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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I guess its good that when I get the game bugs like this will be resolved....
  2. :( Fucking hate how awesome this map is and I can't even play it for the next month. 

  3. What I've seen is that richtofen has a secret he keeps from the others.
  4. PAP is not a buildable. It's unlocked after finding all the ritual parts and doing that... But it's not a buildable.
  5. .... Those were her exact words... MAXIS is now the demonic announcer. This is revealed when activating the fly trap, as he now states instead of samantha's "I want to play a game, lets play HIDE AND SEEK" Instead, maxis will say the same thing fallowed by "Those were her exact words". The fly trap components ARN'T where they were anymore either! Even the monkey in the fireplace weilds nothing, however you can hear samantha crying from arround that area.... WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!
  6. That's an interesting concept. In WAW the characters were default soldiers or the O4. It's likely it can be modded in new characters here, but will we be able to control the NO4 and SOE group? I feel that'd be a bit controversial for the SOE group as they are actual higher-tier actors.... Furthermore will linked-maps be a feature? Like doing an easter egg in one map allows you a hidden feature in another map? What about how bosses spawn in? In WAW custom maps you have to kill the boss to progress, is that optional now? What about weapon customization? Or Gobble gum? All known perks for use? Buildables?
  7. So yeah... I can't play zombies until thanksgiving break.... Fucking fantastic.... (Rant mode active...) I wait, patiently for 3 years for a single damn game, I don't complain or fuss, I do the best I can, and I live with it. But nooooo a damn C- in a college bio class is suddenly means no Xbox for the rest of the semester. "We bought got that thing for you" yeah as a christmas gift... "Buy your own" I'm a college student I'm not busting 300$ on a new xbox or playstation. "Bring those grades up" do you have any fucking idea how hard my classes are?! You seriously think taking an Xbox away will change that? What am I 12?  Fuck. Just fuck. NO ONE else I know has to deal with this bullshit. And all my hometown friends (who now go to different colleges) are getting the game, with their parent's cash... It's infuriating. I worked to pay off the digital deluxe version. But who cares about the work you put in because you got a damn C in BIO. FUCK. I am BEYOND pissed with this. I've had to deal with this shit for nearly 20 god-damn years and I'm sick of it! Worst part about it is that all it does at home is play blueray DVDs from redbox. It's WASTED, along with the 60$ of xbox live I have too.... Just... FUCK! I don't hate my parents but I wish they'd have a little more respect for the things I want. I'm in college... WHEN do I get to control when I get the carrot constantly dangled in front of my face..... FUCK!(Rant terminated...)   

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Nope, literally everyone in my dorm doesn't have an Xbox or PC or PS4. 

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      Cheer up, I won't be playing till Christmas.

    4. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      That sucks man...


  8. I actually think they kept it and gave it to the COTD crew.
  9. I am completely impressed with the map so far guys. Honestly for those of you who have bought the game, money well spent. Like HONESTLY, this map is making me freeze in awe, laugh my ass off, question my sanity, and just.. completely immerse me. I'm currently putting together a list of the top 10 things I've found about the map (due to leaks, so we won't see this until next friday don't worry) which will be HELPFUL, but not spoiler-ly when the map first comes out. Things like game mechanics and changes/improvements to gameplay. Things like that. Don't worry mods, I'm keeping my lips shut until friday, but after that it's open season baby. (with the exception of EE steps. I don't even know those.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NaBrZHunter


      I've been having a blast since DICE in February. In the meantime, I'll be having a ball at Halloween parties and on BO1 and 2. I'm a fairly patient man. But I would appreciate it if you would respect those of us who want to experience the game legitimately. If we wanted to see it early, we would. But there's a good reason we haven't. That is all. 

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Boohoo. You're in a completely controllable situation as to wither or not you see leaks of a game you'll play in less then a week. Sad story, I'll likely not be able to play the game, which is completely out of my control. These leaks are all I have until Thanksgiving break as most likely. I have yet to release any info to this site, as per regulations, and don't plan to till it's acceptable.  I'm just trying to hype people up, but clearly that's not appreciated. 

    4. Lenne


      Treyarch is doing a good enough job of "hyping" people up. There is no need for you to do it as well.

      Just respect that some of us don't even want to know if you love the new map or not.

  10. Normally I'd host the party and everyone would be lining up outside my doorstep, but I guess this time... I'm the one who knocks...
  11. Changed mine because I wanted to... Now... Jesse..... We have to cook......
  12. Ah... I should have gone as Missy... hey missy you so fine, you so fine, you blow my mind hey missy....
  13. It's alright Chinny, I've set the TARDIS to paradox mode. After the holiday, we won't remember any of this! Oh, you. You think you're so cool, don't you? Just because of your sandshoes, and your sticky-uppy hair. Well, not to worry, I'll always have the cooler looking TARDIS! Well why we're all entitled to our opinions... THE ORIGINAL TARDIS WAS BETTER!
  14. YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YES! I'm not going to tell you WHAT I'm so happy about, but trust me, I think EVERYONE will fall to their knees screaming THIS when they get and play the game!

  15. Lets be honest, COD is not surviving "Ghosts 2: Nothing to do with stealth again"
  16. Well a lot of it has to do with how the map's design was generally approved of. So in making the next map, they realize hey, this map looks eerily similar to this old map, why not just make it a re-skin, add a few features here and there, and use it for marketing purposes? It's about convenience not necessarily the need to be unoriginal. Besides, look at nuketown, how the hell is that going to be OK for use with the thrust jumps? IDK. Might have something to do with those changing blocks in the gameplay we've seen... Either way, they have to upgrade maps to make them usable with new movement systems.
  17. Alright, from the recent gameplay trailer we see MANY different aspects of the giant's gameplay and in my honest opinion.... I don't approve. Don't get me wrong, the map looks fun, but it appears that the giant is basically der reise again. Only, now we have -A more in-depth story -futuristic weapons -gumballs. -NO4 characters Aside from that... This is basically the same map, which I don't like. I would be ok with a similar layout, but I expected to see some better mechanics, a new boss, a new wonder weapon, some new perks, new areas, or generally ANYTHING truely new. This is basically the 3rd time we've gotten der reise, something should be new... I feel like 80% of the gander was in the opening cinematic, and now it seems the rest of the map is just.... Lacking....
  18. Theory: We find out Blundell is actually M. Night Shamylan. And samantha IS RICHTOFEN!
  19. Rank will be depicted by XP derived from games. Where as leaderboards will likely still be organized by highest round. (so hacker try-hards on top)
  20. I really hope we don't see anymore re-made maps. I'm all for nestalgia, but I didn't pay 110$ to play slightly diffrent versions of the same map. Honestly even the giant is starting to look like der-reise without the PPSH, Double barrel, and tommy gun....
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