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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Not sure mate, but if you get jugg free then you don't really need perma jugg anymore :)
  2. I have never understood why even after posting this info multiple times it has never really been picked up so I will give it another shot. Drops are points based, the first comes after 2,500, the next after 5,000 points. Knifing all the zombies only in 1 and 2, plus doing up all windows will get you just over 2,500. So you can either get some extra points with ammo and shot the last zombie on round 2, or stab the first zombie on 3 twice and then shoot it in the head. Shooting individual zombies 6 times in 1,8 in 2 etc does not make sense. You need to line them up if anything, but the drops are more important than the points in a way. if you know how to use them that is.
  3. I found something interesting with perma jugg. If you don't buy Jugg, you don't seem to lose it until you go down, and that can be way past 15. Not going to embed the video but here is proof below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWAMD2-JqDM
  4. If you are really comparing the sliquifier to the winterhowl then I'm guessing you have never been past round 30. I used this gun to get 23,000 kills and recycled it once, after 21,000.
  5. The 3 highest legit scores on Die Rise Steve and KingJaq - 122 (13 hours and 15 hours) Dims - 121 (around 13 I believe). All 3 of these games were ended by xbox or treyarch issues. Server errors and freezes. It could be a coincidence but how is it fair that 3 guys play their arses off for 10 hours plus, and some guy can sit in one spot and do the same thing in 1/2 the time, and get higher on the boards.
  6. Well I play on 8 for BO, and 11 for BO2. I think 10 is too fast, but that's for me. If your reactions are quick enough it should be even easier for you mate :)
  7. On a personal level I don't However I have a couple of friends, who should be 1 and 2 on the boards and they are not. They care more than me for sure, but it's kinda wrong that in a game where people clearly do care, they have something like this.
  8. I don't know Way, I suicided on 100 and am 1347 in the world. After Relaxing video I dropped from my previous best round 67, 2,000 places in 12 hours. I just can't quite believe that even 1/2 of those that got above me in 12 hours are legit.
  9. Well I'm on 97 now, and have played it all legit streaming. Kinda sucks that I will be way down on the boards.
  10. Well thanks guys, I do like that video quite a lot, was always one of my favourites Hmmmm, the screen shake. If you look at the intro to that video as pointed out by death, that to me is screen shaking used at it's most potent. It isn't just a mashing of the directional stick, although that is useful and is how most people will learn. I think what that first clip shows is 4 distinct changes of viewpoint, done over 1 second. It's not the shaking motion itself, it's the timing which means that if you are about to get hit by a zombie and make any motion it can confuse the AI enough that you 'slide' past a zombie rather than get hit. So whilst shaking like crazy does work, it isn't actually necessary. It took my literally hundreds of hours of NML to figure this part out and I suppose master it. I tried many times to make a video on it, and I just can't do it. It's greatest use comes when it's instinctual, and I believe NML is the best place to learn this. Once you get used to running with the zombies scant cm's from hitting you, you start to realise that it only takes slight movements to avoid taking hits which seemed inevitable. The best time to use it as a shake is when you go through an area and take a few hits....you can see the exit to safety but they are still all behind you. Shaking like crazy here can and will stop those hits which would otherwise put you on a red screen.
  11. I don't think it's the gun that is overpowered perse.....Treyarch imo listened to the community and added a gun which can get you to round 100 with no recycling. The Thundergun was the most overpowered weapon in zombies. It is the only gun that truly will save you in any situation. The baby gun kills a hoard, as does the wave gun but they weren't quite as good at oh shit moments. When people are getting to 150+ on Kino, 200 on Ascension/DR/Moon, the only change that could be made is dramatic changes in the AI and setup. The fact that people could get this high, is due to the game mechanics. However, the Thunder did need multiple recycles, and traps to be used in conjunction. This is why they brought out the liquid gun. On high levels it takes skill to use to get you out of oh shit moments, can be used to kill an entire hoard in a safe manor, and used more aggressively can be used to kill 150 plus zombies. There are not many players out there who can use a traditional kiting strategy and get continuous chains of 100 plus zombies. It's very dangerous and you have to know what you are doing. It's the reason there are so few legit 100s....it's fucking difficult. It's only broken when you can sit with your back to a wall somewhere, and only have zombies coming from one direction. Couple this with an area with elevation running up to you and suddenly the mechanics are working so that the player has to do absolutely nothing. People make me laugh when they say kiting is easy....well yes it is, but anyone who has never gone done whilst kiting is a liar. Slight slip of concentration and plus 50 you go down so quickly you can't quite believe it. Kiting for the 50 hours it used to take for the crazy scores, was a skill in itself. It's not the gun that is broken, it's the mechanics and how they can be abused to lend itself to sitting in a corner, doing nothing.
  12. Mmmm, this is blatantly incorrect. I have been in the 60's with 1 headshot, and at most around 300. I even played last night with sallies only to 36, with liquid as a backup. Most players ignore all the wall guns and go for the sallies and liquid, hence no headshots.
