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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. thats not a persistent upgrade, just a nod to the "change" you could find under the perk machines in Der Reise. You dont have to buy the perk to find the "quarter" underneath the machine. There are no persistent upgrades in this map, that is literally only for the N4 crew
  2. by the looks of twitter, seems that Strwrsbob MrDalekJD and MrRoflwaffles (and i assume maybe LiamFTWinter) have made a breakthrough or perhaps finished..;
  3. great call Ehjookated, twitter can be a great tool to get this thread the attention it needs and deserves. if anyone wants to go searching im certainly available, i know the teammate finder isnt always the busiest section of the board
  4. the notes are a keyboard the bottom triangles are CDEFGAB and the top triangles would be flats/sharps aka black keys. the notes to the left are based on a treble clef as far as i know there aren't any flats or sharps at least i havent seen any so it will always be the bottom triangles. So, did YOU do it? 'Cuz if you did, mind telling me the exact order to shoot. 'Cuz everyone doesn't seem to notice it's the exact same code every time. I've also not seen anyone post footage of the Ultimate Lightning Staff... this tutorial's full of loopholes. nope just was watching MrRoflWaffles and LiamFTWinters stream while they were doing it.. they did it in order from lowest to highest note (left to right on the keyboard) and from left to right as far as the symbols/chords. go if that makes sense
  5. Only the Pro and Elite versions of the 360 came with a mic. You have immature kids/trolls on all consoles. yep... price of console, microphone included or not, there are going to be present on both. the perception might be exactly that because ps3 didnt come with a mic that you dont know who the little kids are because they dont have microphones either way, again all it takes is a little friendliness and patience and you can easily find decent games on both systems
  6. So any good EE attempt streams going on at the moment? Haven't seen any signs of progress from anywhere after building the ultimate staves
  7. hold on to that Mauser too, because the Boomhilda makes pretty short work of him too
  8. the notes are a keyboard the bottom triangles are CDEFGAB and the top triangles would be flats/sharps aka black keys. the notes to the left are based on a treble clef as far as i know there aren't any flats or sharps at least i havent seen any so it will always be the bottom triangles.
  9. was this your brother or your son? either way thats a nice story... except for the pets dying part lol
  10. i havent experienced losing any perks that were powered by a generator that the zombies take down. not 100% sure on the random ones, but i know jugg i never lost when gen 4 was offline
  11. This is the sentiment that is the result of treyarch making all the other maps in black ops 2 waayyyyyyy too damn easy. MotD is the only one that can even compare difficulty wise and thats mainly because it has no bank or fridge. Treyarch conditioned the masses of zombies players to expect loading up a game and within one door purchase having 30,000 points and a pack a punched gun. Thank God they made origins like they did... it may put off some of the casual fans who just liked paralyzing in green mist for hours but it is a genius map that is very difficult and provides even the most seasoned zombie slayers with a genuine challenge
  12. Just to help everyone who is trying to get this started by building the staves, I'll try and help describe the staff part locations in full. the staff parts we seem to have a grasp on, but the Records appear in multiple places so i'm trying to more accurately describe that Wind Staff (yellow): Record: * near Stamin-up to the right of the perk machine * on the ox-cart near generator 5 * (may be one other location) Staff parts: enter the giant robots, all three contain one of the 3 staff parts Fire Staff (red): Record: * bottom floor of the church stuck at the front of the Tank (tank must be absent to retrieve i think) * entrance to generator 6 on the left on top of a box; * (pretty sure there's one more location) Staff parts: * Kill Panzer Soldat one time retrieve one part * Shoot down glowing plane and follow part where it lands to pick up * power generator 6, part comes out of reward chest Electric Staff (purple): Record: * On ox cart just outside of Jug/generator 4 area toward excavation site * On table next to Der Wunderfizz machine by jugg * in underground passage toward Crazy Place near Jugg Staff Pieces: * Jump off tank to wooden Deck just before trenches by generator 2, part is at end of trail * After tank station, jump off tank left side toward deck near excavation site, trail leads toward part in the middle site * near end of tank trail, jump off, acquire part in back of church Ice Staff: (blue) Record: * In various places around the tank station (one to right of mystery box, one just to right of entrance on generator 2 side, on on shelf just before Tank dock exit) Staff pieces: * Correct me if i'm wrong, but all can be dug up from dig sites with shovels i believe? Hope this helps be a little more concise and include more Record locations. feel free to alert if you find new record locations and i'll add
  13. How far did they get? I had some stuff to do at work so i'm not sure, but they were ?underground? im assuming at the teleporters of different colors/elements and had seemed to have figured out 2 or 3 of the puzzles down there. i only got to watch a little bit but they always have a quality stream and are very kind and funny to watch and were doing well so i wanted to make the stream known. being that its been out 12 hours and there honestly hasn't been a whole lot of progress made it seem, looks like this will be a hard one to crack
  14. this is sarcasm correct? because that list is approximately the same length as the other maps. of course those are just the guns MMX has seen so its not all inclusive. No there are just a lot of new inclusions compared to other maps. Like ALOT of new guns. oh yeah definitely. I mean I can't express how excited I am to have the mp40 and stg back, plus the KSG the Ballista, a new MG a new starting pistol.... good lord. 45 more minutes of spreadsheets and e-mails and i can finally get home and play this bad boy
  15. this is sarcasm correct? because that list is approximately the same length as the other maps. of course those are just the guns MMX has seen so its not all inclusive.
  16. I doubt this it true. Sure there are some kids, and I don't really like playing with them, but the percentage of time i find a young kid is about proportionate to the total percent of gamers that are that age. meaning lets say i get a kid (younger than 17) probably 30% of the time, and i'd say roughly 30% of Call of Duty players are under 17. meaning 70% are 17-infinity. some of the kids are tolerable too, and if they aren't i just tell them nicely that if they act that way people will not want to play with them, then after that warning if they still act out, I quit and then avoid that player
  17. You guys who are interested in the EE, MrRoflWaffles, LiamFTWinter, Mr Dalek JD and Noah 9sorry not familiar with his YT or twitter) are making some good progress right now. they are in Milo's twitch stream http://www.twitch.tv/mrroflwaffles Definitely making some headway on this :)
  18. i'm imagining its you know who.... those people that like to ruin things because the map wasn't called what they thought it was going to be called maybe? :evil:
  19. The Clay Bird


    not that has been found yet thank God finally now it will take a bit of skill to play this beautiful game
  20. This has to be the answer, otherwise nothing we knew before is as we thought
  21. No, navcards only play a role in the N4's quests. There is a shovel that takes up the Navcard slot though, so I wonder what happens if you bring the Navcards into Origins. I believe that navcards, banks, weapon storage, all that mess is limited only to theN4 maps... that seems very evident at this point. same with persistent upgrades. what we have here is a good old fashioned zombies map and I love it
  22. just been watching a few streams here at work, and this map is f***ing ENORMOUS! lol i mean i t looks SOOO cool, i just hope soem of my good friends will get this as they have moved on to other games....
  23. I've found a great deal of very competent talking players through public matches. you just have to be selective. speak with them before the match starts. if anyone doesnt have a mic plugged in, ask them to politely they may have one and may just be timid that people will be mean. Once you have a group of 4 talkers that you have established are decent humans then start the game. Will there turn out to be a bad apple every now and again with this method? absolutely, but they are few and far between
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