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Status Replies posted by Lenne

  1. Man, I have to go back to college tomorrow. Such a pain. Oh well, at least it's looking like I won't have to deal with roommates anymore. Plus, it was quite a nice month long break.

  2. Man, I have to go back to college tomorrow. Such a pain. Oh well, at least it's looking like I won't have to deal with roommates anymore. Plus, it was quite a nice month long break.

  3. I really hope trayarch drops some zombies teaser/troll tweets soon. The internet is going crazy for those.

  4. I really hope trayarch drops some zombies teaser/troll tweets soon. The internet is going crazy for those.

  5. Help us out with server costs this month please, $2 from 40 members covers our costs from January - it's not a uge amount to ask, we know everyone can't donate but to those that can - if you can spare $2 we would appreciate it.

  6. It is time to play the game. - HHH

  7. so hyped for AW zombies. Multi coloured eyes, great new cast. Exciting.

  8. You probably all know that we do a lot of stuff in the background and try and bring you some good stuff. We are working on a few projects (one pretty big one) and I can tell you it's looking rather nifty.

  9. Some time in the future I will have to choose bettween origins or buried (for mark 2) what do you suggest?

  10. I need a hug right now.

  11. Anyone seen Delta recently?

  12. Help me reach 1000 likes and I'll buy AW.

  13. 50 days I have spent on CoDz. Let's celebrate.

  14. 50 days I have spent on CoDz. Let's celebrate.

  15. Not sure if I'm entertained or confused. Who the hell is what??????? My head is exploding

  16. I'm actually a cat. meow.

  17. F*** LASERS!!!!

  18. After seeing that AW Zombie cutscene, I really don't know what to think. Will it be a full mode?

  19. In a perfect world I would be playing AC Unity right now, but instead I have to wait another two weeks. :*(

  20. Hells Warrrior - I have a confession to make, I haven't played zombies in about 8/9 weeks.

  21. mob of the dead or origins I can only get one but which!?

  22. Exciting times ahead.

  23. KH 2.5 just came out in japan, and there are no streams going for it. Just why? All I want to do is lsten to the remastered soundtrack and maybe see the new secret movies. Damn you, Japan, for getting it first.

  24. welp, only 1000 more ppl on 360 zombies BO2 than BO1 weve hit the equilibrium

  25. Hey Lenney, isn't it that time of the month again? :D

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