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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Well that gets into the realm of speculation, because I would say you are right, but the trailer indicates Samantha knows more. What exactly? How exactly? Who knows... As for the Ray Gun, the specific terminology was "second generation". At the time, that meant the Pack-A-Punched version. However, we can now retroactively attribute that to the Mark II. It could go either way, really. It is said Porter made the second generation, but odds are Porter made both the Pack-A-Punched version and the Mark II, so it doesn't help much.
  2. It might be that the way it was portrayed was that it was a chaotic scene with multiples of everything, planes, clouds, lightning, buildings, characters, zombies. You might have gotten robots mixed in with that. And to be honest, I bet if one looked hard enough, one could find some type of intel where "robots" was used instead of "robot". I just say that because from before the trailer, I definitely got the feel that there was more than one. However, the way the singular robot was given so much attention in the trailer reversed that feeling for me.
  3. I just think Treyarch polarized it too much. They go technology-enhanced. Then they go childish. I mean, they had it right on Moon. Technologically-enhanced, childish sounding voice.
  4. I figured that from the point of view of a parent (not me, Maxis), a little girl can do a lot to jeopardize not just your goals of work but your entire life.
  5. I agree that it is Samantha. It wouldn't be the first time Richtofen referred to her as the girl. *pauses* Oh wait, no no, this would be THE first time. Lol.
  6. I see two possibilities with that: A. No one (purple) > Samantha (yellow) > Lucifer (red) > Samantha (yellow) > Richtofen (blue) B. Unknown (purple) > No one (yellow) > Lucifer (red) > Samantha (yellow) > Richtofen (blue) Either way, the fact that red interrupts the stream of yellow is perplexing.
  7. There's already a thread for eye color here: viewtopic.php?f=155&t=34742 In the meantime, however, the eye color of the zombies looks yellow from most angles. Only when skewing it does it look orange. It's no different than how the purple-eyed ones looked white in the centers. Who's controlling them? Only Time Travel Will Tell. :P
  8. Thank you Flammenwerfer. I agree that my storyline is the best on the site, but it wasn't possible without help, of course. With Origins right around the corner, it isn't perfect, but it'll get you through.
  9. No. Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo are NOT super soldiers. That is an erroneous myth. There is nothing "super" about them. They are just as much super soldiers as Sarah Michelle Gellar is. That being said, the zombies themselves were said to an undead army, the Armeeuntoten, but that was in WWII.
  10. No. Too many people whined about TranZit. Treyarch will never try to make nor boast about a map being large again.
  11. 115 is known to have been here in 1908, since Tunguska. So, this doesn't change much. All this adds is more specific information of since 1908, but it isn't a "115 earlier than we ever expected" sort of discovery.
  12. Ooh, so do we have an identity for the Mexican? Sounds interesting. Maxis IS the leader of 935. But apparently he wasn't always. I wonder, did usurp the leader later on? What is strange is the "girl's influence". I mean, having a daughter in your life is quite an influence. So I can definitely see Richtofen just wording strangely Samantha pressing onto Maxis's mind as she is his daughter. But the vague wording opens it up to other possibilities...
  13. Awesome. So glad that they fixed this. I knew it had to be an error or something of that nature. Go team Samantha! I don't know why it's being said to be "confusing". This is quite the opposite. It was confusing before, now it is concise and clear. I said earlier that the voice used a cheap voice synthesizer, not unlike the one used for Preying Mantis Cave Johnson. This is the entertainment industry people. We buy half-finished games to be patched at a later date. Developers don't have time to wait for a polished beauty. They are forced to release things early, such as cinematic intros, and suffer quality in return, like misspellings and voiceovers. However, sure enough, they will go back in and fix them. And it's only natural, after all this was NOT a trailer. It was literally them releasing the cinematic intro a week early. It's not surprising that they'll still be working on it for the next week; it is crunch time after all.
  14. Actually the CIA reported she was 6 to 10 at the time of the Pyramid in 1945.
  15. Like I said before, I believe you will be satisfied. I understand the price for the game is exorbitant, but I really do think it'll be worth your money. I'm glad you've given it the chance, and I hope the game doesn't let you down.
  16. The rips between pages are almost NEVER consistent. In fact, in the entire history of the comic rips, only once was it ever consistent, and that was the hole in Call of the Dead/Shangri-La.
  17. If you had taken time out of your busy schedule to read my post, that was exactly my point.
  18. @BlackOpsTiger: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... hp?t=19705 And I came up with the vril staff in February of last year. But seriously, Treyarch pulls from the community. We aren't the only community of Zombies fans out there. Although I would think we are the nicest, largest, and most informative of them. But our ideas get incorporated into the game. Case and point, I coined the term Thunderguns Mark I, Mark II, and Mark III. Then what does Treyarch release? Ray Gun Mark I, Mark II, and Mark III (well technically the I, 1.5, and II, but still). Does this mean I have secret intel? No. This game is a product of its audience. It's the beauty of it.
  19. Are the only picture-related restrictions the size ratio and the file size? So the maximize resolution of the image as a whole is simply as high as you can make it while fitting the other restrictions? I'll give this a shot and end up creating a large version to scale down to fit the restrictions, but it would help if I knew more about the size it would end up on twitter. (Not familiar with twitter.) For the record, I'm simply not going to do it if no one even tries to answer my question.
  20. It's just a glitch. It's unfortunate but it happens. If it happens multiple times, there may be something wrong with one of your consoles, discs, or connections. Otherwise, simply try it again and hope it doesn't happen again.
  21. To be honest I think this thank you is premature. It's like thanking someone for dinner before eating it. Why are you thanking them? Because the food is good? How do you know the food will be good? Well you know from history of their cooking that'll it'll probably good. So are you thanking them for cooking good food in the past? Or are you thanking them now? Or the future? And that makes no sense. Thanks Treyarch for what you have done, but you will be getting no thanks from me until the map is finished and I've played it. Only then will I thank you for the ultimate cooking. (And based on past history, I'm certain I'll be back to thank.)
  22. EDIT: Aw poo. It was such a thrilling "debate".
  23. You're clearly color blind - Mix You're clearly color blind. With selective vision. Please go back to where you came from.
  24. Fun fact: Did you know that Treyarch was going to have elemental statues that you were to attach the shrink ray in Shangri-La? They ended up cutting it, leaving a singular solitary statue on the weapon.
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