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Everything posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. I believe Mob of the Dead's purpose was to introduce Weasel to the storyline. I have a feeling he'll return in some way later on. ;)
  2. I agree with MMX. The sound that the clock makes isn't limited to only the clock. It could be some sort of universal zombie sound.
  3. Yeah, I'm not so sure about Finn and the perks, and Weasel with the dog heads. However, the theme of the Ray Gun does seem to fit in well with Weasel's love for his "spaceman comics." I'm not saying he made them, but it is quite interesting, nonetheless. ;)
  4. Ah, great trailer. They don't make em like this, anymore.
  5. As per request, I'm going to lock this thread due to this getting out of hand. If you guys have any issues with one another, please do so via private messages.
  6. That is because my Stamin-Up 2.0 no longer gives you longer sprint, only faster sprint (in regards to movement, that is).
  7. You know, it certainly does seem that way. There tends to be a lot of times when I've gotten two separate power-ups from the same group of zombies.
  8. Ugh, yeah, almost every game in Hardcore TDM I have had to face noobtubes. It's horrible. They should just take the damn things away. While they're at it, they should nerf the damn C4 so that it can do its original purpose instead of being a second type of grenade. Make it so that they have a five second wait time once they've been planted.
  9. When Black Ops II came out, nobody really noticed the new Double Tap, except for the new icon in the beginning. However, once the community discovered that Double Tap was upgraded to a better, 2.0 version, everyone began to have ideas for new perk uses. Thus, let's use this thread to detail how we'd change the perks in future zombie maps. I'll start. Quick Revive 2.0 Old Effect: Revive a team-mate twice as fast. 2.0 Effect: Revive a team-mate 1.5 times as fast; revived player gains an "Insta-Kill" effect while knifing. New Price?: Yes; 1750 Points Juggernog 2.0 Old Effect: Doubles your health. 2.0 Effect: Doubles your health; sprint longer. New Price?: Yes; 3000 Points Speed Cola 2.0 Old Effect: Decreases reload time by half. 2.0 Effect: Decreases reload time by 1.5; ADS faster New Price?: No Stamin-Up 2.0 Old Effect: Sprint faster; sprint longer 2.0 Effect: Sprint faster; switch weapons faster New Price?: No That's all I have for now. I'll add more later.
  10. I actually have a shirt that features combustible lemons. Best shirt I ever bought. ;)
  11. Woohoo, I was waiting for this! Thanks Liam!
  12. "Don't get x Power-Up or else we won't get more later!" :roll:
  13. I don't think that's Sam. That image implies Sam was zombified, when we saw in Moon she clearly wasn't. Not to mention that her birth date is pretty ambiguous in regards to this map.
  14. Welcome to the site, mate! It's always good to see a PDT fan. ;)
  15. It's because you put so much effort into something that isn't a theory! Nice work, by the way. I'd love to have Team Undeathmatch.
  16. Do you mean DLC 3? It hasn't been announced yet. The only thing anyone really knows about it is that there will be a DLC 3.
  17. Titan, no. The game will have little to nothing to do with Ghost. His backstory before TF141 was explained in the Modern Warfare 2: Ghost comic series. Before the comics, he was just a regular soldier. That wouldn't make for an interesting campaign at all.
  18. Possibly, but never the less, the picture isn't in the loading screen... Well, Mob of the Dead is certainly a map that is "out of place." I'm sure the next map will finally unravel the mystery behind this. Also, thanks Festo. ;)
  19. Now, if I'm not mistaken, isn't there a part in Mob of the Dead that kinda looks like it? I can't remember off the top of my head. :|
  20. This. This is my favourite way to troll. When GRILL did this, we laughed so hard my roommate (at the time) got mad at me.
  21. As some of you might have noticed, the Asylum is much shorter than it used to be. This is because Infest Lithium and I have moved most of the topics that were strangely written, poorly backed up, or simply posted in the wrong section. This took some time, but we finally have most of the off threads pushed out for the betterment of the section. However, we could not have done this alone. Big thanks to FatedTitan and PINNAZ for assisting in our work, helping us determine which threads should stay and which should go. If you see a thread that you believe should not be in the Asylum, please, do not hesitate to either Report it (click the exclamation mark on the topic post), or PM a Moderator. The Asylum has been mucked up in the past, and we wish to clean it up. Thank you.
  22. Oh lawd, how could I forget? The LMG that everyone wanted in Black Ops. Treyarch, pls.
  23. I'm definitely leaning towards the Campaign devs. Where were Jimmy and Reza and anyone else in the Zombies team for the interviews? Why was it only the standard Treyarch devs and no one from strictly Zombies? Also, look at all the little Easter Eggs in this map, look at all the changes. From the Zombie team's current track record, they haven't done those things at all in Black Ops II.
  24. Did you get downed while drinking it? I know that sometimes causes a glitch where the game thinks you have it, but you actually don't.
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