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Everything posted by deathb4di2h0nor

  1. Glitches that were Fixed 1)monkey bomb glitch 2)lander glitch 3)george glitch 4)REMOVED 5)astro zombie out of map glitch(es) 6)im sure theres more (just cant think of anymore) Yes, Treyarch has eliminated some very powerful glitches. This leads me to believe some are impossible to fix. For instance, the dog round glitch on Kino. If it were possible to fix this, I know they would have by now. There are plenty of people still doing it and I am sure there are videos of it. They didn't fix it because they can't. Not sure why but it has something to do with the AI and in order to fix the glitch they would have to change the AI. I know there are glitches that are way worse and that is what you are talking about. I just think they did there best on this one, and will do there best not to include these glitches on Black ops. There will be new ones though. As long as there are cheaters and You tube, they will have their work cut out for them. Take it easy on them.
  2. It would be cool if they made the group an American, a European, an Australian, and an African American. Back then they used obvious stereo types for the inspiration on the dialog. Why not use the stereo types for people most often on the game. I know this leaves out a lot of races and actually I'm all for getting rid of the American character for ... I don't know. Maybe a Mexican character. I mean if it is new characters with new races to joke about, it would be unfair to use american twice, so a black guy would do just fine. I could see some great quests happening with updated dialog for the new additions.
  3. 1)Trolls (Host ended game) :twisted: 2)Know it all (his way or the highway) :geek: 3)Mic Ruiners (in the lobby it's quiet, in game it's construction site) :x 4)No Teamwork at all (does opposite of what majority wants) :?: I resisted the urge to continue to ten. :)
  4. Yes, and I could see this working with the story-line. Redeveloping the crew based on newer criteria. They said it themselves, it was hard adding character to a character without cut scenes. I believe they have had plenty of time to work out personality traits and could come up with some awesome characters. The only way I would agree with this (of course) is if the original crew was still playable. We have come to far and accomplished so much. It would be a shame to start all over with no way of playing with the crew we love so much.
  5. In another thread in General Zombies Discussion, Rissole25 brought some images of Group 601 emblems and quotes. The quotes, translated from German to English, are as follows: STAGE TWO, Strength Through Order. To me this sounds like a hint. We didn't see any Group 601 members join the zombies story-line in Black Ops. "Stage Two" could mean Stage One is complete after Black Ops. The chance of it being a scrap name they were throwing around for 935 are slim, because in Der Riese the 935 Group was established. Writing on the wall and all. I for one would like a more reliable group to swap off with whenever Treyarch wants to change it up. I don't mind throwing in random famous people. I just like the sound of multiple stories co-existing along the same story. This would also give them a reason to go back to the World War era. You can pretty much start off anywhere. BTW: Has anyone found anymore info on Group 601? I would like to hear your input.
  6. OK being as the majority of people on this site refuse to comment and would rather view everyone's topic, and write the same exact thing. I will reply to you. From here on out I will reply to all posts with no or little replies. Just because someone's idea is odd or not up to your standards, doesn't mean it could not be built upon. (end of rant) Implemented ideas 1)This was pretty much solved by the hacker. All they would have to do is make the hacker more permanent and use the D-pad (down). I do think they should make it to where everyone has it, and you don't have to "split" it up. This is a must though, we must have a way to give your team-mates money. Some people aren't as good as me... 2)I like this idea. Again, they somewhat began on this. The hacker is essential when hitting the box. If you and someone else need a gun, bring the hacker. Even if you don't need one, have them give you money for your box hits. This also is essential. The box is unbelievably unforgiving. One person can get raygun first try. The next person gets CZ75 five times until he runs out of money. We need a reasonable way of sorting things out. Giving away guns is only the beginning. 