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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. I asked before, but could someone please explain Exo Zombies to me, on Skype? (Where I can ask questions quickly.) I'm still under MurderMachineX.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I can tell you in chat.

  2. Never played Exo-Zombies. Any chance someone could just quickly tell me the whole story so I can get the gist of it? Or at least direct me to someone who does?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Inconcievable


      1. War ensues.

      2. Manticore is produced, and is launched against enemy forces. One site of this is the place we know as "Riot" on the game.

      3. The manticore mutates humans and creates zombies. The four soldiers there survive the drop, but are witnesses to the initial outbreak. Atlas comes to save the four, but only one was able to escape. Gideon is on the chopper with that person, and looks outside to see the zombies and such, only to get pulled out of the chopper, and presumed dead.

      4. Afterwards, Atlas creates tests on infected peoples or non-infected peoples (within Sub-Level 6, a floor that most don't know exists), and manages to produce the same results. The zombies break out of Sub-Level 6 (Oz witnesses it) and havoc pretty much ensues. Lilith sees camera images of it, Decker helps evacuate until he realizes what they're up against, and Kahn calls in for all security to help, whilst... part of the building just explodes.

      5. Kahn, Lilith, Decker, and Oz fight the zombies after basically being stranded at the Atlas station. Twice.

      6. The four nearly die, only to be saved by Atlas and taken to a station at... Burger Town.


    3. Inconcievable


      Or... maybe it's the missile launched in the process.

  3. Ha, MegaAfroMan. Since it is Call of Duty, probably no. However, if there was going to be ANYONE in making Call of Duty, it'd probably be the Zombies team that would be willing to ask. As for what you need to get a job, it varies from company to company and person to person. Treyarch, being a AAA company, can ask for steep fees to pay for even the lowest tiers. Often these are a few years experience of already doing the job elsewhere. They also often ask that you have shipped a title for a major console at least once before. So… Treyarch is likely not going to be your big start or break. But it is possible. When it comes to what matters more, I find it difficult to rank any as more important than the other, but if I had to, I think it might be best to rank them in this order: Skill doing the task at hand / Portfolio Experience / Resume Location / Easy-to-hirability Attitude The thing with modding is that it is "sorta" experience. By that I mean, some people will consider it experience doing the task at hand, but not being an actual career many might not. However, modding definitely would contribute to the skill category. So it is definitely an extra few points to be a modder. I've spoken to people who worked at Blizzard that seemed to show interest in people who modded. (Given they still didn't hire me, so take it with a grain of salt. There's still all the other things to consider.)
  4. So you believe that in A, B isn't true, but in B, A isn't true? If so, then you believe both, just separate, like different incarnations of the same story?
  5. To be fair Slade, you may be using a different word (retcon versus canon), but you're guilty of doing the same thing, just in reverse. Instead of saying the new one isn't true, you're saying the old one isn't. I personally come from the belief that they should both, all, be counted. An author has the right to retcon something, but if it isn't explicitly known to be a retcon, how are we supposed to know? And with a company as cryptic as Treyarch, who could blame us for just accepting both meals we've been served?
  6. With all the different ideas and controversy with the last one (to date Zombies has never had a good one), I almost think it would be better to not even have one. They might make one that is good, but if it is anything like the past ones, it'd be better to just not have one. All it serves as is is segregation.
  7. DeathBringerZen, while I can see you might have problems with rule 4, I don't think that was his intention. It may seem disheartening to be blacklisted from discussing a topic because of popularity. In fact, I would find it rather abhorrent if I found the majority opinion incorrect and was forced to have my voice quieted. But look at it from Nightmare's point of view. He simply said not in this thread. He wants a mainstream discussion of popular ideas. I think he is just trying to weed out the occasional radical from interrupting conversation with ideas most people think are lunacy. Not saying that they are, just perception. It is very much like how the American government is trying to prevent people from speaking against global warming. Now if you believe in global warming, then that's a very good thing. If you don't though, it is a really bad thing. Fortunately, this thread is not government, so you can still speak about global warming, just in another thread. Although Slade I must admit that is the first time I have seen a Captain Jack Harkness meme. Very amusing. And quite to the point.
  8. I think the rules are fair. You are just trying to prevent future hostility. Is it alright if I just post what I said in the other thread? I'll try to edit it to conform to the rules:
  9. Ha, I tried applying to pretty much every position at Treyarch, a few times to ones I really felt I could do. Unfortunately, they passed on me. But what's amusing is that the very same day that this tweet came out was when I finally got my rejection… six months later. It almost makes me wonder if they only now actually started checking the applications. Good luck to anyone that tries. Some advice: besides the obvious things like actually having the skill or experience to do the job you're applying for, here's a little tip. Live in California, or San Diego specifically. It will vastly improve your odds. I have a friend who works at Telltale Games, and while he is absolutely great at modeling, we both knew several other modelers that were also really good. Why did he get chosen out of all of them? He already lived in Chicago, where Telltale Games is located. You can tell employers that you will move on your own dime, but quite frankly, often they simply won't believe you. It is best to just already live there. And again, this is just something far less important than work experience or anything like that, which any of you applying should already be painstakingly aware. I wish you luck!
  10. So I made a BioShock story video. I know, I know. Not zombies. But, I was hoping I might inquire thoughts from people who won't be afraid to be honest and who might've seen the previous zombies one?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeathBringerZen


      I loved the first one. The story was so engrossing. Didn't see the ending coming either. The second one I found was a huge letdown for me. Shockingly I have only got around to properly playing Infinite and I love it. Definitely going to but the rapture DLC's also. Will check out your video and see what spin you can put on it.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I love biotic infinite with a passion!

