riese, or open to suggestions. I also work from home tomorrow morning (which means not working at all) so I could be up late tonight. Happy hunting. We are also holding a singing contest, DJ and I will be the judges, winner gets to perform in way's upcoming video. Good luck.
  11. Hard to imagine it has been four plus months since my very first thread. 600+ posts later and be-friending many of you, my game is still garbage. I carry myself as an semi-intelligent guy, with class and dignity, yet I keep having the so called "blonde moments" and embarrass myself in the world of zombies. Twenty minutes ago had a game on Moon. Teamed up with a random with a high round of 11. Was going to do a Superhand "let him die so I could gather enough points to buy jug" plan, surprised it was successful without him dying. Round 6 with 8000+ points and the random already bled out, planning to open all doors to hacker and into the Bio dome. While hacking the door by Bowie, new spawn interrupts forcing me to stop hacking. I threw a grenade hoping to get a crawler. Stupid stupid stupid stupid move. Before the grenade even leaves my hand I was fucking myself. Few rounds later, after helping the random get jug, I had just under 20000 to hit the box for wave gun. Right after getting CZ75 I got the Teddy. Running to another box location I encountered the astro, forcing me to blast him with the Mustang and Sally. Go ahead and laugh if you can sense where this is going. After wasting all my points on box I had to settle for Galil until more points. Yep, you guessed it, I had given up Mustang and Sally by mistake thinking it was CZ75. Never rage quit faster. Stupid stupid stupid stupid Jay.
  12. My opinion has drastically changed in the last month or so. I hated it at first, finding it very boring and slow. NML was an excellent challenge, giving us a great tool to practice and compete indirectly with our friends. I am not a fan of powerful wonder weapons, creating uneven an advantage to anyone holding it, and selfishness in the mold of lord of the rings. Lately I have come around on Moon. It's still not one of my favorites, but the general mechanics are different enough to generate some interest. Very well written thread. Nice job.
  13. I absolutely stunk last night. Had a few tries on NML, failed to even come close to PAP. Played Call of the Dead, never got pass round 15 or less than 5 downs. Normally easily reach 20 on Five, last night never made it past 15. Even got a kid downed from trying to revive me. His high was 22, mine 37. Absolutely pitiful. I know my limits but failed to reach a respectable round on one of the easiest maps in Call of the dead is not acceptable. Five is harder but considering my experiences with it I should reach 25 with one hand. My normal PAP rate on NML is 30-40%, going 0 for 10 today was not normal. Problem is, my decision making last night was dull and slow. Eye made an excellent point on how much we rely on instincts when playing this game, and last night was great example how lack of game instincts contribute to pupe performances. Check out his piece here. viewtopic.php?f=83&t=23399 I have had games where I absolutely stunk due to lack to familiarities with the map. My first high round pursuit on Moon with Eye was pitiful, as well as first real game with Way on Call of the Dead. Both cases led to 15+ downs in 20 rounds. To make things worse, both game yielding mustang and sally AND flopper. My first co-op games in Kino, Ascension, and Der Riese resulted in 25+ runs easily, but the lack of challenge in those maps resulted in me losing interest. Anything easily obtained are valued less than things earned. I have had games where I went down 5 times stupidly in the first 10 rounds and later get on a roll and dominate. At this point of my zombie killing career a bit more consistency should be expected. Repetitive gaming often lead to losing focus and/or sloppy game play. However, I sometimes reach round 25 with no downs, most revives and kills, doing it with only one eye open and dreaming about out dueling Superhand, Way, and Eye. Am I the only one dealing with consistency issues? I know even the best of the best can have poor days at the office. My wife will tell you I have had poor days at home. But the greats find the switch and can flip it anytime, I can't seem to see it in broad daylight. Help me lord. BTW anyone seen Superhand, Chopper, Tac, and other regular contributors? It's been fairly mild without their posts.
  14. I was in a chat last night and heard some people still struggle to PAP. Decided to do this in hopes of getting some brains, totally forgot we do not track brains anymore. As recently as a month ago I was still having trouble consistently PAP, so I definitely can relate to jolton's pains. Hopefully someone will benefit from this. Now I surviving NML online. Basically go into NML with randoms or friends and see who can get the most kills. It's a lot of fun, and learning NML at the same time. Any of you guys want to do that with me? Quick and fun.