3) I don't know about this one. It does sound good at first, but the more I think about it.... I think it might be too much power for the player. Your situation wouldn't seem as desperate if you knew you had a nuke or insta-kill ready at will. I would like a way to elongate the amount of time a drop has, before flashing away. Perhaps a gun with a second mode of fire. Shoot a perk once and it restarts the countdown till it disappears. I feel like it should only be able to do it once though. Per perk that is. Time Complaint I agree and disagree. I agree the rounds take forever and it can be repetitive. It takes forever to get to round 30-40 and after that it seems the same amount of time to do one round. I think it should stay close to this though. If each round after 30+ took 20-30 minutes, everyone would be on the top of the leaderboards. I find myself doing challenges to even it out. Try playing a no jugg game, or a shotgun only game. You will be pleased with yourself by the time its time to quit, I promise. 1)I think being able to buy ammo should be limited to normal guns only. (excluding wonderweapons, M&S, crossbow, ballistic knife, and any type of special grenade) Certain guns are given limited ammo because it would ruin gameplay. I like the idea of being able to buy ammo for a galil or something at will. Them max-ammos get kind of scarce after a while. 2)I agree with this. The box moving into an area you can't reach, should be the only reason it moves. Once everything else is open, it IS kind of pointless to have it keep moving. It is core though. Playing with core zombies is risky. General ideas 1)Aaah the perks. IDK. They have been playing around with different ideas with Black Ops. I have a feeling we will have a better perk system on the next game. I don't know about being able to buy them all though. Maybe another one or two, but they have to have something for easter-eggs. 2)Pro perks and challenges would be awesome. It would add a lot to the gameplay. I like this a lot. 3)I would love to have multiple paths implemented a little more. In Call of the Dead they tried bringing it back, it wasn't all that great though. The maps have reduced to open areas. We need vertical maps. Imagine flopper diving off a roof, EPIC. 4) The killstreaks you mentioned would be great and easy to implement. I would love to see more zombie style killstreaks though. "Friendly hellhounds ready for your mark, Hellhounds ready for your mark." 5) I like the idea of having all special grenades available, but having monkeybombs and gershes would be pointless. Monkeybombs are way less glitchy anyways. If this was added, you would not be able to buy more ammo for them though. It would be like having the monkeybomb glitch back. 6) NOOOO. You can't take away the box. I wouldn't want this one at all. Sorry man, I just can't do the whole survival mixed with zombies mode. 7) To answer your question there simply isn't enough space on a disc to fit everygun from all cods. We need new guns. I wouldn't ming having newer versions of the same guns. Galil 2.0 would be awesome. ( I'm sure you can tell I like the Galil.) 8)I like this. Fits with the challenges and pro perks. 9) NOOOO. survival mode enthusiast aren't you. Well, I am not gonna say its a bad idea but I think it's a little too close to Horde mode mixed with survival. My Two Cents All in all I think you have some solid, yet vague, ideas. I could see most of these implemented into zombies. Expect brains for the effort.
  7. Wow, 2 replies, huh. I'm at a loss for words.. Was it too late? I'm lost. :roll: :D
  8. PRESTIGE EDITION FTW! I'm buying this one because I am buying ELITE anyways, so I might as well just get the extra stuff, whatever it may be. I honestly don't care what it is or if it works 'well'. I will probably just put it up on the entertainment center and let it collect dust. I hope it is something to do with zombies though.
  9. Being one of the ones saying "If you want to play the old maps the classic way, go play WAW." I too agree with you. I would love to have a WAW2 or something similar. (which I also siad before) The storyline could pick up anywhere. The options are plentiful. Having good ol' Waw gameplay with newer graphics would be awesome. As for BLOPS2, I just can't wait. There are so many questions left unanswered. So many hints. The zombies........Ohhh the zombies. The whole Samantha/Richtofen deal. Will hacker return? How many ideas from this forum will be added to the new game on disc? And I'm sure they could add new variations, including specialist, into the killstreaks. War itself is not for the light-hearted, Lemoade. You could come up with something for every time period. COD 1-9 include bombs, airstrikes, bullets, grenades, KNIFE,etc. All of which could mangle and twist your limbs right off.
