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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Purhaps they will add in a few more survival maps/greif mode/ turned mode areas with the next dlc, or maybe a hot fix... But I think it would be cooler if the final dlc had 3 new zombie maps we've never even seen before to tell the story of the characters before green run, aside from marelton who we know came from nuketown zombies... Or maybe a new mode where you can play as the demonic anouncer... Or a Easter egg only mode, where you purposely HAVE to compleat the Easter egg on all maps to proceed...
  2. You could have just said misty and marelton like each other but despise russman and stu, who share a vic-versa relationship...
  3. Ha! When you've been on here long enough... Everything is about zombies... Everything... From the Nazi bliz to the grand fire of London has relevance...
  4. I concure with the phrase... Oh how does it go?.... Incinerate! Er... BURN! But in all seriousness, name calling is not an admirable trait and I ask you be kinder in the future... But in his defrence I do not beleive there is anything else we can do RIGHT NOW that would make any difference... Purhaps later... But not now...
  5. Hmhhh.... Fine, think what you want about who the song is referenced to, after reading that, I could easily be wrong , seeing thing through the eyes of the zombies, and then through the eyes of the heros at der reise, JUST as easily as I could be right about it being told from samantha's perspective as a zombie and observing the O4.... Thank you ,murder, for that bit... I beleive that may have leveled our ground to one detail... My timeline is right, I'm 99.9999999% positive it's right, it's one of the few things we KNOW! That and a few others of your details are false... Like when samanthia enters the MPD.... This conversation is over, I'm not getting into a flame war anymore then this... Shows immaturely... Back to the topic at hand I also enjoyed the work of Trent in the campaign ... Was a lot better then skrillex... The beginning song was quite grand as well, although not exactly zombies feel to it...
  6. There is naught we can do to the tranzit Easter egg, at least until something else happens like the final nav card or something....
  7. I posted somewhere that the more-demonic voice could be either a vrill-ya or possibly gersh who has been mortally wounded! But just my thoughts...
  8. Ok... Another person to say "burst your bubble?!" I'm becoming suspicious....
  9. I'd like to pause for a second and thank everyone who's keeping this thread on task... You're a HUGE help... As for you, don't lecture me about grammar Mr *reson, and jumbled sentences.... At this point, I KNOW I'm being trolled... I'm not stupid.. And if I'm not being trolled, you are compleatly tenacious about your origional idea, which happens to be one of the few things we can ACTUALLY prove wrong about this storyline! Good day to you sir, if you require any additional quarel, please see the radios from der reise and Moon! That should prove enough....
  10. Smelt them down and apply similar materials, then using clay make a mold so you can pour the molten metal in, stick a taser in the front and BAM! You've just made yourself some galvaknuckles!
  11. Im not going to point out the statistics of Time spent on theorizing... The radio recording of samanthia is found in der reise, but that's not when the recording happens, otherwise there would be zombies inside maxis's test facility... Here's a timeline: Richtofen teleports to moon and shangri-la ---> He returns and maxis builds his OWN teleporters---> Samanthia teleported in the der reise incident---> Samanthia enters the MPD ----> Richtofen observes samanthia in the MPD----> Richtofen returns to shi-no-Numa----> (Sometime before this veruct took place) Richtofen teleports to der reise---> Beauty of annihilation! ---> So-on and so forth...
  12. Aye, but I didn't see it till just then... Look at me, I'm making more theory's then stulinger... That's what ya get for sitting through a dr. Who marathon...
  13. I've seen a glitch like this as well, when why I was switching guns I went down and then realized I was holding an RPD from downed position... Needless to say I was revived easy...
  14. And again I see a map prediction of a HUGE map with 8 players... IT'S TOO MUCH you DO know that right? What is a BETTER idea is that depending on how you help maxis and richtofen durring the first maps, determines Weither you play as a tranzit or Origional character! So if you would normally be misty, but then did a few of the richtofen Easter eggs, you could then play as tank! Also not only did I become emotionally attached by that cutscene, I realized the characters were evolving from their quotes in tranzit... Samule was becoming more worrysome... Russman had become more carring for stu, misty has at least developed a sense of importance towards stulinger, and marelton was DEFFINANTLY feeling something towards misty, all of them becoming more of a team as they progressed, much like, (sniffle) another group I once knew...