  15. Hold your laughs please. I know some people still struggle with NML, failing to have any type of consistency. Jay is far from qualified to help, but will include some tips I have learned from playing this nazi mental torture. Hard to show you without video, but will attempt to do it through words. NML is basically broken down to a few steps, much like rounds in the actual game. Finding the consistent formula is the key to successful attempts, slowly working your way up. Keep in mind this is guide for dummies, but still require some trial and error to find results. Before first siren you want to knife as much as possible, ( duh, I know, but bear with me). Right before the first siren hang by the side drop, slowly run/walk to the bottom of the steps, continue toward the other side of the swamp. From the parameter of the swamp cutback along the wall back toward the steps, continue to the side drop. The idea of the whole circling is to group them closely together for your grenade to have success. Hopefully your horde by now is nicely grouped so toss your grenade into the group. Timing is key, I spent my first month of NML learning the perfect grenade. If your horde is not nicely grouped that means you knifed last minute zombies thus last minute spawns or your timing of cutback is too soon. If your timing is good and fast you could kill off the whole horde. This is where things get tricky. I would knife any dog spawns first as they are the most annoying. Any running zombies left lure them up the steps before knifing them, any new spawns while you are on the pad will be zombies, not dogs. If you have a few crawlers left I would just leave them and head to the pad. The main objective is to have as few dogs as possible before your second grenade because dogs will absorb the splash damage. Any splash damage from the first grenade is good until the next siren, so if you grouped them well from first siren the splash damage should be enough to turn zombies into one knife kill. If by this point you have no dogs it is smooth sailing to PAP. You have two options to PAP depending on your points situations. If you have less than 3500 lure your horde up to the telepad, be sure to line them up then cutback to ensure nice horde before you head up and toss the second grenade into the group. The damage will give you many crawlers, knife away 130 a piece for easy 2000. If I have more than 3500 points I like to lure them to the side drop, pistol them in the process, grenade them near the PAP. As soon as I get 5000 PAP and mustang and sally into the group of crawlers left. Remember, make cutback your best friend, you could simply run in a straight line, do a cutback and you have yourself a nice grouped horde. Running with Mustang and Sally is somewhat dangerous, splash damage from one shot AND a slap will kill you. If you have dogs chasing you shoot only once into the ground to rid the annoying bastard. Do not shoot into a crowd if you have dogs chasing you, they will mess up whatever plan you may have. Depending on your point situation you may need to clear two hordes to gather enough for jug. BE PATIENT, do not shoot in the mold of eye or superhand just yet. Once you have jug you do not need me, just slowly increase your shots to clear the horde. With jug without getting hit you can stand up to three splash damage from Mustang and Sally, never shoot more than three if they are up and close. I'm done, hopefully this helps. Without video its hard to visualize, but if I can do it you can do it. Remember, cutback is your best friend on NML to ensure a nice horde. When running stay off the walls, you want to run in the inner circle of the map, use the outer circle as your escape route. I'm Jay, if you are not sure who I am.
  16. Had a game last night, as usual I was good in some parts and terrible in others. But last night had a weird mule kick discovery that I wanted to share. First bought Thompson, so M1911 and Thompson. After a while bought mule kick and MG42. PAPed Mustang and sally and Gib-o-matic by twenty. Eventually went down and lost mule kick, subsequently MG42. Rebought mule kick and MG42 WHILE HOLDING MUSTANG AND SALLY. Few rounds later realized mustang and sally is weapon 1, MG42 is now weapon 2, and Gibs-o-matic is now mule kick weapon. Went down again and lost Gibs-o-matic. Game went fast and very little time to replenish at end of each round so never had time to re-try the process. Also want to point out the game was very glitchy, tons of lag and a few black outs. I was a bit tipsy from Diet Dr. Pepper though. I know this has been discussed before but could not recall details. If any of the new dwellers could move it to its appropriate post I would appreciate it.
  17. Aug 11? I would do my best to make it. Slush turtle? I just did a challenge with you the other day with way. I forgot to say good game. I was a bit distracted because I was late for my dog's feeding/training so wife was mad. Totally worth it though! Looking forward to next play date/challenge. EDIT: Anyone interested in doing challenges tonight 11:00 EST with me and way? I have yet to complete the survival of the fittest challenge, or the MP40 on Der Riese. Or whatever way decides to do. Any game with him is mighty epic.
  18. Watched it a few times last night as well as this morning. With 13 shots left and 342 kills, are you happy with 32 more kills? I thought at that time 40+ kills was possible. Not to sound critical but do you feel this could have been a 385 game had you made all the right moves?
  19. This guide for me is more practical than the solo guide. There were times I simply could not execute the strategy due to lack of skills. Some of these tips simplify the executions allowing guys like myself to post better co-op records than we are really capable of. What this guide does is dumb things down and minimizes the importance of instincts. Less things to go wrong = better chance for high rounds. I always check for Super guides before any serious run on that particular map. You are Superhand and Supermind.
  20. Great observations and analysis from one of the best minds of CODZ. What people do not realize is that this piece is the key to determine how to get better and what to work on. I long realized I have reached my full potential as a player. My zombie instincts are very limited thus making me an average player at best. What I need to work on and have been are planning ahead and playing safe. Certain maps require a great deal of instincts, such as NML, Verrukt, and Five. Planning ahead and playing safe can only get you so far, dealing with the unexpected is ultimately what separates the Jays from the Eyes. This is great, and realizing the importance of instincts should greatly enhance one's game. Great observations!!! BTW one funny note. I was actually going to a piece on how limited my game is due to lack of instincts. Some basic points are outlined in your arguments. I scrapped it last second and actually finished something I had started the day before, that stupid 15 years later joke. As I was reading this I had chills and was smiling and shaking my head, because it sounded much like mine ideas, only sounded ten times better.
  21. Awesome. I'll check out the video tonight. Any chance you feel 390 or 400 is doable?
  22. Good luck and have fun. As a daily user I would say you have none to worry about. The staff as a whole does a very good job. They are very fair and helpful. Be sure to take some whiskey with you.
  23. I wish I had the super starts series back in November when I started playing. Anything from Superhand is a must read. More people need to see your work and realize greatness.
  24. The silent night in late July allowed me to enjoy birds chirping, crickets calling, dogs barking. A brilliant man's love for the forum fueled his heart to show his patriotism, his allegiance, his passion for CODZ. He readies his ray gun, and his mustang and sally, for the uphill battle he is about to engage. As the horde of undead cannibals sprint for his flesh, Tac stood by his side ready to assist in anyway. They ask for your support, to help project your town, your families, your memories. Please support shooter in his journey for better CODZ. Do it not for shooter, not for Tac, not for me, but for you.
  25. Thank you for another great noob's guide. The level of skills required from your complete solo guide are a bit higher than what I currently possess, this guide is better suited for players my caliber. Hopefully this will go in the master zombie guide 2, which rumor has it releasing before the week end. Don't know where my game would be without your guides and help. God bless Superhand, god bless complete solo guide.
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