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Everything posted by demesphor

  1. so i just got done watching the inside xbox video and i just noticed that the gameplay they showed only had 3 people everytime. I also noticed an astronaut with a red gamertag above his head...could this mean richtofen is now the enemie and you get to play as a boss? what do y'all think. honestly idk if there is a thread on this but thats what i noticed
  2. If you think about it, Richtofen is pretty much the only one that knows ahead of time to what's happening in their situation. There have been all sorts of character quotes revolving around Richtofen from the other characters, and the theories that people have been putting together about brainwashing and how the other three are starting to remember things that Richtofen originally wouldn't have wanted them to remember. And finally once we get to Shangri-La the quotes start flying during the Easter Egg and they start attacking him for information. Richtofen would be smart enough to keep the info to himself. Why give away the secret to survival to people who he's just using? true. i wonder what the roles of the other three are. i guess well find out when we go to the moon
  3. dude chill i was just saying he could be an easter egg. why was he in a hazmat suit though? none of the other charectors were
  4. going to be logical on this one...paris fell already that much has been confirmed. cant remember where but i remember reading it. but area 51 indeed has not had any light shone on it. i completely agree without a doubt about the season thing [brains] im glad someone brought that up. question is whats the cliff hanger gonna be? there is ALWAYS a cliff hanger in season finales
  5. normal history doesnt apply here It does. They got the Cuban missile crisis time right, and WW2, and Cold War... But I still think it goes after ascension. I don't stick to the flashback theory either -that doesn't seem like a 'Grand Finale' to me. all i have to say is why was richtofen in a space suit if he wasnt going to the moon? i agree with the man that said "richtofen himself was an easter egg in ascension"
  6. I agree with everything except your last statement. the moon may not be the LAST map. it could be the middle of the story and then after the heros (dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo) have to stop Richtofin and try to get samantha. i doubt its the LAST map. theres to much money in zombies for it to be the LAST map. i think your right with the money part well think about it WaW was a hit cause of the start to nazi zombies. then BO came out and zombies soared even higher so why would they cut it off so fast? im actually hoping for a movie with our heros in it. i think that would be really cool
  7. Ok first off your theroy of the ascension five and the moon connection...i have thought this too. Another good point is that at the end of COTD romero says he came across documents about zombies. makes me wonder if we stop the zombies before modern time aka our own time? i will have to say its not a different dimension. BUT richtofen IS in the different dimension. he knows whats going on which is why hes teleporting to all these different times. Its mind warping on how it works. As far as Armstrong going up into space. that was all media. for all we know it could have been staged or it could possibly have not happened due to the fact that sarah michelle gellar and the rest of the COTD crew was in the game even though the film could have been set in the 80's which would make gellar REALLY young. Paraodilia is an amazing discovery [brains] and the theroy of UFO's ....i dont know if that will work. but its as good of theroy as all the others
  8. I agree with everything except your last statement. the moon may not be the LAST map. it could be the middle of the story and then after the heros (dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo) have to stop Richtofin and try to get samantha. i doubt its the LAST map. theres to much money in zombies for it to be the LAST map.
  9. careful buddy napalm and shreikers arent bosses. youll get harrassed if you put it by the dude that harrassed me bout it. I really hope they make the QED like you say though just doesnt end the whole round but acts like the gertsch device did. i enjoyed jumping into it to get away from a mess. has the phasing zombie been confirmed?
  10. i wouldnt consider them bosses. Oh, well, I guess the entire forum should just stop considering them bosses, along with Treyarch, just because YOU don't consider them bosses. Has anyone told you yet that the worl does not revolve around you? how old are you 5? slow you roll dude. im just saying what makes them bosses? honestly? just cause they come out every 5 rounds makes them bosses? i dont think treyarch ever said "dogs are bosses" or "the monkeys that take your perks are bosses." i believe they always reffered to them as "the so and so round". the only boss they ever claimed was a boss was gourge and i think cosmic. but dont quote me on cosmic cause im not sure. get your controller out of ur @$$ homeboy and slow your roll
  11. Y does there have to be a boss? Theres only been 1 boss in the whole series and that was good ol gourgie
  12. omg so your saying we will be fighting zombies that were once astronauts? omg are we going on the moon then? thank you einstein....
  13. I agree so much with this. no gravity round would be epic as well
  14. Out of all the pictures i have to say this is the most realistic picture, that being said i will clairfy, The picture is a zombie clearly as we can see by the eyes. the hands yes look human but just cause there arent scars or bite marks doesnt mean it is a human or hybrid or whatever. 2ndly the zombie is holding a scorpion...why? why is a zombie wielding a weapon? thats gonna be something to look at when the map comes out
  15. thats the most dumbest thing i have heard come from a CODZ member. tryarch could make so much money out of a zombie survival game. completely customizeable stuff the whole shabang. it would bring zombies to a whole new level and everything. how could you say it would ruin zombies? are you high???
  16. I'm pretty sure we're not working on the same time line as reality. Though I hope this doesn't take place before Ascension. What with the easter eggs collecting parts and all it'd be a waste to not apply them in the final map pack. ok you are working on history because in ascension the "five" charecters call you somehow and that was during october 1962. and the first manned moon landing was in 1969 so it would have to be after that date. lets also remember there are no such things as lunar landers that will teleport u around a space base
  17. i was thinking this too. maybe ascension is after moon? the quotes wouldnt match up though but itd be a great find if it did come to show that ascension came after moon
  18. Much appreciated dude. As far as the easter egg goes i think its done sonce we got the achievement. Why would it continue?
  19. I see at least 2 more pages behind Shangri-La on the right side so we are beyond the halfway point on zombies (possibly) but not at the end by two maps (possibly). As for the page hidden on the far left, it's most definently Five. Thats what i thought. U sure its 2 pages though? We also have to remember shi no numa der riese and all that were NOT in the book. They were blue prints
  20. incorrect, five had a picture of the 4 heros on it as the loading screen. its a totally different page from anyone we have seen, so it must be the next map. It didnt look like a page when it was loading and i wouldnt jump to conclusions. I doubt its the next Map. I think it could be like a title page or a book cover and it has a description cause it looks like it has every map details on it. UN im guessing is from 5 and the other parts are just showing things from different levels. We r over analyzing it highly
  21. Not talking about that CLEARLY. we r talking Bout the UN stamp
  22. Wouldnt that be five then? I dont think were going backwards i think were gonna be moving forewards
  23. I like the whole "sam reading the book" theroy. i see the last page 2....could this be the end to zombies? :,(
  24. in the last radio in shangri-la the british guy says the same thing in the first radio... i dont see anything about a paradox or brock saying anything about a paradox
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