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Everything posted by Tom852

  1. Shor, thanks for your post. As far as I understood, you referred mostly to Multiplayer. Isn't zombies a totally different thing? Would anyone in zombies say "you noob toober"? Box Balance is a point, but why exactly the Nade Launcher? Why is the weak gun something with cool animations and cool sounds? Why not just a Spectre 2 for that? M&S is imho not to compare with the nade launcher. If we just think about the rate of fire... Those are two different things. But the M&S is 5000 pts, the China Lake only 950. Therefore, why shouldn't the China be a weaker M&S?
  2. I know this would belong to PC, but since I'll get 0 answers / 2 views in PC section, I request this being in General Gameplay for few days. Then it can be moved. Hi I got some new freaky keyboard and mouse. It allows me to program macros. A macro is just a series of inputs that are given to your gaming system. For example, I press my mouse xy special button, and what happens is I go ADS, give 8 pistol shots at max or almost max pace, and then i'll knife. Plus it presses "repair window" all the time of the sequence (I don't press it, the macro does it for me). That's just what I need for Round 2. However, in case I go out of ammo, I press "G12" on my keyboard and it holds down "repair window" for 6 seconds. If I press it twice, "repair window" is held down for 12 seconds, etc. Q: Is this stuff still legit play? Imho yes, but only as long as you use those features for convenience and as long as you could do that manually. I mean, it's really not difficult to click as fast as the max firerate of the M1911. Therefore, it is in my opinion ok to use an automatic sequence for those 8 shots. I actually see it as a disadvantage, since those 8 shots will be given. They will be shot, no matter what. In case my mate kills the targeted zombie while I (respectively my macro) goes ADS... I'll lose 8 shots for nothing. As well, "repair window" is the same button like "open door" or "buy gun" on PC. If I pass by the M14, it'll probably be bought I guess, no matter if I want it or not. I'd like to hear your opinion! But keep in mind, it's in every PC player's right, to bind knifing onto his mouse, so he can repair and knife at the same time. This is extremely useful in 4ppl games in Rounds 1-6. You'll have an easy time to cover your window, when you are able to knife and repair at the same time. Many Pro's do that, even some amateurs. And it's absolutely ok. So is it also still in the PC player's right, to use his input tools for his advantage, when they can do a bit more than usual?
  3. The style you play is totally different. First of all, the NoJug part in the beginning. You never run such crazy circles and take so much risk in a regular map. In a regular map, once the zombies start to run, you'll already have your Jug and a nice gun. In case you get down later on, you just throw a monkey bomb and you are save till you have your Jug. Later on in NML, you'll run a risky circle with Jug. Also something, you normally don't do up on Moon or elsewhere. You will choose a safer circle. Therefore, it's explained why a good regular player sucks at NML - it's a total different style. The question is, is a good NML player also a good regular player? And the answer is maybe closer to yes than to no. If you can handle such a risky circle for 10 consecutive minutes, you'll have an easy time with medium-difficulty circles in regular maps. You'll be a beast with the knife in the first few rounds etc. There are for sure lots of things you can learn from NML, but their relevance is imho questionable. Beautiful, if you can go to Round 100 in COTD without Jug, but why should you?
