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Everything posted by deathb4di2h0nor

  1. I agree, it would "kill the thrill" so to speak. But if you were stopping the game, it was probably for a good reason. There is no way around the fact that all in all your life comes first. Things come up during zombie matches all the time. Especially since they last a good four hours at least. This would just give you a chance to keep your game, and still handle what life may through at you.
  2. I checked it out. I never have THAT kind of time. I meant more of a "sit back and goof off" kind of game that doesn't involve typing. I also meant on the xbox. Not hating, so please don't take it that way. I love your work and now I have something to read when everything slows down on here.
  3. While I agree with Ed and NZ, I think the crew (Richtofen,Nikolai,Takeo,Tank) is popular enough for them to be able to make something like this separate from the usual game mode. If they did, however, I would want just a XBOX dashboard arcade game. 1500 microsoft points at the most. Just enough of a campaign/rpg to add to the story.
  4. I know this has been brought up on this forum, but for the life of me I can't find it. There are many mixed emotions about this topic floating around and all opinions are welcome. My main focus for this thread will be figuring out a way to blend these ideas into a few solid options. We all know the feeling of leaving your TV for dinner or a glass of water, only to find the game over or you yourself down. Saving a crawler is a great method and all. But what if the crawler dies and becomes a walker. Then your friend attempts to create another and fails, thus starting a new round. I have a general view of how I think it would work. I think it could be tweaked, and I'm sure there are flaws I have not thought of. That is where you, the community come in. Please help me make this work. Vote to Pause: Let's say you are on round 30 (round about number) and you realize dinner is done or you forgot to do something. You tell your friend or friends of the dilemma and unanimously decide to take a break. (your friends could go ahead and use the restroom or something; or rest their eyes.) You save a crawler, enter the pause menu, and select vote to pause. Once everyone has selected it, a countdown from five begins and the game pauses. EDIT: In order to resume the game, you would simply vote to resume. I know there will be nay-sayers. I am fine with that as long as you answer with explanation. I don't want to see "NO" and the post ends. Thanks for making it this far.
  5. That is crazy. Honestly, my speakers are messed so I didn't have sound to hear you. Can't really say I can remember your voice. Stupid ALI-A is all I can remember. But yeah, your name is clear as day, and I used to be a real follower. Not saying something you did something. I just found this community and realized there was hundreds of people with the intel you possess, this community.
  6. It's really a good idea. The only way though, is if the person that joined, his round counter started at one regardless of what round it is. They should be able to get credit for the rounds they complete. They should not get the same credit as everyone else. Say its round 50 and your friend wants to join. When he does, his round counter would say 1.
  7. I can see why you would want this, and it isn't a bad idea. REALLY. I just don't think they would take up disc space for something that could be done with a mic. And whose to say they would hit the button anyways? Trolls will be trolls.
  8. I found myself saying all of this, at about the same time. I began on challenges that me and my friends made up. No Jugg. Pistol only. KNIFE ONLY ...challenges. Even these became boring. I used to think it was the atmosphere that brought me to zombies, but when I went to BO from WAW, I knew that wasn't it. It was the challenge. And once that is taken away...well...you are stuck in a continuous loop. Every map is different, and yet, exactly the same. Sorry if I am just randomly throwing things out there, but I completely agree with you. I like your idea. With BO2 already confirmed to have new game modes, I could see this being used. I would also like to see a map that is impossible to run circles in, and includes a George type zombie to prevent camping. Picture Shangri-La, but with a boss anti-camper type zombie. Shangri-la would have been perfect if they didn't make it so easy to see where you can stand without having zombies spawning ahead of you. (example: the mouth of the cave, next to the bridge.) You can pretty much stand there the whole time, no problem. If there was a George type zombie, Shangri-la would have been much harder.
  9. I am interested. The HEADHUNTER account I have listed isn't working right now because I don't have XBOX LIVE. The other account I have is SuperB3ast72. I love playing these type of challenges. I never seen any of the videos from people on here so I may list a few that has already been mentioned. I will list my personal bests for each. These are the daily challenges I do: A) Map: Kino der Toten Challenge: No Jugg, Shotgun only, all other perks are okay Best: 14 rounds (so far) Map: Ascension Challenge: Obtain Juggernaut without opening either door to the room it is in. Best: Completed. I know this one is a little easy, but it can turn into a serious problem if you go down, as you cannot buy the doors. Only monkey drops. C) Map: Nacht der Untoten Challenge: Explosives only. You can also use any explosive weapon that may be in the box. Best: 12 (so far) These are only a few. I love the idea of challenges, because each map is unique and offers a new thing to either limit, or take away entirely. This also leaves a lot of fun gameplay for the times you feel the map got boring. I normally always do my challenges solo, but I am sure these could be implemented into co-op.
