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Everything posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. Oh goody, I'm excited to see it. Don't worry if it's not shown in Canada, there's always ways to watch things online.
  2. Sounds more like a feminist dream than anything to have relation to zombies. But it's still rather inciting, perhaps other books and theories have been made about it. Perhaps this earth could house all those Nazis that were said to take other in 2012 :twisted: PS speaking of which when is that 'Iron Sky' movie coming out?
  3. Der Atzi, this is ridiculous because I keep pulling up my facts and you just push them aside as 'stupid', so I will just show you the bio and all my points in it. “Beware The Doc”. A message that was scrawled across wall of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysantary may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from you bones, but “Beware The Doc”. This is Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as The Butcher to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light(what a nice guy). All through his career, Richtofen has been at the forefront of torture and information extraction reseach(This is not murder for science, it is like an interrogation at a POW camp, but worse, and for whatever information someone like Richtofen would want from someone). Richtofen is an incurable sociopath(incurable sociopath+psychopath=insane PS before you argue, these conditions usually form while brain still developing so it's very unlikely he became one in his mid 30s/40s when there is no evidence was changed from how he was beforehand) and sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder; the victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself. Doctor Richtofen has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them poosed in positions of terror at the instant of their death. OH look I know someone else who did the same thing: So I believe my point is proven: he was insane before the spark, and after. It was just the source of his Schizophrenia and told him what he had to do to get the MPD working. PS let me show you this line from audio reel 6: (Static)“How did she end up there? No matter, I know what must be done, in the meantime see if you can find Dr. Maxis, perhaps he can talk some sense into her.”
  4. gosh, you're mad aren't you? If you can't accept using some of the only 100% solid info as evidence, I don't know what you would. And everyone was calm before 1950? Boy, that's not an incredibly stupid statement and generalization, from someone who clearly hasn't even been around since then, I would hope... And richtofen was not a nice guy, he played his little act with the 935 members until he tried to kill Maxis, the charade with him was up. And Schuster and Groph knew beforehand after he made them slaughter the people from Shangri La to fill the MPD's canisters. And why not tell him his secret? Because an Illuminati spy would never reveal himself as being apart of the illuminati, let alone the work he was doing for them! Look, even after the spark, he was calm with them, but strict as always. The voices did not make him crazy, they told him what he had to do, that's why he said that he knew how it works in the one radio/audio reel. He was ALREADY CRAZY! He is a mad schizophrenic, incurable sociopath, necrophiliac, etc. The reason we here him go mad in zombies is because nobody is around to here him but the dead, and he believes the other 3 are too stupid to figure him out, which he was right in since they didn't figure it out in time obviously, but they needed each other to survive. I can't believe you're calling me thick-skulled when you are claiming a mass murderer is a 'nice guy' because you refuse to examine facts against your belief that Richtofen was 'sane' before the 'spark of insanity'.
  5. Richtofen, I believe, was not himself in front of Maxis. He had a role to play. The Illuminati inserted him as their agent, closest to Maxis, to learn about 935's progress. Outside of his work with Maxis, he worked with his men to work on his own inventions. He hated Maxis before, for being in power over him and rejecting his tele porter and not full filling promises. He was incompetent in his mind. I also find it hard to believe that someone who murders people for fun is normally a mild mannered scientist. He was part of the ill. And yes he hated maxis. But the murder for Fun part no, he murdered for science, and information! He was himself in front of maxis, why not? He said: we have workers here from all over the world, being a part of the ill. Wouldn't matter! Plus who says he didn't act like he does in front of maxis the way he would normally act? We don't know how he acts before 935, he might be a pretty nice guy who loves murder! And don't revert to your stupid waw bios bus! He murdered for science and information?! He had a bloodlust! he did it for himself. Did you not read the bio section that MonopolyMac posted on your other topic? It started with before the war-and at the end it said something along the lines of- so he joined the army to satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly. This shows before the war and Group 935, he was a mass murderer and joined dispute his disliking to cause and witness suffering and death for his own pleasure. Plus the stuffed animals collection.... And now you're saying that Richtofen was himself in front of Maxis? Everything we know about Richtofen shows otherwise. First of all, the fact that he was an illuminati spy put next to the highest member of the 935, shows he wouldn't exactly be himself there. Even around his own scientists he was careful to not let out his temper. It's impossible to know for sure anyway though because he was acting as a spy when with 935 members, and we don't know if he was incognito on the moon or they knew was there. And a pretty nice guy who loves murder? Now you're going crazy...