  15. Why is that the fourth post today with someone who has put "burst your bubble"...
  16. The Co-op Quiz! (I double posted for a reason) Now that you know your Solo attitude towards the game, now it's time to get your co-op scores! Same rules as before, but marks have different meanings! Just fallow your choises and check yourself out at the end! This time you start in DIE RISE! Your team feels confident and at the end of round two your team has aquired a couple thousand each, what do you do? Stage 1! 1: Take the elevator to the power switch! Take a GREEN mark and continue to stage 4! 2: Start to build the trample steam! Take a YELLOW mark and Advance to stage 2! Stage 2! You've desided to start to build the trample steam, each player has aquired a part do you, 1: Cheep it, and strategically fall off the first side: get a get a green mark and proceed to stage 3 2: Play it safe and buy the stairs down to the ledge: Get a red mark and proceed to stage 3 Stage 3: You've managed to slip by the fall and survive, you now have the trample steam! What do you do now? 1:Power!: Take a green mark and continue to Stage 4: 2: Hold off here until the nova jumpers come!: Take a purple mark and continue to stage 5: 3: Hold off on the roof! Take a green mark and continue to stage 7 Stage 4: You've made it to power! With it switched on you deside to: 1:Go build the trample steams! Take a yellow mark and return to stage 3! 2: Hold off on the roof: See stage 7 and take a red mark! 3: Build the sliquifier!: Take a yellow mark and then choose another choise... 4: Camp in the lower levels, take the elevators when they come... Take a purple mark and continue to stage 5: Stage 5: Everything is going to plan and you reach the roof, you deside to stock up on weapons, you have 3000 points, give or take 25 points... 1:Juggernog!: Take a red mark... Then advance to stage 7 2:Quick revive!: Take a blue mark and advance to stage 7 3: Go get the Ak-74u or orther wall weapon: Take a Red mark and continue to stage 7 4: Hit the box... Advance to stage 6... Stage 6: You've hit the box, the first time you receive the DSR, the second had a Kap-40, and the last was a Balistics knifes, you now hold only one of these weapons, it is the, 1: DSR: Take a Purple mark and continue to stage 7: 2: Kap-40: Take a green mark and continue to stage 7: 3: Balistics: Take a blue mark and continue to stage 7: Stage 7: Nova round! Your team huddles together and... Panics and shoots the monsters! : Advance to stage 9: Strategically uses their trample steams to take out the crawlers, allong with the Bowie knife bought by others... : Advance to stage 8... Stage 8: Your recive your favorite perk from strategically killing the crawlers! (unless youve already bought it, then it's your SECOND fav. Perks! ) 1:Who's who: take a red mark and continue to stage 9 2: Speed cola: Take a green mark and continue to stage 9 3:Stamin up: Take a green mark and continue to stage 9 4: Quick revive: Take a blue mark and continue to stage 9 5:Double tap: Take a purple mark and continue to stage 9 6:Mule kick!: Take a blue mark and continue to stage 9 7: Juggernog!: Take a purple mark and continue to stage 9! Stage 9: Your all holding out on the roof when someone goes down! What do you do? 1:SAVE HIM QUICKLY! Take a blue mark and continue to 10! 2:Cover whoever's trying to save him! Take a purple mark and continue to 10! 3:Destract the zombies! Take a red mark and continue to 10! Stage 10: You try your hardest, but after many corpses K-Oed, your team eventually falls.., your stats at the end are: 1: Kills 1293 Revives 0 Downs 8 and head shots 58 : Take a purple mark 2: Kills 985 revives 1 downs 4 and headshots 48 : Take a blue mark 3: Kills 600 revives 0 downs 1 and headshots 130: Take a yellow mark 4: Kills 500 revives 1 downs 1 and headshots 49: Take a red mark 5: Kills 490 revives 14 downs 1 and headshots 30: Take a blue mark And that's that! Lets see how you did according to stats! Red- your the safety guy, a few extra points arnt worth a down, or a death! Play it safe with wall weapons that will always have amo, that's how you get to higher rounds! You don't want to rely on others either... Who's who is your choise... Good for staying alive, not so much kills... Green- You're a scout! Allways keep moving! The lighter and more powerfull weapons are your choise! Speed cola and stamin up are a MUST! Good for quick escapes, not so much headshots... Yellow-Your a sniper! You much rather would have strategically placed items to take out zombies then actual weapons! You prefer Semtex, Claymores,Snipers and the sliquifier! good for headshots, not nessiasary kills... Blue- You're the doctor! (No not richtofen) Meaning your favorite weapons are monkeys, upgraded Balistics, and you almost can never be seen without quick revive! Because Balistics are quite weak, it's also Wize to keep mule kick around for the extra fire power! Good for revives, not kills... Purple-You're a camper, your prefer heavy weaponry and not to move about, the stronger the better! Juggernog early on with speed and double tap! Pack-a-punching is also nessiasary! Good for kills, not staying alive... I hope you enjoyed this test as well. Pease feel free to post your results!
