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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I'm loving CJ's intro music. It's like halfway between sherwood's riff, and the Halloween theme song (which is one of my favorite horror themes of all-time) I swear this kid never ceases to amaze me [brains] However I have a couple suggestions on how to fine-tune it to add more horror feel... Add some reverb so the track so that it sounds like it's in a deep scary place, rather than right next to you. Add just a touch of distortion to it. Maybe vinyl record crackles will do. Render the track out in a lower bitrate so it sounds more gritty. As for the intro animation itself is awesome too. But I feel like it needs more of a reveal saying that this is for callofdutyzombies.com I get the theme, but I dont see the branding P.S. I'm aware I'm a harsh critic. Take it with a grain of salt
  2. Maybe this is a Dog's face Which would tie this to Laika, the Russian space dog that was onboard the Sputnik 2 N3x_TSq0cVo
  3. [center:2w3nscir]This is an image of the control panel on the Vostok 1 spacecraft that Yuri Gagarin flew in source: http://www.airports-worldwide.com/articles/article0414.php source: http://web.mit.edu/slava/space/essays/essay-ids-comparison.htm Hmmm... now where have I seen that control panel before??? Control Panel found on Ascension Control Panel found on Moon base Control Panel found on Moon loading screen It's a perfect match to the Control Panels in the game[/center:2w3nscir]
  4. This is an image of the control panel on the Vostok 1 spacecraft that Yuri Gagarin flew in source: http://www.airports-worldwide.com/articles/article0414.php source: http://web.mit.edu/slava/space/essays/essay-ids-comparison.htm Hmmm... now where have I seen that control panel before??? Control Panel found on Ascension Control Panel found on Moon base Control Panel found on Moon loading screen It's a perfect match to the Control Panels in the game
  5. This thing looks awesome! My ears want to hear a Typewriter effect in the beginning of the intro. And maybe some Kevin Sherwood piano keys too in the background for suspense and mystery. yd7MFXzOyqU Timeremapping it so it's a bit shorter should be easy enough.
  6. Was that a Portal 2 reference?
  7. I think I may have found the location.... Vostok Station Photo
  8. Hey sw33thearts87, do you by any chance watch PredictableNova's livestreams? I think she's one of the better zombie slayers out there live streaming consistently.
  9. Feels like this post was a bit off-topic. But regardless, it's another absolutely brilliant find by K1llsteelr! You got this right off the CIA website, right? Check this out guys. These documents are found all over Five, and the teleported room from Kino, that is suppose to be Five.
  10. They don't look like V-2 Rockets to me.... Here's a V2-rocket from the campaign mission Project Nova
  11. Because the Superpowers fight each other through proxy-wars in Africans and don't tell you about it
  12. Here's the one on the podium in the starting room of Five
  13. This note is found in a book behind a barrier, on Kino der Toten It says, "ignomo jubilus" which translates from latin to. "A Disgrace's, Joy"
  14. I'm adding this video here because it has a very good historical discussion about ancient zombies, including Haitian voodoo zombies TQtXLTXtBuc
  15. I like this idea if implimented as equipment like Hacker and the PES. Make some super dark area on the map, that only the guy with Night Vision Goggles equipped can navigate through.
  16. Cant seem to find a positive ID on these Ascension loading screen rockets yet. What do you guys think? This framed photo is found on a desk in Five Rocket found on Moon armed with Nuclear Warhead Ascension Rocket schematics found on Five Newpaper found on Five. I'm almost positive the rocket on the right side is an image from Baikonur.
  17. Nah... Trust me, I'm quite familiar with the zombie stuff in the xbox marketplace too :ugeek: I leave no stone unturned
  18. Welcome boysta2011!!!! For those who don't know, boysta is one of the most elite zombie slayers there is, especially when it comes to completing No Man's Land challenges. He should feel right at home here.
  19. Here's the video from my 277 Kill game. LrtW9lkTeRo Please Like, and Favorite this video
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