  6. Dude there's no need to get frustrated. We are all just posting our opinions on the matter. It is a very delicate subject with evidence that can be taken differently by all. You also have to remember peoples opinions differ when it comes to the definition of words. Usually when I hear the word sociopath, I think insane. Now that may not be the case for some people. How insane/mad/whateverwordyouwanttouse was Richtofen? We don't know. We just know that to some degree, in todays standards, he would be considered insane for what he had done. We also know that he got worse after touching the M.P.D.. It planted a seed in his mind, starting out small and working onto bigger things, changing his priorities. I'm just wondering if he was with the Illuminati before or after he touched it. Well, Richtofen's obsession with suffering and death, and being an incurable sociopath, puts him on a level near Norman Bates...If that's not insane idk what it!
  7. Weapons: Python Galil Perks: Juggernog Speed Cola Stamin Up optional-revieve I got this combo yesterday from the box and found it was working really well, The Galil gets you the points and if you have a guy in your way and your gall is dry you can just whip out the Python and blow off his head! But speed cola is almost a necessity when using the revolver, but after that it's AMAZING. Weapons: L96 any smg perks: Juggernot Speed Cola whatever else you like This class is really fun if you get the L96 pap'd. It can OHK til around 20 and 25+ with headshots. Then you have your smg for points. If you can on this class get some special grenades for a distraction, the sniper is useful for picking off guys from a distance to help someone going for a revive.
  8. You have to be careful with Richtofen and the Illuminati, because you can't always tell what he's doing for them, or himself. Speaking of which, where have they been? Sure the pyramids, but actual symbols? We haven't really seen any more notes since Ascension.
  9. I think that fact that they have fooled some people here earned a little of my respect. haha good point
  10. Well tell me this Mac..... The second message on moon tells us that the deal with the Nazi party wasn't struck until after the soi, so, logically, he became infamous AFTER the voices, when he became part of the Nazi party! See if just poked a big hole right in your logic..... Mac just kinda proved my point, and also, being infamous, does not make someone insane or not. He had his habits before, just not until the war did he earn a reputation. Which he hid carefully in the presence of Maxis.
  11. Richtofen, I believe, was not himself in front of Maxis. He had a role to play. The Illuminati inserted him as their agent, closest to Maxis, to learn about 935's progress. Outside of his work with Maxis, he worked with his men to work on his own inventions. He hated Maxis before, for being in power over him and rejecting his tele porter and not full filling promises. He was incompetent in his mind. I also find it hard to believe that someone who murders people for fun is normally a mild mannered scientist.
  12. Ok, let me understand, so being an INCURABLE SOCIOPATH, does not make you insane, just evil... yeah that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, Richtofen was damn mad already! The spark, is the cause of Richtofen's sudden exceptional greed. Knowing him, he probably would have already. But the voices just told him how to gain access to the mpd, that's how he knows what it does before everyone else, but Sam messed it all up and he had to go on a big bloody adventure to secure his 'right' to the pyramid. And don't use the WaW bio as my evidence? Why not? It's perfect! It's the only real evidence we have of Richtofen before the pyramid and 935, so we know he was already mad. @MonopolyMac: The voices did not tell him to kill Samantha and Maxis, it was Illuminati orders.
  13. Alright, the voices started with the spark, but Richtofen was insane before the pyramid. Read his World at War bio, let's not forget the past evidence, he tortured and killed people slowly, and was infamous for it. He also had a collection of stuffed animals frozen in their look on them before their death. He was nicknamed The Butcher and 'Beware the Doc' was written on all towns under Axis control. If this doesn't qualify a man as sadistic and insane, I don't know what does. The pyramid simply started the voices in his head, just another addition to his insanity.
