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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. You know, sometimes looking outside the Box helps. It's obvious we are dealing with a whole new Zombies Mode. There is more to Green Run then we've seen, I have no doubt in that. It's just we can't do anything now, at least not until "Die Rise". Really, look for my "Someone Has to Say It" Topic. (Can't Copy & Paste on the Internet explore App.)
  2. This might sound off topic, but since Dempsey "Broke the 4th wall" most the time in Black Ops 1. You think any of the new characters will?
  3. It will be like MOON. We earn the achievement, the story ends, but the game still goes, no Ending Credits. We can continue searching, searching & searching in Green Run but there is nothing left to find. It's been close to two months since we figured out how to unlocked TOB Achievement/Trophy. Since then, we've found nothing. I'm still banking on my SideEE/GrandEE theory, I'm sure I'll get my answer when Die Rise comes out. If there is anything in the Quotes, then it probably gives hints to how the Story portion of the Tranzit Mode will end, that will envolve all the Maps, not just one.
  4. Probably. I think the Ranking System has NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with the EE or any secrets in TranZit Mode. I just wish they would explain so we won't have "Rank System" theories AND Troll Made "NEXT STEP" crap.
  5. Yeah, that does suck. But at least there is a upside...if you want to call it that. You part of CODZ Baby!, you'll know all there is to know before the Map Pack is released. Which mean's you won't be a Noob when you first play.
  6. Interesting, very Interesting. I'm not going to hold my breath though. If I know any better, Treyarch tends to release info of a DLC before the month or mid release. Which means Video. Die Rise, an interesting title. Zombies in Full Military Gear...that even more interesting.
  7. We Really need to update the Quote Hub Topic. Include along with the Text version of each Quote but how that Quote is Triggered. That way no one can confuse a Quote with something that is in response to doing something wrong to a "Next Step" Quote.
  8. Now before I go on. This IS NOT another Ranking System Theory, Fact, Idea, Whatever. I'm just explaining what just happened to me a few minutes ago. First, I've been having some connection issues with my 360, so I really couldn't play Zombies either on CO-OP or SOLO which are both on Xboxlive/PSN Network. Around 12:00 Finally my connection has been holding on, so I went and just solo on Green Run, I happened to notice my Rank was Skull, Dagger - No Eye's with TWO marks. I had a good run, got to 25 and decided to call it a night, Ended the Game and when I returned to the Lobby I noticed I had Three Marks, Skull 2X Shotguns, no eyes. WTF? All this time, I was under the impression, the more time you play, the higher your rank gets. I hadn't played a good long time online for at least two days and then all the sudden I get the one Rank Emblem I've been wanting? So what? Don't play for two days straight, then have a really good Game and then you get a different Rank? I don't know. What do you think?
  9. That is a really good question. The Quote richtofen says after you complete his side of the EE might not exactly tell what he is up to but you can guess its all for him. Wanting "More Flesh" to play with. Maxis on the other hand, I'm not so sure. One thing I can say is. I don't trust him. Lets not forget that it was Maxis-with the help of the Original Three & His Daughter-that launched the Missiles that crippled the Earth. In his Quote from the TV, He say's he was wrong but thought of a Plan B. So if Plan A was to Blow Up the Earth...I hate to see what Plan B is.
  10. I can confirm that Richtofen does say the Quote about the Nav Card Machine and the Nav Card. I was playing "Local" due to my 360's connection problems. It wasn't built, so I did it again. He did say that Quote right as I put the last piece. He did say something else right when I put the first piece on. But interesting thing is, in the Quote. He too talks about Activating the Obelisk. I'll check later, but does Local Mode save Progress?
  11. Well....Okay. Maybe there is a way to turn Day into Night. But I bet there is nothing we can do now UNTIL the First DLC is released. If my Grand EE theory is right, there may be more steps to Green Run after we go through the next map. So really we should just chill out and wait.
  12. If my theory on the Spire/Obelisk is right. We(I know I spelled it Wrong)Ifull Tower will probably be another Tower we will have to "Power Up" for either Richtofen or Maxis. So thats another reason they would make a paris map.
  13. Exactly, the Beam's of light and the Orbs from the Box and on the Traffic Lights could just been Glitches. And the sign in town with the missing letters spells out MO-ON. Could just be a big Co-Wink-A-Dink.
  14. Don't let this topic leave the first page, It's the most logical theory we've got and the more you think about it, the more it seems true. I'm pretty sure the new Characters we've have will be the same characters for each map. I'm 60% sure on that. I mean, they never really explained how the Original Four ended up in Shin No Numa and then made it to Der Riese. So why will they start now? We really don't have any confirmed explinations as to why there is so many quotes left to hear but I think my Theory does have a good answer. Say the next DLC is going to have something like a "Cargo Ship', or maybe a map down the road. We also find a NAV Card and-Like my Theory suggest. We pick that up and it will replace the one we picked up in Green Run. We then go to Green Run and sure enough the New Nav Card is next to our score. We take it to the Tower, press the action button at the Nav Card Station, and BINGO, it works. Based on my Theory, two things or more could happen. A) The Tower acts funny, more that it does after completing TOB, and Maxis says the. Blah Blah, Fairwell" quote. Or He says. "There's cargo onboard and needs to be delivered." That's what I meant about not being "Ready" to hear those Quotes.