  10. EDIT: Only joking man. It has happened to me before though. I admit it. I'm an achievement whore. Things like this just kill me a little bit on the inside. :D
  11. (SPECIAL THANKS TO MEGA for placing this in the correct forum.)(Credit goes where it should, you know who you are) In another thread labeled Wonder Weapon Ideas, I began a post that I feel was cut short because I didn't want to clog the current topic. In this topic I will expand on said idea with pictures and better explanation. Wonder Attachment Machine This machine will be similar to attachment machines previously mentioned, but offers a nice twist. All attachments are unaffected by PaP. Being as some guns will already have attachments, (i.e. Aug, M16, M14, etc.) I will make the necessary notes on each attachment showing compatability. Infra-Dead HAMR Sights: This attachment will be similar to MW3's HAMR sight. A laser sight similar to custom zombies enhances hip fire accuracy. Upon switching to the zoom, it will double as a infra-dead scope. Imagine: This vvv Mixed with this: Mixed with this: (^not compatible with any of the regular attachments, as it uses the d-pad function) Freak Bag Mags: This attachment is simple yet effective. Not only does it offer more ammo/mags, it also adds explosive/incendiary rounds. The rounds are simultaneous explosive fire, and only the last 10 bullets offer the power. Leading you to want to keep shooting till the end. Imagine: This^ and PaP ammo combined, with the last 10 rounds being explosive.(not massive explosion...think XM25 with quicker rate of fire, and actual fire) The incendiaries/tracer rounds will show up without PaPing the gun. (This attachment is compatible with every normal attachment you might get.)I cant really find any explosive rounds/incendiary rounds in videos but I am still looking. KM11RV-GOAT (VR11 Masterkey): This attachment will offer all the effects of the VR11 with the versatility of a shotgun. I liked Hgoats idea on this but changed it to fit my topic. Core idea credit goes to him. Being as there can't be water on every map, once a zombie is shot and becomes human, he simply stays still. Though he cannot infect or kill any zombies, he stays alive the same amount of time as a monkeybomb, and you get 10-20 points for every hit he takes from a zombie. The spray this attachment offers will benefit your aim in shooting team-mates as well, leaving insta-kill at will wide open for oppurtunity. Imagine: This^ Mixed with: Mixed with: pJAxBY4ASeA You notice the difficulty the player was faced with while trying to shoot his team-mate. (compatible with red dot sights) DBGL-TANK This attachment is similar to a trap. It offers a way of sealing off an area or doorway for quick retreat. I liked Tankeo's idea for this one, but again, I had to modify, or in your case, leave out some things to fit my idea. Upon being shot, this grenade launcher would explode with the same force as a napalm zombie. It leaves behind the same patch of fire as well. The fire will emit a purplish/blue flame near the top hinting even more toward a PaP/Wonder weapon. Imagine: This^ mixed with: Mixed with: (Compatible with red dot sights) Ballistic Bayonet This attachment offers all of the abilities of the upgraded ballistic knife and the bowie knife, without the upclose and personal. The down-side being you get limited ammo and we all know how easy it is to misfire a ballistic knife right outside the map. Imagine: This^ mixed with: Mixed with: One hit kill until 20. (Compatible with red dot sights) ARSEN-FTW This attachment will be similar to the flamethrower, but offers more effectiveness. Instead of igniting the fuel supply when you swap over to this attachment, it allows you to apply the fuel supply directly to the zombies. One spark from a bullet or a frag and well.... Imagine: This^ mixed with: wV4OZqSdP1U This^^^ would be EPIC Ammo Clip size/Stock Freak Bag Mags 25%^/25%^ KM11RV-GOAT2/6 DBGL-TANK2/6 Ballistic Bayonet1/4 ARSEN-FTW1/4 I put a lot of work into finding the pictures and effort into my thoughts. Please do give feedback. Not asking for brains, just input. Maybe even your ideas. Thank you to WhosOnFirst. Expect brains for your kindness. I think I got it all tidy'd up but I will be adding more info and explanation as time goes by. By the way if you don't know whos on first, then who's on second? This is a little drawing I put together. I think it should look like this. The left side will offer an area for choosing your attachment, indicated by a green light. The right side will offer a place to insert your gun and pay for the attachment. The two halfs will be separated enough so the player doesn't accidently buy one he/she doesn't want. The lever on the side will move the green light one slot and you must cycle through to get your preferred attachment. I know warlord was a perk, but the sign just looked so good.