  17. Then there's the whole HARRP thing from shi no Numa that could come into effect..
  18. Samanthia isn't in the ather yet? Yes she is... Samanthia was in the ather possibly before verrućt and DEFIANTLY before shi no Numa... We know this because we know richtofen went streight from shi no, to der reise, to kino, we also know he was present shortly after the MPD insident with samanthia, and sense he can't be in two places at once, we KNOW the MPD event happened before shi no, and therefore she was in the ather at the time if shi no Numa! Checkmate! Purhaps verrućt may not be from her, but shi no and der reise had her in the MPD! I am 100% POSSITIVE on that!
  19. Ok here is my test, given to you, to see what type of player you subcontiously play as! First select a test: Solo or Multiplayer (4players), then fallow your choises and see who you are! Solo! : Start off in Tranzit, after round one you have 750 points and quick revive! What do you do? STAGE 1 1: Build the turbine and leave: See stage 2 One mark BLUE 2: Buy the door and leave: See stage 2 One mark GREEN 3: Buy a wall weapon (m14) and stay put: See stage 3 One mark Red Stage 2! You've taken the bus to the diner alive, you have access to the mystery box, the diner, and the bus depot had the hatch, but this area has no peices, what do you do? 1: Build the zombie sheild: See stage 4 One mark BLUE 2: Attach the hatch to the diner roof: Choose another option and take a YELLOW mark 3: Buy the box over the next three rounds...: See stage 4 one mark GREEN 4: Attach the hatch to the bus: Choose another option and take a PURPLE mark Stage 3! You fight bravely, but are soon over run, loosing a quick reveive and you can't get another one... Building the turbine you place one at the stop light and make a denizen portal, now what? 1:Hop through! See stage 4 one PURPLE mark 2:Forget it and run to town over the lava: See stage 9 and take a GREEN mark. 3:Ride the bus to the diner: See stage 2 and take a Red mark! Stage 4! Your trapped at the diner with no bus, and your turbine is broken! You DO have a zombie sheild, an m14 and a DSR, what do you do? 1:Stay there and fight, its easier then you think! See stage 5 and take a RED mark 2:Try to run through the lava to town! See stage 9 and take a GREEN mark 3: Run back to the depot to get a turbine and teleport out! See stage 7 and take a PURPLE mark Stage 5! You've managed to survive until the bus came, now your at power with your zombie sheild, bus pistol, and DSR, do you... 1: Turn on the power! Then go to town See stage 6 and take a RED mark 2: Turn the power on, but then off again! See stage 9 and take a GREEN mark 3: Forget the power and ride to town. See stage 7 and take a PURPLE mark Stage 6: You've arived in town to find the avagadro has spawned, do you: 1:Fight him off... See stage 7 and take a PURPLE mark 2: Avoid him and hold off in the bar or juggernog room knifing him strategically when possible.... See stage 7 and take a RED mark 3: Jump onto the bus and get out of there FAST! Take a GREEN mark and see stage 9... Stage 7: The avagadro is gone now! You take a nice long relaxing time to play some epic rounds, easily training through the town.. Find some more things to do! Take a yellow mark and see stage 8 Just train in the tunnel until you get over run... See stage 9 take a red mark Stage 8: You have reached a high point, now what do you do? 1: Find the peices and compleat the jet gun: choose another option and take a blue mark... 2: Build the eletric trap and or the turret: Choose another trap and take a blue and yellow mark 3: Activate/use pack a punch: Take a blue and yellow mark, then choose another option... 4:Obtain galvaknuckles: Take a blue mark and choose another option..., 5:Build the rest of the bus: Take a blue mark and a yellow mark... 6: Try to hold off at the shack or in the glitches around the map... Take a green mark and see stage 9... 7: Go somewhere your good at and survive as long as you can! Take a RED mark and See stage 9... 8: Restock on good weapons: Take a yellow mark and choose another option.... Stage 9: You have died, Weither through pride, boredom, or just being a n00b, your done... How many of each mark did you receive? See below for details! How did you engoy that? Here are how your classified! NO CHEATING! Red: You play by the book, and like a pro, smart and bold decisions... Both of which are desired traits! Blue: You like to build thinks! Good! Every team needs a handyman! Yellow: Your an innovator, the better off you are the better... You are... I guess.... Purple: Your a risk taker! Be carefull! Green: You've made a noob decision... Or your trying to play with some extra screams and challenge... How did your stats fair? That was just the solo test! Go take the multiplayer test to see what kind of team player you are!
