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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. Instead of increasing your rate of fire to 133% like usual, it splits every bullet into two so basically doubles the damage of your weapons to 200% effective (assuming my math is correct). I am not aware if there are certain weapons it will not work with. ahh i see. interesting. seems like that would be especially useful at higher rounds (that is depending on if your aim is good or not lol )
  2. Honestly I have never seen anyone actually use either of those perks. And I played ALOT of zombies with alot of randoms. Anyone I would ever ask would claim that the addition of the perk to the other maps was largely pointless. Ask around randoms on BLOPS 2 and see how many really care about Mule Kick being gone. No big zombie Youtuber ever used it, many reccomending against it, some claiming it to be a waste of a perk slot. Much of the same can be said about Deadshot Daiquiri. when asked about their favorite perks even on CoDz, Mule Kick and Deadshot were almost unanimously ranked the lowest. Seriously. Go into random lobbies and ask them about how they feel about the removal of Deadshot and Mule Kick. Maybe 5% might dislike it. Almost none of this apploies to Flopper however, and I still subscribe to Lemonade's theory of Treyarch trying to make it more difficult to reach high rounds. Flopper gave you a get-out-of-jail-free card for a super long time by just spraying at your feet without caring about your own healthwith MnS. i think you missed the point. first literally nobody cares what perks youtubers use/prefer. my point was, these perks have already been created. they already have skins for the machines, jingles and animations for their purchase; there literally was no downside for including them in the map. regardles of what you or your "sample group" of zombie players may prefer, i know many players like myself who really enjoyed those perks. it would cost treyarch any more money to simply include it as a possible perk to purchase. those who don't want to waste one of their 4 slots on those don't have to. like in BLOPS 1 treyarch didnt take out any of the perks they had in WaW... but they did add to them in dlc. just seems like over the probably year and a half that they had been working on blops 2 zombies, seems they could come up with somthing better than subtracting 3 perks and adding 1 new perk (which tombstone, although i think it is a very cool idea, doesnt seem very practical to me) maybe the DLC will knock it out of the park though who knows tl;dr - what's the harm in including 2 already existing perks in a map exponentially larger than the ones we have previously had
  3. somewhat related, but exactly what does double tap II do? i assume its an additional effect in conjunction with original DT x2 fire rate... bought it a couple of times just didnt really notice anything...
  4. Mule Kick was widely considered useless and generally negatively received. Deadshot was widely considered useless and generally negatively recieved. PhD Flopper was a large part of the reason people got to rounds above 50. Treyarch seem to be trying to discourage extremely high rounds. They themselves originally intended for round 10 to be when people started scrambling for ammo and such. and really, when did you ever use Mule Kick or Deadshot anyway? lol, umm where exactly are you getting that info? mule kick was popular enough that they went back and added it to EVERY MAP lol. and i know deadshot wasn't the most popular, but a lot of people loved it. on moon my perk purchase order was always jugg, deadshot, mule kick, then flopper. the best part of deadshot was the increased hipfire accuracy. anyway, they already had the perks the jingles and everything, why not at least include them so the players who did enjoy them still could use them?
  5. This i guess is kind of a disappointment, but more of just a suggestion. So we got Tranzit with a HUGE area and different sections each with their own nuances and areas, yet we went from 8 perks down to 6? the fact remains that you can only purchase 4 at a time, so why not keep the other perks we've become familiar with and then perhaps add several more. that would even make the decision of which perks to buy harder.... really i'm just mourning the loss of PHD Flopper, Deadshot, and Mule Kick... :'(
  6. great guides perfect, as always easy to understand and easy to implement as well. so true about the flopper though. :'( oh how fun it would be to leap off the second story jugg/QR rooms in town and splash down into the streets.... oh well.
  7. its because the "big complex tranzit" and the "impossible minimalistic survival" are too extreme. I love tranzit, but it's not the zombies that i have come to love so much over the last 4 years or so... tranzit feels like a step and a half forward, but packaging sections of that map as "survival" maps feels like 2 steps back :edit: i will reiterate for emphasis here that nuketown zombies is freaking awesome imo. very challenging, yet still includes that classic cod zombies gameplay and feel. and Tranzit is also awesome as well. kind of curious if treyarch intends on "Tranzit" to be the permanent default game type, what i mean by that is, the word "tranzit" seems to imply the bus aspect. so will the dlc maps all be based on riding a bus from place to place? i like it as a game play aspect/option in green run, but i dont know how i feel about that being the centerpoint of zombies for good
  8. I think the TranZit mode is pretty good. Extremely ambitious and innovative, and very difficult as well, as of yet i really don't have any qualms about tranzit itself. The Survival mode is really what left much to be desired. The survival maps are so meager, I think they really alienated a lot of the fan base here. The problem being is that the heart and soul of what made this mode so popular (aka "survival") is almost non existant unless you got the hardened/care package and have nuketown zombies (which is VERY fun imo and is the highlight of zombies mode in BO2 so far for me). bus depot is basically like NDU without a box, farm, has no PaP. basically only town is an iteration of zombies like we've known it in the past, and there are what 3 doors to purchase in town? the most advanced survival map is still area-wise the smallest zombies map ever excluding NDU. Now again, I'm having fun with tranzit and grief and nuketown zombs, but the survival just stinks. I'm really hoping that for DLC they will take the feedback and gravitate back towards the style of gameplay that helped build this zombies jueggernaut in the first place!