  13. Elitism......hmmmm, I know Andrew is not this, just a damn good player trying to justify the ridiculousness of this topic. Technically it is not a glitch, just a cheap ass strategy. If you want to sit in a single spot, for 4 hours without moving, to get a high round on a leaderboard which no one takes seriously except for 14 year old kids trying to impress their school friends then knock yourself out. But you have sat in one spot for 4 hours, bet that was a lot of fun for you. The only people who try and justify this as a legit strategy are scrubs who aren't good enough to get to a decent round using their own skill. You see these people using all the other glitches throughout the other maps, table glitching etc. I saw someone earlier said this was a very clever strategy or something. No, clever is Riley discovering all the various spawn spots on maps such as five and using them for amazing strategies. This is not clever. Murdermachine - I've always respected your opinions and bluntness, man close to my own heart. I can't produce a poll, however I do speak to and know most of the big YTs and high round players out there. They all think this is a glitch. 4 people have had legit 100s now in my eyes, Steve, Dims, HKR and KingJaq. None of those think the elevator strategy is good. AS 4 of the best players in the world, pretty good poll if you ask me.
  14. Leave a boss or unharmed zombie and they will respawn. Source - 2 friends who have 100+ using this method with absolutely no issues at all to hit the box.
  15. Dude I respect what you are trying to do but there are a gazillion threads with this info, did you need to make another?
  16. I figured out a whole back that you tend to enjoy the game more when you don't care.
  17. All games online mate, although the die rise one last night did give him a script error on 121 or 122. I've got a feeling none of them got him on the leaderboards but the kills and downs were added to his score board.
  18. Done 3 plus 60s on die rise and got the knife after the last one. Me and a friend wanted qr each so went and took 17 downs a piece plus 17 revives each. Immediately lost the knife. Rank is stupid, my friend Steve has 100+ on tranzit, 100+ on die rise plus 84 on farm and is on knives. Go figure how any ranking system can not take that into account over anything else.
  19. I'm going to post an alternate start, for the more aggressive players. This assumes a perk setup of Jugg, Speed, QR and Who's who. Start Tranzit and get perma Jugg, ideally have perma QR too. Round 1 and 2 - do at the bottom of the elevator, pick up a key, send the lift up, and take another key. End of 2 leave an undamaged zombie, jump to power area and turn it on. Build the gun and pick it up. You need 2500 points to do all this, from 13 zombies. Use your ammo on most of the round 2 zombies to go above this number. Round 3 and 4 - build your points for Bowie by stabbing all zombies, with perma Jugg this isn't too much of an issue, just be careful. Ideally get at the end of 3, but sometimes you have to do round 4 too. If you need to do round 4, do some hoarding and use grenades as those flak jacket zombies can be a pain. Round 5 - 9 - keep stabbing, buy Jugg, then Claymores, Stickies and PAP those pistols. End of round 9, jump across to Trample room and pick up the other 3 perks. Go down to the China room and do the next 40 rounds in here. Round 50 and above is alot easier than round 49 and below. When you next have a boss round, save the last one undamaged and go monkey hunting. Set for 100 :)
  20. Hey man, my opinion is based entirely on Die Rise, my other opinions mostly still hold for Tranzit. Die Rise - first opinion playing with my usual 3 others was the pure amount of challenges available on this map. As I'm a challenge junkie, this is a huge thing. We have thought of enough challenges pretty much to last to BO3 in theory! The liquid gun is freaking amazing. It's only overpowered if you glitch it, or know how to use it. You can have chains of 100+ in the 30's, but only 24 in the 60's. Learning how to use it has been an absolute pleasure. Myself, iLSteveLi and Boysta have spent a week breaking down the strategy, and have really cracked it. There is a reason that no-one has gotten to 100 yet in the china room......most videos you see of people in there are doing it wrong. You may get close to 100, but most of the time you will do well to get past 80 if you try and copy the few videos that are out there. It has taken around 6 games, couple of fails in the 20's, couple in the 30's and then a couple in the 40's before I got my first good run. Got to 67 last night with no downs, was 2am and I should have stopped and got a silly down. It is so much fun in that china room, I really can't get enough. Every massive chain raises your heart a little....I had a minute plus one last night, close to 90 seconds and the entire time the chain is going on you are kiting the shit out of a tiny area, knowing a tiny mistake will cause a down. And the speed is insane. 92 minutes and 32 seconds to get to the start of 50 ;)
  21. I kinda agree, it would be much more impressive if he was saying the same for the china room.
  22. Round from the pdw gun and go down the escalator. There's a lift, 2 windows and like a food style counter.
  23. My favourite map ever. Try running the china room rather than the buddha. The buddha is easy and slow. The china is hard and quick. The hardest part of the china room is getting to 40. If you can get from 11 - 40 in there you are golden.
  24. If you survive 45 seconds and don't revive yourself, you respawn where you went down minus quick revive and who's who. Once you know the different spawn spots in relation to where you go down you can make a decision on whether to even attempt it. It is pretty easy to survive once you know these spots, especially on the higher rounds when you can spawn them all somewhere, such as a new location, and then slowly move forward.
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