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Status Updates posted by Rissole25

  1. Avenged Sevenfold were AWESOME!

  2. A7X are going to be playing Shepard of Fire and Nightmare, woo! Would be awesome if Not Ready To Die or Carry On was on the setlist, but I am happy to hear these songs! :D

    1. PINNAZ


      You should send them a Facebook or Twitter message telling them Aussies are huge Zombies & A7X fans. See if they add them to the set list.

    2. Rissole25


      Hahaha. Well if I somehow managed to get to the barrier, I will shout out and ask them that as well as what is going on with zombies heh :p

  3. Seeing Wolf Creek 2 tonight! Oh dear.

  4. In two weeks, I'll be seeing Avenged Sevenfold live, and I couldn't be more excited! :)

    1. Naitrax


      I HATE YOU!

      My parents won't let me go because of getting there...

      You are a lucky man to be an adult.

    2. Rissole25


      Heh, you will regret saying that one day.

      I'm guessing you don't live close to Brisbane? (You live in QLD right?)

    3. Naitrax
  5. I'm hearing things about Cannibal Holocaust. Sounds very brutal, don't think I could watch it. Anyone here seen it?

    1. DeathBringerZen


      It is a pretty gruesome movie from 1980 that a lot of people considered a snuff movie. It's garbage, but somewhat fascinating at the same time. You may as well watch it... It is a cult classic, but expect some horrific moments. lol

  6. Why is there sunlight coming through the windows in Buried's Church? IT MAKES NO SENSE D: #SamanthaProblems

    1. InfestLithium


      Because part of the church is in direct sunlight from the hole above it.

    2. Rissole25


      I mean, there could be one, but considering the geography of the rock out front, and light comes through window closest to the entrance, it just seems odd and off for some reason.

    3. Slade


      Must be a conspiracy from the lighting engine!

  7. Dolly Cam and viewing it through the Timeline Editor, needs some serious work and tweaking. The cams seem to move forward slightly from where you place when viewing through the Editor. Makes the movement delayed essentially. Pissed off because it ruins great shots I had set up.

  8. Going to scream if I get another crap game of Buried. Can people not just leave for once?

  9. Going to scream if I get another crap game of Buried. Can people not just leave for once?

    1. Rissole25


      Lose Connection, Game Freezes, omg


    2. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      ??? I was available and I never quit!

      But I stink.

    3. Boom115


      I pretty much accept that as the norm when playing with randoms at this point.

  10. So I plan get off my arse and start working on the next WaW trailer. I've already edited and completed all BO2 songs, so I just need to capture footage. I'm leaning on doing Buried, as I'm very happy with it. But what would guys want? TranZit/Carrion, Die Rise/WAFD, MOTD/WAWG or Buried/AR? Nuketown can be done after all of them.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I think, now here me out, a somewhat more dark version of "radioactive" for nuketown, and for mob of the dead: My evil ways...

    2. Rissole25


      There good suggestions haha, but the whole point is to replicate the WaW trailer styles that we saw with Shi No, Der Riese and Kino. So I've gotta use the music eggs.

    3. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      play with me play with me play with me play with me

  11. Operation #N4 in the works :P Not sure when it will be up, but hopefully within the next couple of months atleast.

    1. PINNAZ


      Looking forward to it. What's it entail?

    2. Rissole25


      Blah sorry I'm late. It's basically an all you need to know about them, there past, etc. There will definitely be things that surprise everyone.

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