  12. I know you are new here, and the site's search feature is lacking what it needs. This is why I will not be criticizing you for your idea. This idea has been brought up, word for word, on this forum already. Leading me to believe you know what I am telling you to be true. I leave you with this. Leaders never follow, Followers never lead. -DB4D
  13. Forgive me if this goes somewhere else. Should I need to make a new thread about this, let me know. Wonder Attachment Machine This attachment machine will be located near PaP, giving the player a choice. You can only have one attachment on a gun at a time. The attachment does not change after PAP. Should you have a gun that will end up with an attachment that is compatible, (i.e. red dot/undermount) you will keep both. Should you have a gun that will end up with an attachment that is incompatible, (i.e. undermount/undermount) the Wonderweapon attachment will take the place. Prepare to read a lot. And be amazed. Infra-dead HAMR sights: This attachment is similar to the HAMR sights on MW3. The red dot sight side of things would offer laser sights from WAW custom maps. Apon switching to the zoom side of things, this attachment would double as a infra dead scope. (similar to scavenger) Freak Bag Mags: This attachment is one of the more simple yet effective choices. It offers more ammo, as well as explosive/incendiary rounds every so often. Possibly a button to swap ammos. KM11RV(VR11Masterkey Backwards):(similar to Hgoat's idea, little different.)This attachment is an undermounted shotgun which also is semi-automatic. It offers all the features of the VR11 without giving up that weapons slot. Being as there cannot be water on every map, the humans would simply stand still until dead. Though the human does not kill or infect any zombies, you get points for the zombies hitting him. The human would have the same life time as a monkeybomb, allowing for a quick save. The shotgun would also have more spray, making it easier to shoot team-mates, and allowing for easier insta-kill at will. DBGLTANK:(I think I gave credit where credit is due)I like Tankeo's idea for this attachment. I would use the pap version only however, being as I have not implemented pap versions. For those who did not read all the posts: This attachment would double as a trap. It shoots a ball of fire that creates a patch of napalm. (similar to the napalm) Small explosion apon impact. ArsenyFTW:This attachment is similar to the flamethrower, but allows for more effectiveness. Apon swapping to this attachment, a flame will not ignite the gas supply. The player will be allowed to spray the zombies directly with substantial amounts of fuel. One spark from a gun or grenade and...well I'm sure you can see what I see. I will put the ideas on hold for a while as I would like to see what feedback this gets before continuing. I do have more ideas for this. I feel like this covers a wide variety of players and keeps it within the boundaries.
  14. 1) This option is good. I hate to think anything IW created would be in zombies, but it offers the type of challenge I mentioned earlier. Time delay. The screen that pops up in survival restricts your ability to move or interact with the gameplay while scrolling. I like this. It adds a sense of urgency to the work station. 2) This option is also good, though I feel only having five choices in the station would leave it looking empty as it cycled through the options. You may see the same trap 5-8 times before it chose. It could be changed, however. Reduce the speed of the reel. Maybe change music to include jackpot trap.(similar sound to when you get raygun 1st time) IDK maybe not. I do like the core ideas of both choices though.
  15. Yes, I like your idea on the work station much better. There could only be a max of 4-5 different traps, so it WOULD be a little pointless to gather parts you already gathered. As for the time delay, I don't know. I just kind of through that out there. I do like the idea of needing to save a crawler/throw a monkey/get a friend in order to assemble the trap, but as you said, it may be too much. Having a place for them to be held for purchase sounds more reasonable. From now on I'm saying this: Please Carbon, Please be looking at this. Great idea man, I can't say it enough.
  16. Now now. Lets not bicker. Jason Lives said it best. Im not gonna quote cause you wrote a lot. My feeling is this: YOU ARE NOT"paying an extra $50 for one game" by buying ELITE. YOU ARE paying an extra $10 and cheating yourself out of essentially "free" stats and community games (such as tournaments) by not buying it. The theory that you want to "pick and choose" doesn't really work either. I'm sure Treyarch will make more than two "buyable" "fun" maps. Meaning you would still pay $45 for WAAAAY less DLC and stats than you would have got for $50. Did I buy ELITE for MW3? No. Will I buy it for BLOPS2? H*ll Yes! Leaked info and easter egg walkthroughs are only found if you look for it. If you absolutely are not going to buy ELITE, don't spoil it for YOURSELF. DON'T LOOK UP INFO ON THE MAP. Leave it be and scour over the trailers trying to find something. If you would like to join the rest of us in actually playing the map, and paying less for more, Buy ELITE. NUFF SAID.
