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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. I care so little about the AW campaign that I actually read Boom's latest thread and spoiled myself.

    1. DeathBringerZen


      The AW campaign was a lot of fun to play through but the storyline was beyond garbage and the ending was your typical cliche Hollywood ending.

    2. GRILL


      I did the same thing, Lenne haha - except I actually bought it!!! Played about 3 campaign missions and was like "yeah this is just another COD".

    3. Undead


      Every campaign is utterly predictable. But the achievements are easy to get.

  2. I have two questions: Will we loose our brains/likes? Will we need to request our medals again?
  3. But I just want Elena. ;_; I know, I know: "Let go of the past and accept change, Lenne." NO! Never. Everytime I turn on music other than Elena's beautiful voice I feel like I am cutting her tongue out. If it has to be something else though: Why not some classical music?
  4. Dem Tags. >xP The blue font is kinda hard to read for me may I suggest that you change them?
  5. Dolphin dive on top of me so we get double the drops.
  6. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. :3
  7. You see: Not playing for EEs does have it's perks. xP
  8. An official "Welcome back" from me. Hopefully you will stay a while, since the new Treyarch CoD is to be released this year, which means more zombies. Not to mention that we even get zombies in AW. I have a question which is your favourite zombies CoD? Have a nice stay no matter how long it will end up being and if you have any questions be sure to ask them.
  9. So one little feature which still exists makes you go from "meh" to "yay" ? I don't know how the guys who actually worked on this update feel about your statement but I would be somewhat annoyed by that. : /
  10. I wish there was a version of Tranzit with teleporters like in der Riese which don't teleport you into random places. That way you could easily skip running in the fog, but at the same time you could actually still be in the fog if you want, because believe it or not: There are actually people who like to play in the fog.
  11. Teamwork is great but it should come naturally and not because you have to do it. More often than not you just find a terrible group of randoms which can't even cope with round 10+ and while that may be not so bad in maps like Kino it certainly is in Shang and Moon. Let alone the fact that you basically have to pray to Jimmy in order for the other three to have mics. I do also think it is fun to do these mini objectives in order to get to PaP, as long as you play with friends of course.
  12. #@PINNAZ 4 mod 2015 :P

    1. PINNAZ


      Haha. Thanks @Lenne but I don't have the time. I can't even moderate my washing.

  13. So you actually like forced teamwork? Here I was thinking I actually liked you. Kidding of course. But seriously this whole forced teamwork and mandatory EE stuff has to go. It just adds more fuel to the fire of frustration when playing with randoms. There is a reason why I have never played with randoms on BOII.
  14. Sick, sick, sick Stuff. Great job guys. :3
  15. Welcome to the site, friend. Enjoy your stay. : )
  16. CoDz is now one step closer to complete domination of the internet. >: ) Good ol' @Hells Warrrior, words can not express how thankful we are to have you on this site let alone working on it. You have given this awesome community the site it deserves and you are always a helpful and kind person. It is an honor to have you on myah. :3
  17. Here is my christmas gift. Just a bit late. :3 <3
  18. Hellööööö and welcome to the magical land which is CoDz. Be sure to check the links below your post and if you still have any questions be sure to ask them.
  19. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay.
  20. I want this kind of reward for PS4 as well. C:
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