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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Updates posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. In the land of the blind, he who wields the only flashlight is king...

    1. MegaAfroMan


      Not if he is also blind...

      a flashlight doesn't do them shit then.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      They could all just be in a very dark place and think they're blind

  2. Is it wrong to still like "Once upon a time" Despite it's MANY flaws?

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Yes. There's better fairy tale/disney crossovers out there. Go find them!

  3. Isn't it about time we hear some info about AW's last DLC? 

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      So..... August 2016? 

    2. Spider3000


      Yeah, I've been thinking the same. Maybe they'll wait till early August to  announce it.

  4. It may seem calm here... But in truth we're just a bunch of Nuxs who are running from the hype/shit-storm screaming "WHAT A LOVELY DAY!" soon to become part of the Chaos. 

  5. It sucks we're all going to be stuck with these names for the rest of november...

  6. It's been a whole 24 hours and only 41% of assassins creed unity has finished downloading… -_-" My internets sucks

    1. Slade


      Holy glitches dude, and here's me getting mad when it takes longer than 30 minutes, incl install.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Well it is 50GB of data.

  7. It's finally done! Waffe-craft is stable and working! Now I just need to add the icing on the cake. If anyone here is good at zombie fan art, I could use your help!

  8. Jurassic world is the greatest movie of all time. Period. 

    1. Boom115


      I mean I enjoyed it, but wouldn't go that far. The characters were pretty one dimensional and plot was meh. The overall scale of the action was amazing though. I also really enjoyed to nods to the original.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0


  9. Just finished the MP concept! It's not a real world-at-war experience if you can't go around driving tanks and planes as well as being a foot-soldier! It's under the "Trayarch" tab, Check it out!


    1. Fariko Zomb

      Fariko Zomb

      Really think so?

    2. Stop Mocking Me0
    3. DeathBringerZen


      I just don't see it myself. I see the coincidences, but I can't see them linking the storylines. together.

  11. Just now realizing why the site pic was changed, lol

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      I like it I say we keep it. Should have changed the default font for the forum to Comic Sans too, now that would have had me roflmao

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Or weddings II 0_0

  12. Just redownloaded minecrft last night! MUST BUILD ALLLLLL THE THINGS!!!

  13. Just saw Gotham's "Red Hood" episode, honestly one of the most beautiful origin stories of the joker ever... Of course this isn't the joker exactly, it's 5 guys with a red mask... That would later lead to a group of thugs requiring a man to put on a red hood and steal from the Aces Chemical factory, where batman will scare him, he will fall in and mutate, and become the joker.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Boom115


      Really? I thought it fell right in line with the show's not so subtle introduction of villains. In an interview the show's producers said that he would change the origin story of the Joker.I don't know another fill in whose personality would fit this character.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      There is only one thing in the comics: He was a failed comedian, down on his luck, and was forced by the mob to do something which made him the joker, which this storyline is sticking to, they're blending different origins stories, like the penguin might encounter a very unpleasant insident with a bottle sooner then later, or he may not.

      Back on topic, the Joker actually has been teased sense day one with the comedian in the club. Furthermore, the fact that the red hood was even brought up eludes to the idea of the "red hood" story being the most cannon. (In which the joker wears a red hood in the Aces chemical lab and falls in when batman arrives. Due to this, I don't think that kid is going to grow up to be the Joker. I find it most likely this kid will become someone a little less important like Jarvis Tech (the mad hatter) or maybe he'll even grow up to become bane if he gets involved with the league of shadows and venom...

    4. Boom115


      The red hood origin is one of many. There have been several hints throughout the series. I don't think a single origin can be pinned down at this point. I mean the Riddler is working for the gcpd..

  14. Just started part 2 of the epic Interactive-map saga! (Instantly sued by "King" games) Fill free to join in as we explore all 81 floors of hell and horror in "81".

  15. Just watched "an adventure in space and time" and I am MORTIFIED by that scene with Matt Smith...

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Yes, I understood the symbolism, I meant it mortified me to become simply immobilized in my own tears.

  16. Just watched gravity falls's latest episode... Honestly i was in utter shock afterwards!

  17. Just watched some leaked gameplay. Was not impressed by the dancing lobsters. 

  18. Just.... 950 more posts to go.... *Cries......

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      *Taps box

      *Gets SMR

      *Cries again.

  19. Likely will be playing something sometime later today, anyone that's up for anything feel free to invite me for a match.

  20. Looks like we're going to have to ban the word "love" now…

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Undead


      MMX is just a bigger buzzkill than buzz killington.

    3. MysteryMachineX


      Yes No Yes Yes No

    4. Boom115


      How about we ban you face! Owwwwww

  21. Lots of progress today, the lucky blocks mod is DEFIANTLY the way to distribute weapons.

  22. May be online today! :D

  23. May have just doomed the entire west coast but I gave the interview a 5 star rating on netflix...

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Pfft, North Korea couldn't do shit if they wanted to.

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