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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Wait, the second map already landed? Where have I been?

  2. Wish I could download Ascendance. Thank you, SHG and Activision for not letting the damn game recognize I have the season pass.

  3. Currently downloading ascendence, it's downloading at about 1% every 4.5 minutes and that started at 7:00AM. It should be finished by the time my shifts over by 3:30.

  4. Never played Exo-Zombies. Any chance someone could just quickly tell me the whole story so I can get the gist of it? Or at least direct me to someone who does?

  5. Never played Exo-Zombies. Any chance someone could just quickly tell me the whole story so I can get the gist of it? Or at least direct me to someone who does?

  6. Anyone want to play Exo Zombies on Xbox One tomorrow? going to be on sometime after 8 PM EST and on until 2:30 in the morning or so.

  7. Anyone who will be playing Exo-Zombies on 360 tomorrow hit me up as I will most likely be EE hunting ALL day. Can play on the XBone as well if need be, but will most likely be on 360.

  8. I actually got AW for XBONE! FINALLY! Now just to wait til 6:AM tomorrow!

  9. Remember that time you read an update that had no purpose except to waste a minute of your day/night?

  10. Anyone know what time the CoD Finals are today? And more importantly, when it is actually scheduled to finish? Only in it for the Exo Zombies gameplay reveal.

  11. Thoughts today - if you call EVERYTHING epic, insane, incredible or the best, that's just disingenuous and makes you a douchebag.

  12. Thoughts today - if you call EVERYTHING epic, insane, incredible or the best, that's just disingenuous and makes you a douchebag.

  13. COD twitter dropping some early knowledge on the new zombie map - https://twitter.com/CallofDuty/with_replies

  14. So close to bloodborne release!!!! Can you feel it? CAN YOU?! yea me neither...but ganna be a good game I know!

  15. Going to start working on that collaboration map again today. Took a break for a bit for xbox one but I'm back

  16. So I made a BioShock story video. I know, I know. Not zombies. But, I was hoping I might inquire thoughts from people who won't be afraid to be honest and who might've seen the previous zombies one?

  17. Going to TGI fridays tomorrow. Gonna get me some BBQ Ribs with the remainder of my Xbox Funds.

  18. Please please please be Muse in Zombies, please please please be Muse in Zombies, please please please by Muse in Zombies. My new mantra

  19. FINALLY finished the "Awaken the Gazebo" achievement for Buried. thanks to @Way2good 's guide

  20. Putting Alpha-omega on Hold. Working on an exciting new collaboration concept with the other architects.

  21. Still waiting on the map concept '50 Shades of Grey' by our very own @Boom. Quit slacking and post it already !

  22. Just watched "an adventure in space and time" and I am MORTIFIED by that scene with Matt Smith...

  23. Batteries are my eternal enemy. "Please reconnect controller" seems to pop up whenever I'm winning at anything. :|

  24. Uptown Funk is literally the happiest song to have come out for a while, I can't see how anyone could not smile listening to it.

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