  10. Yeah I forgot all about the stampede rounds. I think it would make more since if the cosmic silverback was the last one. The room of fate could probably be the first one. Maybe just exclude the fate medal. Start with nova 6 and end with cosmic silverback. And yes it would be awesome if there was two fate rooms.
  11. I see what you mean. Out of curiosity what happens at 55? I've only made it to the dogs before. Well maybe it could go like this: Round 20: Engineer Medal Round 30: Martyr Medal Round 40: Cosmic Silverback Medal Round 50+: Fate Medal
  12. And with the little experience that I have with the story-line, I can do nothing but nod and smile. :)
  13. I guess it's up in the air at this point. As Rictofen says: "Only time will tell" ;)
  14. Can I get someone to look at my NML kills? If not, I will have to ask everyone I know and hope they have a camera I can use. My phone's camera won't work and my regular camera is broken. My kills are posted in my signature. Also, I will add anyone from this site as a friend. EDIT: For the DOA medals, it would be cool if each boss round had a medal. Example: Round 5: Big zombie medal Round 10: Nova 6 Medal Round 15: Fate Medal Round 20: Engineer Medal Round 25: Fish in a Barrel Medal Round 30: Martyr Medal Round 35: Dog Medal And continue on that path. You could probably scrap the first couple if they are too easy. I'll be waiting on my Martyr medal. ;)
  15. Well I'll take it from you as far as the order of things go. And you could be right about the space suit just being found. I just can't believe something that obvious as being different was simply him wanting to change clothes. As far as I know, the only time something didn't go with the story, is when it was put there for gameplay purposes. Again, I'm taking your word on that. It could have been Treyarch merely hinting toward Moon. But they said themselves, they were going to make a Paris map, not Moon. So why hint to a map you weren't going to make. I'm not arguing with you, just thinking out loud I guess. I really want to understand the story and I feel like this area in time was overlooked. Not because it wasn't significant. But because we didn't know everything we know now. We have come a long way. The space suit, the kasimir, and Gersh didn't mean much then. But we have been to the Moon. Looking back at the launch facility might be a good idea. There are a lot of things that are unexplained. What was in the missle? If you let it go, where does it go? If it goes to the Moon, where was the impact? If it hit earth, where did it impact?
  16. OK, I think I get it now. But if he was at Moon so long ago, why would he go back after Kino? I bet you this area of the time line proves to be of great significance. They are hiding something in plain sight. [brains] 's to the OP for pointing this out. I know this thread has changed your theory a little, but never the less, good thread.
  17. Hmm...Even though I like to think something like this might be able to be used, it is hard for me to accept all of the menu and inventory time it would take. It starts blending into a Fallout type of inventory. Zombie matches that are considered successes are normally about 20-30 rounds for the normal gamer when playing online. If you add the amount of time it takes to decide your classes and rearranging everything, it would take forever. I like the idea of killstreaks as well, but again, I just can't wrap my head around the idea. We already have turrets, traps, and what-not in-game. If they were to add killstreaks, it would take away from all of the things that are already in zombies. Also, how would it work? Is it if you go down, your killstreak resets? Or is it if you get hit? I see it being a little too much for zombies.
  18. Even though I would have rather read that stuff on this site... I wouldn't mind any of these modes. The ideas are original and unique. It definitely strays away from normal 4v4 modes, and adds a nice zombies twist.
  19. OK.. so Rictofen was sent to Shangri La at what time? Right when I think I understand, time travel messes it up. Here's what I am thinking. Can you pick this apart and tell me where I am wrong. After Kino, Rictofen went to Shangri-la? The vril-ya tell him of the focusing stone, but not the generator. The reason I think this, is because Rictofen says something to the notion of: " Oh, we must have gone too far into the future." Meaning his main focus was the focusing stone. This still leaves the generator unanswered. How did he know about it? Unless as you said, the crow's nest is COTD, and he knew about it way before he knew about the focusing stone. The VR11 is also here, which does kinda hints toward testing and what-not. All the other Wonder Weapons are made for killing and destroying zombies. This one seems like their last chance of controlling them.(unsuccessful of course). So the main story would go in chronological order, but Rictofen's adventure would go something like this: 1)SNN 2)COTD 3)Der Reise 4)Kino 5)Shangri-la 6)Moon 7)Ascension 8)COTD 9)Shangri-la 10)Moon Crazy, I know. Just wondering if I am correct. As I said, please pick this apart and explain where I am wrong, because I really want a better understanding of how it went during this story.
