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Everything posted by UnicornCan115

  1. I'll be using the following: Sleight of Hand (For all classes) Hardline (All except for sniping class which will be using overkill) Sitrep (All except for sniping class which will be using Marksmen) Assault UAV Care Package Predator Support Airdrop trap SAM turret jugg
  2. Scavenger-One hit kills until 35. Wanderwaffe DG-2-One hit kill forever. Scavenger-Has capibility of killing all 24 zombies on map. Wanderwaffe DG-2-Has capibility of killing 10 zombies on map. Well, I pick Scavenger because I can only get to round 27, actually 13 on CotD
  3. No problem. Some gameplay is on MrNuckFuggets youtube. He is with I play cod.
  4. The gamemode is called "Kill Confirmed". You gets XP for a kill, but it doesn't count as a point towards your team until you confirm the kill by running over their dog tags. You can also deny a kill by running over a friendly pair of dogtags so that the other team doesn't get a point. I'm not sure on the score limit, but the game I saw, the highest score was 65. with 1 point per kill confimed. Hope this clears it up for you.
  5. Did you really cancel your preorder to MW3?!?! Shame on you!
  6. Hi all. There is a page on Facebook, Countdown to MW3. It's just a simple countdown every day to make you anticipate MW3 even more.
  7. I haven't finished GOW2 campaign yet. Thanks for spoiling it.
  8. How crazy would it be if Ghost were Makarov?
  9. If you ever saw me standing still after being noob tubed, it was because I was putting the battery pack back in.
  10. Simple really. If you want to be a team player, follow these tips: *Use Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and EMP if your team is trying to get kills and few deaths. Give the care packages to fellow teammates and use the EMP when the other team is constantly getting air support killstreaks (Attack Helicopter, Harriers, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, AC130) *Use UAV, Counter UAV, and Sentry Gun if your team is playing objective based games such as Domination or CTF. Use the UAVs and Counter UAVs to help your teammates locate the enemy team and to keep the enemy team from locating you. Use the Sentry Gun to put next to the objective your defending to allow defenders to play offense because they have a bot defending. *Any class is good, as long as you aren't using a grenade launcher or getting too many kills. *Play Defense. A teammate hates it when the enemy captures an objective because no one is gaurding it. *Have Fun.
  11. Love it! Kiparis w/ Grip and Extended Mags (Burns through ammo and has high recoil). CZ75 Dual Wield Lightweight Pro Warlord Pro Hacker Semtex Concussion Motion Sensor
  12. No. That would never happen, and it isnt going to. Suck it up, they arent even that good, theyre better for WaW. YOU ARE WRONG!
  13. Excuse me? Are you calling the FN FAL a crap gun. Oh! Not only the FAL, but the SPAS and the PM63! Shame on you mister, shame on you
  14. MW2- No Russian. JK, that part was messed up, it should have been cut from the game. MW2- The part where you are that guy with Folly and Corporal Dunn after the EMP
  15. Haha, whenever my friend gets attack dogs he always screams "FETCH ME THEIR SOULS" in his mic.
  16. When you plant the bomb and your friends think it's funny to all be right next to it when it blows so you get kicked.
  17. This belongs in the Kino Der Toten sub-section.
  18. Nikolai chugs his vodka than breaks the base of the bottle off and uses the neck as a weapon.
  19. thundergun, wanderwaffe, scavenger, akimbo rayguns (we don't aim them anyway, so why not)
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