    4. MysteryMachineX


      I understand. I personally feel they were all great. But I think people put the first one on such a high pedestal that they don't give the others a chance. Sure a 93% good game might be less than the 96% one you just played. But 93%? That's still pretty amazing.

  11. @Naitrax: Thanks! Nice to see you! How've you been? @ZotD: Why yes, I have actually. I don't have funds to actually make it, but nothing stops me from making my own content. @MegaAfroMan: Thanks!
  12. Thanks guys! @Flammenwerfer: It's funny you mention that. I was just trying to find Ron Swanson GIFs, but I couldn't find the right one to convey just what I wanted. @InfestLithium: Nice to see you too, friendo! @Undead: Was it you? If so, then high five!… Geography… Never mind. @Zelkova: Ohhhh hey! How've you been? @Chopper: Thanks, Chopper, but that wasn't just me. My old storyline thread went poof when the site changed to a different formatting. Well it was still somewhat readable, but the thing's format was just completely messed up. @Lenne: Aw, I'm glad you noticed. Thank you. @Jolteon: Wa… what… I don't understand. Why… why aren't you dark anymore? : P @GRILL: Nice! Okay then. Pop quiz. Which notorious and (in)famous evolutionary biologist is related to one of the Doctor's companions?
  13. Ooh ooh, no I thought of a better line, here goes. I guess I just keep coming back, huh? Nailed it. And that is internet old, by the way. Don't think me decrepit, if you please. Anyhow, hello. How's it going? Long time no type. What's in been, a year? Well, true to my word, I came back upon the next zombies. Well, it was an announcement that pretty much said nothing for a game that is half a year away, but pffft, I'll say it counts. A quick search tells me some things are the same, some are different. Well, some things are different for me too. I figured I could just jump in, but I'd rather circumvent the whole re-get-to-know-me thing, so I apologize in advance for making the first post back one just about me. If it'll make you feel better, you can post about yourselves in the replies, assuming there are replies. It would be a boon in the form of filling me in since my absence, although I suppose it lacks in actual communication of a back-and-forth nature. A paragraph in and I still have said nothing. Poo. Well, I am officially a Game Artist now. Pretty exciting. Pretty taxing too, though. D : It is really not the life of luxury, but it is a passion. I've been managing my Youtube channel as a side thing still, so that's that. Zombies is still cool, but I've only played about three times this year… Advanced Warfare, cared not for it. I have diversified, as you might've seen by my name. I'm passionate about quite a few video game series, as well as much media in general. Kinda consume it now. I got into Homestuck. If any of you know what that is, you understand. I've rebranded, got my own logo and everything. I used to be under the MurderMachineX name. A lot of my things are still in that name, since I practically used it everywhere. But, I've been ever increasingly been switching to MysteryMachineX. The thing is, it works better with my little logo character guy. Murder was fine for just zombies. (No one minds killing zombies.) But I could hardly talk about anything else without weird glances. >_> Plus, I've been branching out as quite the story guy, both professionally and personally, so Mystery fits better anyway. Work keeps me busy, so I cannot guarantee availability, but I'll pop in every now and then. Feel free to chat if you'd like to chat. Feel free to not if you don't. Feel free to do… well, anything really. I am but text on a screen. : ) Oh and one more thing. I used to be more secretive about my identity, but I've actually since bridged my two personas into a single entity, for marketing reasons really. (Twice the rolodex.) So yeah. Hi. My name is Kyle.
  14. Sorry Pinnaz. I noticed him a while ago. I just never really mentioned him because I also had no idea who he was. Although I would joke with my friends that maybe that's because he was one of the Treyarch team inserting himself into the map for fun.
  15. This sounds good. People might get upset that new guys are being segregated, but I prefer to see it as a kind of training camp to get into the real thing, due to the practical applications. And it's not like it's any real serious work to make some contributing posts.
  16. That's not possible because there is no secret recipe that could cause that reaction. This is of course if you are using the terms "secret recipe of herbs" as we know them, i.e. not some type of super-engineered, alien, nano-biological form of science unbeknownst to the majority of mankind. But even if you were. That's only true from our perspective. From yours, it is also not possible. Because you are perfectly aware that your statement is a lie. And it is thus not possible nor probable. This again also assumes the secret recipe exists in a 3-dimensional plane that could possibly be observed by you.
  17. It seems kinda sad to be honest. If this is true, then wow. I mean, yay for them they get it. But two years later? I mean, I can just tell a lot of hard work was probably used to port it. Hard work. Wasted work. It's sad to see such hard work wasted. I love Nintendo and their Wii U and all, but this. I just want to shake my head. I'm genuinely sorry for whoever had to go through making it, the one guy at Treyarch in the time-out corner not allowed to work on the next game.
  18. Awful Lawton. I always try to get it in the maps that have it. It doesn't kill much but it is a great tactical weapon for both yourself and your teammates.
  19. =_= Seems like he's trying to indicate an update has been made. I would like to just yell crap, but I mean come on. That is so urging people to scour the maps for some type of update! (Regardless of whether I think there's something there.)
  20. If you cannot come up with a definition that isn't subjective and doesn't have a ton of holes in it, I have nothing to say to you.
  21. Simple answer: season 2. Seems clean. But there's residue. You can go back to season 1 if you want, but it isn't necessary to understand what's happening.
  22. It isn't debatable if you make an accurate definition. By yours, the Jet Gun, M2 Flamethrower, Ballstic Knife, and Crossbow Explosive-Tip are Wonder Weapons. Which is of course ridiculous.
  23. Not a problem. I find it quite interesting. It was ruled that in the field of botany it is considered a fruit since it still basically functioned as the ovary of the plant. In the field of culinary it is considered a vegetable, a distinction that is only meaningful in culinary and not so much in botany. (This is off the top of my head but I believe I'm right)
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