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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Updates posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. So…. My Xbox has been acting weird ever sense my sister left it on all night after watching net flix. It makes sounds when the disc is put in, like if something inside it that reads or turns the disc has been broken, I feel like this may begin to destroy my discs, so until then I will only be playing downloaded games, dishonored should fill the void.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tasha


      Time to buy a PC and play Custom Zombies ! :D

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Yeah see… I have a computer… It's just a mac… No custom zombies for me… :(

    4. TheNathanNS


      Mocking, use Boot Camp and install Windows!!!

  2. someone immediantly reply to this if infection becomes available and I'll see if I can start downloading it tonight so I KNOW it's ready by tomorrow.

  3. SOOOOOOOO Bored… WANT to play BO1!!!

    1. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      Damn it, I'm always looking for BO1 partners too!

      Buy a PS3.

  4. Spent the last hour working on this fantastic zombies MMO they totally should make! :) ENJOY!

  5. Started a let's build series of the map: Moon Using waffle craft of course....

  6. That outro cutscene for Infection can put everyone who says "Exo zombies doesn't have a well-made story" 6 feet under!

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      That's a bit rude, I like OZ. He's got a bit of personality behind him.

  7. The "Mist" map may be over, but that story has just begun, check back soon to find out what happens to the N4 on their next location and what horrors Vickfeild Russman has in store.

  8. The amount of threats towards me and my unborn child on youtube comments is astounding.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNathanNS


      I just wind them up even more.

      Personally, I go for grammar insults, they get so mad it's hilarious.

    3. Chopper


      Personally I just tell them exactly what I think of them, and just how shallow their life must be to resort to this. That always hurts deep down, the stone cold truth.

  9. The forum has moved.... Theres a getting a teddybear from the box joke here somewhere...

  10. The Middle finger that COD has made towards the Xbox community is sharp... So sharp my avatar regenerated into the appropriate doctor: 
    THE WAR DOCTOR. Which means expect more grump from me... 

    But not everything is bad... This is OPPORTUNITY! And from the middle finger shall rise the D.L.O.D.S.S.  Hail Misfortune!

  11. Them feels after playing an RPG…

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Indeed (what did you play?)

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Super paper mario… <_<

  12. There is NOTHING more frustrating then this damn Flans mod.

  13. Things accomplished today: -I got advanced warfare. -I downloaded AW and the update. -I now am the only codz member to have legitimately acquired takeo rank! ^_^

    1. Chopper


      Congrats on Takeo mate! However, as the other 2 members of that group are 2 of the greatest members we have had, and are only short on brains due to the majority of their work being done prior to us getting brains back, I wouldn't be saying things like legitimately.

    2. way2g00d
    3. way2g00d


      Oh Congrats Mocking.

  14. Things to do this weekend: -Attend epic party, -Get AW (wait to get secondary DLC as it looks a lot better) and eat MANY packets of airheadextreamsbites (damn those rainbows are heavenly)

  15. Things to do: 1: Download soul calibur (at an amazing deal of $ 3.75 today), 2: create soul in the shape of richtofen and tank, 3: fight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delta


      I know that feel man. Took me like 24 hours total for Spec Ops: The Line, 5.8 GB. People don't know our pain. :P

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Could you imagine this with dial up? (shudders)

    4. Delta


      Originally, I had dial up back in the PS2 era. Disgusting.

  16. Think I now know: Black ops 3 is legit, sounds like its continuing AFTER the events of BO2. There also seems to be some sort of linkage to a sort of DNA-like membrane and cell devision? Clone wars maybe? Maybe people now fight using clones and cloned weapons from all kinds of eras? That'd be cool!

    1. Tattoo247


      Throwing my expectations of BO3 being set in an older time aside, your idea is pretty cool. If it has to be a game in the future...might as well throw in a clone war!

  17. This april fools joke is fun and all, but It's nearly impossible to find the "post new topic" button.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Also, you should have changed the UOTM to the electric eel.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0


  18. This is a good line up: 

    -DLC 3 for Exo-zombies. 

    -Arkham knight half a month later. 

    -Presumably the BO3 Beta in july. 

    -Zombie hype til nov. 

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      What if the pushback was a lie? Because it was our fear like scarecrow wants us to think?

    2. Boom115


      Oh this reminds me I need to pre order

  19. Totally forgot I created a campaign storyline way back in like, four months ago, finishing THAT over the course of the next 4 weeks...

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      get it updated bud, I need to have a wee read of it again.

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I may have written it either slightly drunk, or somewhat tired the original time… It was full of grammatical and factual paradoxes… Should be bit better now...


  21. Ugg... I missed the reveal and now I can't find any good footage of it! 

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Apparently streams had to be turned off... hopefully we'll get something other than imagery.

    2. Boom115


      Yeah, all streams disconnected before the reveal. There is one crappy vid someone captured on their phone. Hopefully official release will be soon.

  22. Uggg… REALLY want to make custom zombie maps… DAMN YOU INFERIOR AND MORE EXPENSIVE COMPUTER!

  23. Uh… Guys… Serious question: HOW are we going to be going back to regular exo-less gameplay after AW? Its SO slow…


  25. Vonder-Irons: ... So to answer the question of if we are developing a futuristic Call of Duty game... No we are not... 

    *World sighs in relief*

    Vonder-Irons: ... Because we've already developed it. 

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