  4. Well, as Superhands said, both have their strength and their weakness. There are probably a lot more disadvantages the PC has. One I just get in my mind is the total messed leaderboard, caused by the hackers. Another is that you can either press forward completely, then you walk at max speed, or you don't press it and then you stay still. But on XBOX you can easily walk just at a slow pace. I have to hack my W Button to death to get this effect (press release press release etc - well not with my new keyboard anymore though, hrhr). But there are also a lot advantages of the PC (especially with this overpriced new keyboard and mouse...). E.g. just the easier recording, individual graphics and so on. Or that everybody can communicate with his keyboard and a Mic is not necessary (but still advantageous). This fight will always stay active between the gaming platforms. It's a matter of taste. I never played on a console. Therefore I'm so much used to this effect, that I don't even notice it ;)
  5. It's hard to catch the situation, but I hope I assume this correctly. The scenario is also quite complex and hard to imagine. Since Hero tried to go to the stage later on, but couldn't, he must have been blocked by some zombies. Those, plus maybe a few more are now at the Alley with him. Including the crawlers and runner that were at the MP40 earlier, we should not got a massive train at the spawn. I'd expect the random crawlers be already somewhere 'midway'. 1. Villain tells Hero, not to kill any, cause the situation is critical. 2. Villain tells the downed, to crawl together. They shall merge their dead bodies in the middle of them - so the Dressing man crawls to MP40 and vice versa. The target of this is of course a "double revive". 3. Villain needs to hold it a few seconds at the spawn, since he has no chance to escape. So he'll has to run the 8 form circle downstairs there. We know this circle. Here at 4:00 The question is now, shall he try to make his way through stage, or through the Mule side? We could just guess, where we will face the crawlers... Or not? No! The MP40 guy also had some runners. Within all the time that already passed by - Hero revives Villain - Hero Goes Down - Villain Revives Hero etc - those 7 runners from the MP40 must already have arrived at the spawn or they are at least visible! Villain as a Pro of course noticed, where they came from. According to game mechanics, the crawlers will take the same path. 4. Therefore, the Villain always kept an eye open for 7 sudden incomers, and where they came from. He now knows, where he has to expect some possibly lethal crawlers on his way. He will of course decide to take the opposite way (so he goes NOT where those 7 runners came from). 5. So, the Villain will run the free path towards the downed. With all the time already passed by, all zombies will have spawned and he has all zombies behind him. He has not to expect a single enemy in his way. But he'll have to hurry, much time passed by! Since the situation is safe, I'd skip Jug in case he took that way towards the downed. 6. He reaches the merged downed and can revive both. He will not make use of the trap there in the dressing room. 7. He teches the randoms, that a big train is following him. So he directs the noobs to follow him. Villain will now continue the huge circle around the map [spawn --> Stage --> Mule --> Spawn or opposite direction] in the same direction as he started this circle from spawn to MP40. The noobs are good soldiers and follow him. He tells the random to stay close. Villain has no problems to keep a well - but not too far distance to the zombies. 8. The randoms are now supposed to give a few shots with weak guns into the zombies chests and legs. Killing none - hopefully. In case they only have Ray or so and nothing with bullets, they shall pick up the MP40 or the PM63 or something, once they come by. The randoms are supposed to make their 2500 pts like so. Porbably some zombies might die, but the group of the 3 soldiers will continue their circle. It is a quite safe one. In case a zombie spawns directly in front, we still have one Mate with a Ray Gun, that can clear the front. So Villain has to tell the Ray Master to watch the front as soon as some zombies died. 9. Once they have their pts and reach Jug, at least 2 guys should be able to buy it. They do another turn of this massive circle and the last can buy his Jug.
  6. Its a very nice to know, but not absolutely necessary. Maybe you just wanna print out a quick list of it. For the ammo management and to plan your normal ammos and the ammos from the monkeys in the rounds 40-70 it's probably an advantage.
  7. Lol, your teammate has 33 downs! What a noob did you play with?
  8. Hi. Just watched Terminator 2 the other day. What is Arnold Schwarzenegger using, when he stands at the window in the Cyberdine Systems office, to make a mess out of the police? A Minigun and a grenade launcher. In real life, definitely two beasts of guns. I instantly had to compare those two guns in zombies. Deathmachine, a nice killing utility till 30. But the China Lake, useless already at maybe 10. Therefore this question came up: What would you think if the China Lake stays as it is, except for it's damage. What if it would do a damage similar to Scavenger? It's explosion radius is smaller, you must have a very compact horde and aim very carefully, if you wanna take out a full horde with one shot. Unlike with the Scavenger, you also walk way slower, and you also have to face yourself with the very long reload. I was thinking of maybe a insta kill until 20, upgraded until 25-30. I'd really appreciate if it was like so. Because a grenade launcher is actually so cool - total Terminator style. It's in my opinion very sad, that this gun's coolness has to be ignored, because it is just too weak. "plop" - "booooom" - see your work of destruction - "ratch ratch" [this is not a Blops 2 suggestion, this is a discussion if such a gun would be appropriate for Blops 1 gameplay]
  9. Nana, the Ballistic is awesome for running. I don't know how you mean it with the Papped version. But when my teammate has the Wondergun and I'm in round 80 with him, all I want is the ballistic and the crossbow. Those are the only two guns, that do some effect. Krauss for reviving, and Bow for the zombie distraction. :!: My least fav is the china. No damage, smoke disturbs view, too long reload, and extreme slow movement. OK, it might be good to take out a baby zombie train. But I'd prefer the LAW if it has to be a heavy explosive gun. I like the spectre though for rounds 10-15, to shoot a few times and then bowie. FAL is cool.