  20. Uhg... Both my parents have an Alchohol problem... Which is why I refrain from intoxication... But I have had PLENTY of experiences with drunk and high morons who say: Sure Ill help with the Easter egg! (five seconds pass...) dude I'm sorry... I didn't know zombie's were dangerous... I just want to hug them man! .... Nein... I dispize drunkards on all maps...
  21. I beleive the rift is the emmence amount of sheer energy released from heat, kinetic, and life force when the bombs dropped... I did a theory a while back about solar waves possibly ripping the earth into peices due to the sun being supercharged by this energy feild... It's also possible that if the events of tranzit and die rise arnt too far past the events of moon and nuketown, that when the earth revolves around the sun, the enrgy feild can be used to send the earth back in time to change history! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  22. Refer to my post above, Elena is Not Samantha in the WaW EE songs, her voice wasn't considered Samantha's until Kino Der Toten, well after she was in the Aether. -Whiskey I'm almost positive that waw songs were from samanthia's perspective: for example... Lulliby for a deadman: Life is still spinning, in my beginning... I know when your sleep-ing! I know the things your dream-ing and I know you will never give up and DIE! That doesn't represent the solders at all... It references samanthia who is trying to kill the soldiers, but not anything towards the solders themselves... The one: "Ive been waiting for someone, to find me, and kill me, and set me freeeeeee..." I've been waiting for the ONE! This was presumed to be samanthia talking to richtofen, but we now that's rediculous, as she wants anything but that she asks for... Purhaps it's samanthia talking to another crew member... Or purhaps she's referring to Samule? Beauty of Annialation: All my atrocities Come by way of reciprocity I'm chewing the bones of my own reprieve Death be my dignity Execute hemlock philosophy Poison fills the cup of the carpenter Each of these lines reference one of the four unsavory heros: Nikolai the Carpender, the philosophic takeo, the dignified tank, and then richtofen who is chewing his own bones... If these lyrics are cannon, then they are sung by one person, who can't be all richtofen, Dempsky, Nikolai, and takeo, they'd have to be a being observing them, like samanthia... I can see them everywhere They're all around me They're waiting for me Likewise, this isn't referring to the O4 either... Samanthia is the frightened girl in the ather, the others are just killing freak bags. So I feel VERY confident in my previous statement about the songs in WAW being from Sam's point of view...
  23. Wasn't A7X just in for for COTD though? I figured that was just something to do with the other characters, I'm well aware that Kevin has written most of the music for the other songs as well I was saying that I like Clark The first couple times I heard Carrion I was like "meh" but now he sounds kinda like the guy from Celldweller to me I didn't really like those couple of songs because it felt like they were trying to put too much screamo in it and Elena is more of a melodic singer rather than a hardcore vocalist and it sounded forced, a lot of them weren't even clean sounding screams. A still don't see why A7X should be Richtofin but maybe they are, maybe Clark is Maxis, Rissole had that awesome song analysis and it could be that Elena is Sam, Avenged are Richtofin, and Clark is Maxis EDIT: forgot A7X was in Moon as well Or Clark is Samule.. Or something else... And I agree on Elena, Luliby for a dead man had no screaming in it and it was beutifull... And ax7 was in COTD, moon, and the trailer for blops 2 zombies (as well as the end of campaign but we don't care about that) All places where richtofen was not a playable character at some point: He was in a vault in COTD In moon he BECAME an overlord being... And in the trailer he was in the ather... We know ax7 responds to him, and Elena is Samanthia, we arnt 100% sure who the last guy was last time I checked... Oh and Emenem... he was at "five"... But we're almost 100% certain that he was put in there for time reasons...
  24. Maybe there is a Trazit part 2? The Expansions just haven't come out yet. Doubt it, that map is too big, as is... To make it bigger would slow down the zombie killing process even more.,,
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