  17. I could see if we were talking about previous maps, but this is the new game we are talking about. For all we know this will be a map mixed in time, with chunks of everywhere and pieces of everything. Zombies from everywhere and guns from mars. In one room it looks like shangri-la, the next it looks like moon. The point is diversity. We want more than just a side step or a certain scream to tell the difference between two zombies.
  18. I love it. Simply awesome. I like the idea of having a workshop area on the map. I could see it now: Turret 1)collect parts(3 parts) 2)assemble in workshop(possible hacker type time delay bar?)(10sec.) 3)setup turret anywhere Electricity 1)collect parts(4 parts) 2)assemble in workshop(20sec.) 3)setup electric post anywhere(similar to electricity on DOA) Fire 1)collect parts(4 parts) 2)assemble in workshop(20sec.) 3)not too sure bout the fire, ideas? (maybe a flamethrower turret?) I like the idea of being able to have a trap in a open area. Especially if there actually isn't one there and you put it there at will. You could circle it similar to the way Kino's stage is set up. Great post man.
  19. Things I Would Like To See Guns: Wonderwaffe (as you said) Thundergun (as you said) VR11 (I like to insta-kill at will) Scavenger Galil PPSH Other Weapons: Better Knife (I like the idea of a melee wonderweapon) QED Monkey Bombs Gameplay Features: Zombies similar to Shangri-la (fire and shrieker, I feel this map incorporated mid round bosses correctly) High Round (50+) Challenges or easter eggs High Round (50+) Support. (Please Treyarch) I know you are new here and I would like to welcome you to the forum. Please try to layout your topic/posts in a more orderly fashion. By no means is my way the only way but it offers an example.
  20. Hey Undead XP, you reached a milestone. (brains)
  21. Great thread. One thing I have to say on the optimistic side of things. It would be awesome if you play through the zombie campaign and beat it, and once completed, it starts the new stock zombie map. Possibly even add an achievement for completing the campaign, in which is incorporated as an inventory item needed in the next map. Just thinking about it gives me chills. :? :lol:
  22. ^^This. Especially the part about project x and custom maps having potential. Project X is epic. Everytime I see a new gameplay of that map, I want it even more. I think treyarch could improve on them, but I like the idea that some guy somewhere made it. So I wouldn't want them to touch it. As for the tools and editing being built into the game, IDK. Leave the mods to their handywork. It would be cool if they gave console gamers an option to download the custom maps.(i know someone already mentioned this, but IDK who)
  23. Actually, the real reason that a lot of the posts on here suck, is there has been an overload of new people in this topic. The majority of people don't search previous topics or research anything, leading to double posts and Topics that look like this: I'm not gonna get into layout/easter eggs cause it is too laborous. Also there hasn't been too many veterans making new posts. When I first started, there was pretty much only veteran topics. Nowadays it's the noobs running around handing out brains for topics that aren't well thought out at all.(end of rant) VETERANS! You are being summoned from the hollow earth! HELLOOOO
  24. Don't worry so much people. Have faith in them. I'm sure even if this story came to an EPIC conclusion, there is still plenty of possibilities for future zombies. Yes, yes I know, no one wants to give up their favorite character for someone new. However, there are many, many, posts on here with really good plots for after the crew is gone. For instance, (i don't know who it was) someone mentioned the kin of our heroes being a possibility. I like this because everyone knows how much different kids try to be from their parents. The whole stereo-type thing could go out the window. We already know their parents so there would be a lot of flexability with how they act. Perhaps the kids would be the complete opposite of the parents. IDK
  25. Genius. This is a great idea. If they did this it could open up a whole new world of Zombies. All the zombies fans could get exactly what they want without all the MP stuff and vice versa. Treyarch could offer a MP Elite and a Zombies Elite. You could either subscribe to one or both. Price wise Zombies Elite should be cheaper and the maps should come like every other month so Treyarch has time to make a great quality maps. I hope they see this thread so they don't ruin zombies for everyone. YEEEESSSS! this is amazing guys. No joke. Great idea.
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