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Everything posted by way2g00d

  1. To post pictures, you need to upload it to a third party website(ex: photo bucket or I use flickr because it is free with yahoo account) then copy the BCC Code (HTML IMG tags only)and post it here so it can appear in your post without having to go through a link. Image tags goes something like this.. Hope this helps.
  2. way2g00d


    Good idea dude, this is possible we might see both Moon and Area 51..
  3. Other things besides worrying about Zombshe's would be as follows: **Board Index: Takes you to Index where you can see all the sections.(Avoid using Codz Home) *Control Panel: To create signature(you already know), Keep track of your posts and see who gave you brains and many other controls.. *View your posts: You can keep track of your posts that You created or replied to. Search:Before creating new topic/thread Please use search function before to see if there is an existing topic already. It is important to do this otherwise there is a chance of your thread getting deleted by mods. Teammate finder: If you want to play Zombie maps with a person of your skill level then post it in this section. Map sections : If you want to contribute to any new findings or just want to have some fun reading random stuff about the map you can go to this section.(Ex: Shangri la, Moon...) View Active Posts: See what's hot topics of the hour. Questions, Suggestions.. : If you have any questions/suggestions post here. Off topic: If you are bored with zombies and want to post stuff not related ex:Little big planet people .. any random topic you have in mind. New Groups: If you have made it far in zombies and want to show off your hard work then post it in the The four guardians thread... (in general zombies discussion..or wherever it is located...)There are 4 groups Takeo, Nikolai,Dempsey and Richtofen based on your High rank. Just post a picture and they should put you in a right group. UOTM: Every month there is User of the month to promote and encourage site members for their contribution to the forum. Be sure to vote for this thread every month. Vote on good posts:If you think a topic has helped you than don't forget to give Brians (Green Thumbs up thingy on right top of the post ) Chat: You can add people as your friends and Chat (Unless this feature is offline). Report: If you see any abusive topics or topics that does not fit the section click in the Report icon on the right side below the post..This is help keep the forums clean and organized. Picture: If you like to post your picture there is a thread something called : Behind the avatar..Most of the active users have posted their picture ... As a rule Please read the Community guidelines first.
  4. I am pretty sure these astronauts with suits are those special zombies that can be a pain in the ass to kill. Kinda like Juggernaught from Special Ops.
  5. Trix, Firstly there were two posts of mine were deleted the same day. I can understand the first one was deleted because it was a close duplicate, so i did not even worry about that..(Rezurrection and classsic maps..) Second post was not created by me and I replied to it in Moon section of the forum.(3x perk). I have no idea why that was deleted. I myself have reported posts and they were LOCKED in the past not DELETED (eg: that post regarding Sex...) I understand there is a reason but it would make sense to inform the user who has spent so much time to write or reply. *I am not worried about the posts that were deleted by me. I delete them myself when I see a pre existing post.
  6. I was just joking about the n00b thing, anyways [brains] to you my friend.
  7. Yes like op said, it's v likely they r turning into zombies by drinking those old perk colas. The new perk is probably what's helping them stay human.. Just a guess.. Also that gun above is Kilparis..a never seen before SMG in zombies..if thats in the game we may also see AK47.
  8. wow, that's gotta be him. Great find man! [brains] to you The question is if thats Richtofen, who is our 4th hero? Guy that we released in Ascension? Samantha? Jimmy Zillenski? George Romero?
  9. thats lame, its reznov like the other guy said..but u may be right..
  10. Some of my posts/topics have been deleted without notice. I find this very annoying and is literally starting to piss me off. I love codz but this things needs to be taken seriously. If it is against community guidelines you first lock it and then delete it next day so every one knows WHY it was deleted. eg: 3x post in Moon is gone...without any reason...(its not a duplicate) -unrecognized donor to this forum.
  11. Pictures look like bad photoshop work .. so is the commentary with JZ
  12. That IGN link looks fake but I hope there is a 4th map pack.
  13. Select, I have been on ps3 lately to catch up with some old frnz..ill revert back to xbox this weekend..yes lets do some challenges.
  14. Yes I am unlocked all pro perks like during first week i think. I think Tac mask pro and Flak jacket pro were hard.. I just dislike multiplayer because I think its bit laggy.
  15. Yes, because I really don't like Multiplayer in Black ops and I am sick of carrying people in zombies when trying for a high round. Challenges are always fun because you do them in solo mostly...
  16. McCachorro, I wanna try that class. Damn, 50 kills one game is insane.
  17. Guy above, I just gave you negative brains as a part of testing, its not yet resolved. EDIT: I thought you fixed it for everyone..never mind.
  18. GlFO_8VTrNs http://www.twitch.tv/mwa2012/b/291670197 (Better quality video) Other player died at the beginning of round, I was clutching the entire round and here is a clip of how you can effectively use 3179 jGb to kill an entire spawn. I am assuming you already know how to horde up zombies otherwise it would be an entirely different topic. Alternative to kicking is 1. Use Mustang and sally (preferred way when you are solo) 2. Throw semtex first and then shoot (preferred with with 2 players..) 3. Shoot Ray gun after you shoot. If you are hording up zombies in power or AK room and your partner is by MPL just merge your zombies (Tell him to give you a heads up when he is by the dong in the back so you can enter the mpl through cave..ill post a video of this ) and have your partner run forward and hide by the mine cart while you slowly pack all the zombies in a nice and tight circle and he can throw a semtex for you while you shoot shrink ray. Its a win win situation. EDIT: Just created a merging strategy video, here is the link http://www.twitch.tv/mwa2012/b/291709606 Let me know if this post helped you at all or if you have a better strategy. Comments are appreciated, I would hate to have 100 people look at this topic and not a single one to respond. Regards, Way2g00 Question: How do i preview jtv videos here like I do for You-tube?The embed code just does not work... Here it is: Watch live video from Call of duty Zombies with MWA2012 on Justin.tv
  19. I suck at multi player but I am decent in Free for all. My class usually goes with ak74u Hardline or lightweight, SOH and Marathon/ninja.
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