  10. I just totally dislike the Burst Fire. That's why I normally avoid the M16. The Skullcrusher's nade launcher's reload is way too slow for me. Therefore, I do not use the gun, with the exception of a Kino Stage strategy. But whenever I feel like it, I buy the gun, and once upgraded, it's a yummy killing machine.
  11. Tom852

    Tunnel 6 mpl Train

    Nice contribution! Are you the 5and5 I have in my friendlist? Why does every pc player play with a controller??
  12. Hehe, yeah be my fan club president I kinda like that you tell my name in every second post you make . But don't go too crazy, otherwise it looses credibility.
  13. Grats for the sticky An earned one! This helps maybe at most difficult steps 9 and 11 (I mean that serious!) It's about how to throw the gersh and the qed without air safely at the desired location. I know you mentioned that the order is flexible. It might just make everything more complicated, but wouldn't it be a good idea, to specify this just a bit? I'm always a bit annoyed, that all guides are step by step based. For example, just collect the wire the first time you pass by the labs. So you save your time, to go back later on. Or do the rod-charge while Mister X is AFK, get the Plates up to Moon when you anyway teleport etc. I don't know if it would be a good idea to specify this, since the guide should not be too complicated. Anyway I made this little picture to illustrate [just having too much time]
  14. I tried to beat your 3h. I always died Midround box hits, extremely hardcore, even in 8 with knife and jug. It feels like they come at a Rd 30 spawn speed at you. NoJug knifing is as you said pretty dangerous, too, several downs there as well. Gonna try again today.
  15. I totally remember my definining moment. Very early in my career. Ascension. It was me, a random, and 2 other randoms, that were friends. Those friends were awesome players, both a 40+ score and 0 downs until that specific moment. One of the "good players" bled out, the other 2 were downed at phd lander. I was also at phd with a max train. No lander at station. I hear one dude at voice chat "omg that's it". I go downstairs, lead all train to mp5, go back up, and revive both. And then, both 40+ players made me a compliment and asked me to add them as friends on steam (I had 0 clue how that would work, BO was my first steam game). But it totally told me, that I'm good for something in this game and that I do not have to consider myself as a noob anymore.
  16. Since you just cleared a horde, I think you have all zombies spread up at the basement. Therefore I think it is quite risky to go for the on at the lift. Also, after the revive, you see 20 zombs running to you. If the guy at the elevator isn't the one with the Winter or Lawton, it's pretty hard. However, if the lift is at the basement, and this dude is intelligent enough to crawl in it, hmm. You could go in the elevator, hit it, headshot the 2-3 zombies that might be inside, revive while going up. However, next you would probably go to the one near the tele, since he is near bleeding out. But then, all zombies would just tele to your front... And you cannot expect of this other dude to protect you. Either he runs straight to jug or revives the other. With way's way and you land on top floor, you probably get only the one at lift in war room, which is also not a perfect solution. Tricky situation... As far as I know myself, I'd start a big circle in the basement (go out pig room right hand side, all the way around everything, pass by AK, through bowie room), [call lift], revive, try to hold it till lift is ready, drive up, get the one in front of the lift there, and then just hope the one close the tele was not the host.
  17. Good work. Very interesting guide. It is extremely concrete and detailed. Maybe almost a little bit too detailed for my taste, but I see what the point of it is I think you can improve lots of things to gain more speed, but I guess you made a well compromise between speed and safety. How fast did you reach 50 with this?
  18. As Chopper said, The sickle will save your ass and you can easily work on power, jug etc while using it. At 10, I recommend one of the following circles: The easiest circle to run is probably in front of the lighthouse, where the AK is. I would start off there to get the hang on the map. Another is inside the lighthouse on any floor. I like the 2nd floor (PHD Level) best, but that's a matter of taste. The third one would be at the spawn, either a big circle around the rock (attention, bridge is narrow, not so coo in solo), or a small one in front of the box.
  19. I like your threads a lot too!! Would have given you more often brains, but you know, spread reputation blabla.
  20. I think it depends on how wide you have your browser window, or what resolution you work with.
  21. So much not, 2 total different things. Pretty much converse But one parallel is there. I will maybe become a teacher some day, and I also like to do instructional videos for Black Ops.
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