  20. My mistake, Gersh. I agree with you so far. I still like to think he had a reason he went back. It could have merely been him checking up on things before he got started, and of no significance. It does seem odd though. Gersh is freed and "ascends" into the sky. Rictofen is wearing a space suit. The very next map, we begin his master plan. That's where your question comes in I think. Gersh might have known about the VRIL generator, OR the focusing stone, OR both. Rictofen knew where Samantha was the whole time. Since 1940 correct? When Gersh confided in him, or slipped up, Rictofen hatched his plan. Are there any significant quotes to collaborate with this? I will begin to search, but if anyone has it handy, Rictofen's Ascension quotes are what I am referring to. Maybe as Gersh leaves Ascension? IDK. This makes me wonder if Gersh will aid Rictofen later on in the story, or will he aid the heroes? If Gersh's reasoning is a deal with Rictofen, we may have quite a bit on our plates the next time around. If he merely slipped up, and wanted the power for himself, we may have a new hero or heroes moving into the scene.
  21. If this is legit, and I don't know if it is, I like the slowed down zombies song. The Hazmat suit is interesting and yet another thing to add to the list of things contributed by users of this site. GK is referenced A LOT. I don't know if this hints toward gknova6.com or just GK in general. Can anyone enhance this please? EDIT: On the other hand, the only thing new in this video IS the hazmat suit. It could be fake. Also note there is no "Black Ops 2" or "Treyarch" trademarks or anything. Not saying I am sure either way, just noting facts.
  22. OIC....well that definitely puts a damper on things. Hmmm. Well the radio does prove that the first time he went was 1940. But he could have went back, correct? But why? I know the side quests started in Ascension. At the same time Rictofen is all of a sudden wearing a suit. Yuri is also trapped which probably ties in with this time frame. You guys know more about this than me, for sure. I am merely stating what I see. There is something that happened, that caused Rictofen to need a space suit, Yuri to get trapped, and the Master Plan to reach a breaking point. I know Rictofen probably had some kind of plan before this time. It just seems like all of these things happening on the same map, is more than a coincidence. I could be wrong though. As I said, you guys know more about it than me.
  23. Yeah I believe the time between Kino and Ascension is when Rictofen first went to the Moon. I mean, he probably knew all about his master plan during Ascension. He just chose to wait it out. The fact that the moon base is even there is still unexplained as far as I know, so Rictofen was probably there when it was built. Looking back it was right in our face this whole time. Its Crazy. I always wondered why he had a suit and the other's didn't. Sly little..... :)
  24. HACKER... I agree with everyone else on here as far as what was posted above me currently.(obviously if you edit your post I will retract that statement.) I want the dogs, shriekers & napalms, the Original crew, teleporters and all that good stuff. But honestly, the Hacker in zombies was the best thing ever. I get that everyone thinks it was too easy with it, but really it all boils down to you surviving. You still have to kill to get points to hack stuff. That being said, I could see an alternative as well. If hacking doors and stuff was too much, at least give everyone an option to give other people money. Truthfully I could care less if the actual "hacker" made a return or not. I just want to be able to help out my fallen friend. Perfect exaample of why you need this: On Moon, you have to take the teleporter in order to get jugg.(unless you bought it before round 1) If you are playing co-op you need everyone to be able to go back to earth. OK, so one of your friends only has 500 points for whatever reason, so he says he wants to wait. You hack him the points and the game is saved. If we are ever in a situation similar to that in BLOPS 2, it would suck without a way to give another player points.
  25. I think we can expect big things. Til now, zombies was an extra game mode.(NOT FOR ME) Now it is "it's own world". Samantha and Richtofen swapping bodies is one heck of a cliff hanger. The earth blowing up is as well. I think we can expect the rough patches in our storyline to be smoothed out. I think we can expect new AI which could be blamed on Richtofen in the story. (with the blue eyes and all) I think we can expect Samantha to retrieve her body at some point, regardless of whether or not Rictofen gets his back. I think we can expect Richtofen to be the new villain, with a new plan. What remains of our crew, will aid Sam in defeating Richtofen. I think we can expect new characters that stick with the story. Possibly previous characters making a return. I also think we can expect more maps. With different game modes and traditional, there must be more maps, right?
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