  14. It wasn't made to control the zombies, they didn't exist yet. It was made as a portal to Aether. Richtofen, was insane FAR before Group 935. Read his WaW bio if you get the chance, you'll see what I mean. And the Earth's atmosphere had nothing to do with it, it just meant that since almost everybody was killed/destroyed, there was nothing left to control with his undead army.
  15. I like where this mural took us We started with the CCCP mural, and ended up finding historical propaganda poster with this little metal ball, that took us deep into the Moon EE. *high five* This just wrapped up a whole bunch of loose ends for me in my own storyline theory research. I have this metal ball all figured out. I'm in the process of forging my most epic storyline theory now Nice. Good luck with it, not that you'd need it of coarse. I wonder if that ball on the moon really was supposed to be the one Yuri's capsule launched to it, We need to publicize this, nobody really checks the Ascension forum since we all gave up on the EE lol.
  16. I never liked solo, I always had trouble setting up because without teammates some little f***** likes to come up behind me and one hit me before round 5 :x And I also just don't find it as fun, because once I get juggernog in solo, it's almost hard to get downed. I mean your 1 person with a fraction of the zombies in co-op, so you've got the whole map, the whole box, just everything. Nobody to get in your way. And I just feel lonely. I think co-op was the way zombies was made to be played. It just makes it more interesting. And nothing beats rushing like crazing blasting a thunder gun to revive your idiot friend just for the hell of it because you know dogs are next round compared to just lying there with frozen zombies while the game picks you back up, alone and perk less :(
  17. I totally agree, it's impossible to pap or get jug or anything on moon with randoms that don't listen. And then even if you get there they often down themselves leaving you trapped. It's to dependent on teammates imo. The worst is when you go on the tele porter, they won't jump down, and you have to jump down to the pyramid and run all the way back around through the map :x
  18. I'm going with the SMGs. I favor the SMGs over the rest for several reasons. They are mainly wall weapons, so ammo is ALWAYS available. The are also quick reloading and have high fire rates, and some like the thompson and AK74u pack a strong punch and all are very good for head shots. SMGs are also good with hip fire, the best, and this is good for large tight trains where you don't have time to ADS. Here's why I didn't pick the rest: Shotguns: They're good Rifles: Ok maybe LMGs: They're to slow, take forever to reload, low mobility, low fire rate (besides MG42), high recoil, slow ads, expensive to maintain ammo later rounds, weak, etc. Only good thing is the ammo. Maybe if your a camping noob. ARs: #2 to SMGs mainly because they aren't as ammo efficient as SMGs (have more reserves but can't get without Max Ammo, and the wall ARs aren't an stronger than SMGs), and slightly slower mobility and worse hip fire. But that's really it.
  19. I know it's colored red, but look at the design on the orb Yuri Gagarin is holding. Is that the same orb that we use on to open the pyramid device with? I THINK SO 6a3LtPhpMU0 Oh boy, I really like where this little metal ball is taking us.
  20. http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2007/deep-politics-3-5-04.htm Aha! "Houston, we have identified the ball!"
  21. haha that was quick. Here are my finds: something in his hand again, but what is it? Same thing with rocket flying to moon/sun with people looking onto it Same as above with more people and rockets... Aha! could this be what is in is hand? That little ball with CCCP on it? Best bet at the moment. I will continue my research later, I have to go to a movie with my cousins lol.
  22. I agree with you on the overall theme. I know we can't really tell what that guy is holding in his hand, but deep inside me my zombies side is screaming FOCUSING STONE!!! But I'm not really sure if they even thought of that at the point of ascension And that squiggle of lines, I don't know if that's supposed to be wear from the rock or just something else. I'm going to look up some soviet propaganda posters, see if it matches anything.
  23. Not a chance, they've already hinted at zombies continuing, look: e9VexRRFdsY
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