  15. To all CODZ Patrons, please. DP NOT POST in this Topic. Walk away. That is all.
  16. Your theory is just around the same bend as mine. The easter egg comes in two sides. Only one side can be saved. No doubt that will be the same for the DLC Maps to come. The Nav Card Station Saves when you complete it, who is to say the next maps won't have something similar we need to do and won't be saved. If the Nav Card is next to our score when we pick it up, that don't mean it WON'T be there when you play the first DLC Map. The Save Feature is going to have a Key Factor in this Zombies Story, no doubt in that.
  17. Wow, that is actually a good legit theory. Here, have a cookie. Joking aside, your probably right. The Map originally had no exit to the outside and clearly you can really see how far they've came. But still, there is a chance more can happen here, but not until the DLC's start coming in.
  18. A anti-Denizen Perk, doubt it. If Fog is going to in the next Maps, no doubt Teleporters will be too. But maybe the perk could reduce the amount of melee strikes to knock it off would be cool. Honestly I think Mule-Kick is overkill, especially for Green Run. Since I herd at Diner, all I need is Ray Gun and MP5 P'a'P'ed PHD Flopper would be the only perk I think should make a return. Also wonder if they Improved Double Tap, would they Improve others?
  19. Yeah, I get what your saying. But can you say that when three of the players your with are not the brightest bulb in the Box. 9 times out of 10 I've played with players who can't do good as a group. I always seem to be the one who carry's the game. (Last One Alive for every round) The Arsenal in Zombies is like a Condom. Better to have but not need it than not having it when you really need it.
  20. Five hits to the bong later and THIS is what you come up with? No offense but I think the determining the Time lime is a little easier than.....well all of that. Now I don't remember seeing any writings in russian in the Farm area but most of those I've seen were on crates/boxes. It's easy to believe they were transported there before the Missiles Hit. As to why there are future weapons in a obvious sixties era city is. Just because the world ended doesn't stop people from making some kick ass weapons....well they must of been drunk when the lined up the sites but still.
  21. Everyone keep coming to the previous game as proof there IS MORE to Green Run. But were not dealing with the same Easter Egg system from before. We could be dealing with a whole new system. Read my Topic. Someone has to say it. I'll add this to it- Granted we haven't earned anything like Permanint Perks like we did when finishing the Achievement for Shangri-La & MOON but that doesn't mean we won't Earn nothing once we completed the whole story. That reward might actually be more perminant, if you get my drift.
  22. I don't think BDU in Green Run is the same building. One who looks closely can see upstairs and there is no door leading to the room right above the Mystery Box room. Another reason I don't think this is the Real NDU is because of Treyarch History. They use to use other things from Campaing and DLC's Maps to create Zombie Maps. That Same building is also in a Campaign & Multiplayer Map, but with some alterations Also the location for those two Map's were in Japan, not Germany. Der Riese was built using "Nightfire" the Map featured in the Second DLC. The Building in Verruckt was seen in a Campaign Mission as well in a Multiplayer Map. So simply, its not the actual Building. I do think something can be done here but not until after the First DLC is released.
  23. I REALLY think we need to stop this. 1) TEDD says a lot of things, that Quote is the first thing he says when you first ride the bus from the Depot to the Dinner and exactly when it leaves the tunnel. This happens every time you play the Map. It obvious the route he was intending to go is blocked, but that doesn't mean we are supposed to un-block it. Tedd even says. "Blah Blah-continue current course." I'm betting he calls the locations by other names (Like Groom Lake) is because he thinks he's still on his Original Route he was programed 2) Why would they use a DLC and/or Update to add 20MG or More to a map just to add another section? The Map is already big enough, and our systems just might not handle it. 3) Many believe there is a Route B because of the sign in the Bus Depot, those same people believe that it envolves "Changing the Time" from day to night. It does say there is "No Night Bus" which means there is more than one route during the Day. So look, we can add turbines, fire the jet gun, toss EMP's, beat the living hell out of TEDD and whatever we do WILL NOT have any effect on his Route that "Treyarch" had originally created. One more thing, there is a second Texture for the Bus. I say that Texture could of been for TEDD Originally but they decided to scrap it, and in Treyarch, just like that Single Spool of Wire, they forgot to take it out. If I'm Wrong on all counts, I'm wrong. But if anything is going to happen the only way we'll know now is when the First DLC comes out. Let's all just chill, play the Game. Get all caught up on the Achievement/Trophy, Nav Card & Station. And Wait.
  24. I'm still banking on my theory. I have a good feeling all the Maps to be released will have Tower's similar to The Obelisk/Spire, but they probably are the same as a Electrical Pylon Tower. (So that makes Paris a reasonable Map) The Goal for each Map will be to Power the Towers, for either Richtofen or Maxis. The next goal, once all the Towers are powered will be to Activate them, that is what the Nav Card & Station are four. Read my Topic for more on that.
  25. There are two reasons I Choose Richtofen. 1) Out of all the "Original Characters" he is the Fan Favorite. Nikolai is cool and all but who doesn't love a In-the-closet homosexual german mad scientist? He's a Mini-Stewie. 2) Maxis Side of the EE is a pain in my Fucking Ass. I have tried six times to complete his side and each time, something doesn't go right. So I said, Fuck You Maxis. At least Richtofen gives you in depth instructions. No Doubt choosing a side is Key to the Grand Finally of this Story that is yet to unfold. so I suggest that you should play with those(Especially here on the Forums) that have choosen the Path you have. Especially if you doing the Achievements for each of the DLC Maps.
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