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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Just got kicked out of a round 31 game on exo zombies. Thanks SHG :(

  2. Ok, I've been gone the last 2 days what have I missed?

  3. Gotta get a return on your investment

  4. 7 zettabytes of explicit images.

  5. ah the new cod needs to come out or need some new zombies. and those listings i saw was interesting ;)

  6. This exceeding trifling witling, considering ranting criticizing concerning adopting fitting wording being exhibiting transcending learning, was displaying, notwithstanding ridiculing, surpassing boasting swelling reasoning, respecting correcting erring writing, and touching detecting deceiving arguing during debating.

  7. Can someone explain to me what green feed is? Is there a moldy horse food issue?

  8. #whatdidicreate

  9. Just DLing Wolfenstein New Order - 40gbs. When I lived in Australia that was my total monthly allowance. I so want to go back but it's stuff like that stopping me!

  10. Those who cannot appreciate the past will surely falter in the future.

  11. Those who cannot appreciate the past will surely falter in the future.

  12. I do not understand why people are freaking out about if these actors will return for exo-zombies... I KNOW I've seen somewhere that those 4 are going to be continuing the story...

  13. I do not understand why people are freaking out about if these actors will return for exo-zombies... I KNOW I've seen somewhere that those 4 are going to be continuing the story...

  14. Seen a lot of "posts for posts sake" lately, let's remember to not post pump and keep the conversations relevant.

  15. In the land of the blind, he who wields the only flashlight is king...

  16. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

  17. We're getting closer and closer each day. ;)

  18. We're getting closer and closer each day. ;)

  19. My favorite youtube series ended today. A whole year, completely, dedicated to obtaining resources in a modded minecraft world. All leading up to a nuclear war... The group I was routing for came out on top barely losing any resources, but the base was completely reset using rejuvenation missiles...

  20. Did I mention it's nice to see a bunch of new activity? Not just about zombies, but from newcomers and old legends as well :)

  21. @MrRoflWaffles gets shi*t done. Pause option for Solo Exo Zombies confirmed. https://twitter.com/michaelcondrey/status/564315794314518528

  22. currently trying to figure out more about the 32 clues for 2015. Have all the images taped to a board on my wall. Might not make a post for a few days.

  23. Met a troll in pubs on Exo Zombies, and owned his ass. #pwningpubs

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