  9. jimmy z tweeted about this the other day, basically telling us the players to try and figure it out. then he tweeted again saying that many of the responses were along the right idea but not quite right... so again i still have zero idea. i had the skull with blue eyes, then without playing any more matches the next day i was back to skull with regular eyes, 5 tally's. then played and won a grief match with no downs and like 4 revives, and was downgraded to 3 tally's. so i have no clue lol
  10. Hello CODZ, birdman22 here and I'd like to discuss GRIEF mode for blops2 zombies! I have had a ton of fun playing this mode so far, however, and keep in mind my sample set is only 2 games, but both games i have played ended up with all the players on one team leaving because it became to hard to finish the round/win the match. now, i dont really have a great solution to this, but the current setup of the game has caused my friends and i to adopt a strategy of basically sacrificing ourselves in hopes of the other team failing and spending al their money trying to surivev. basically like buying a put option on wall street. acting based on the assumption that the other team will fail. this game mode has SO much potential, but it needs work
  11. the silliest part about all this, we enter a TraZit game with a full 4 plyr party. still searches for games for 5 minutes.... WE ARE THE GAME!! DO NOT SEARCH! nuketown is an exception, but at this point i say scumbag treyarch "reinvents the wheel. wheel now shaped like a square and won't roll"
  12. i do appreciate the advice, but to treyarch: please private matches pleaseeeeeee
  13. custom games wouldnt count toward leaderboards. there are leaderboards for 1, 2, 3, and 4 player games, so how the **** do i play a 3 player game of regular zombs? :cry: :cry: :cry:
  14. so me and two other friends were all psyched to make our first zombies attempt on nuketown survival, and for the life of me I couldnot find an private match option. so of course we got lumped in with some single jabroni with no mic, and communication was awful! is there not a private match option?
  15. sooooooo remind me again why i purchased the Hardened edition? quite the bait and switch activision, quite the load of BS in my opinion :edit: to clarify, i'm not mad that everyone else has the opportunity to get the map, i think that's the right move, but the wrong move was to advertise the map as a hardened/care package exclusive . i will buy the season pass anyway, so now activision gets an extra $20 from everyone who purchased hardened specifically for the zombies map
  16. I don't think that's necessary. that's why we have
  17. i suck at editing posts.disregard and see post several posts down lol :lol:
  18. Great point on the "waiting 2 years for it" part, good grief, 11/13 is literally 2 weeks away, the wait will be over soon, and man the surprise will be so satisfying if you do wait. :edit: just noticed i guess i made my 400th post today, hoorayyy me! lol :mrgreen:
  19. Well what I was trying to get at is even though Richtofen went to CotD before Moon, the actual chronological timeline for those events, if Moon was in the past, would play a factor. If someone destroys the world using items he got from the future, that would destroy that future when/where he got the items. Which, in turn, would affect his past, which is the future that was destroyed before he got there chronologically, etc. It can be kind of confusing, but that's my thoughts on it. The prevailing argument for this as far as time travel is concerned is parallel universes existing. Because of the grandfather paradox, time travel to the past could not be possible because of this without the existence of parallel universes. just a little info/background on the subject http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandfather_paradox so with this in mind, it would be feasable that CotD was in an alternate reality of a parallel universe in which the Griffin Station rockets were not launched, whereas perhaps the events of blops2 zombies may be in the reality where the rocketes had launched
  20. Yeah, I remember when you sent those to him, he always interacts with fans via twitter he really does seem to be a top guy.
  21. Michael actually wears that hat as well as other CoD apparrel quite often in his pictures from his twitter. Wouldnt be surprised to see him make another zombie related appearance at some point in time, he makes no secret that he is a huge fan of the game. And totally awesome that Merle is making another appearance in TWD as well :P
  22. most definitely will. have always bought all the dlc packs for most games that i play a lot, and the season pass is a great way to save a few bucks
  23. same situation for me, im off the whole week, cuz, well i have to take my vacay days sometime before 2013 or i lose them so i figure what the hell lol. now do most gamestops have multiple lines, one for preorders and one for non-preorders? because mine is preordered and already paid-in-full so i literally just have to haev them scan my receipt and im out. ill prob take a short nap then go up to gamestop whenever it opens. its a small store kinda on the edge of town so i seriously doubt there will be a really huge crowd there, but i also dont want to risk having to stand in line for a long time. anywaay once i do pop that case open and fire up the xbox, ill prob play some combat training first, and familiarize myself with the MP maps. then hit up zombies once my regular crew is available to play as well
  24. sounds like lyrics from a Mars Volta song... lol I'm drawing blanks on this. it doesnt seem to make any sense as a stand alone sentence or thought. like maybe an anagram or something?
  25. lol she isn't that bad. Really? Because I've seen girls that are dressed exactly like her that "work" street corners for a price. we get it, you dont like the chick
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