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Everything posted by DeckchairsFTW

  1. oh-er! I signed it Dom instead of Deckchairs :P
  2. I've just watched the CoTD trailer, and seriously, i mean SERIOUSLY Treyarch? It looks like some sort of sh*t horror film reject. Putting 4 actors/actresses as characters? Come on, i honestly thought it was a joke, i honestly thought that it was a trailer made to cover up the REAL zombies map, but i think even for such a huge Company, creating such an elaborate ploy is beyond them. I'm still going to buy it, if not just because of the MP maps. I am disappointed before i have even bought it. *One last bit* Zombie playing is probably the highest it has EVER been and Treyarch are going to throw it all away. They realise they WILL make a huge pile of cash out of us, whatever pieces of shite they make, and charge us a Tenner for buying. It's a total bag of w@nk. *Rant over* Dom
  3. Hey, i'm pretty sure this is the Pic you were talking about It's Dan Bunting, The online director of treyarch.
  4. It could have been another person driving and Mason just saw them as Reznov. Anyway, if they make a Black Ops sequal, they will more than likely bring back Reznov and Woods. They better do! They were awesome! I just wish there was some way they could bring back Dmitri :cry:
  5. But then Dan Bunting comes round your house and gives you some free zombies t shirts with every perk, wonder weapon and character on. And an advance copy of Map pack 3! Gotta kill zombie Dan... gotto kill zombie dan!
  6. I'm not convinced that it's Britain. Not even Scotland's that cold... More likely that its New Schwabia or the place you half inch the Nova 6 from.
  7. Since when? It was found in the Servers that he was the only resident at the 'Hanoi Hilton', which makes sense because the map Hanoi has nothing to do with the campaign, apart from that scrap of info...
  8. They do this on purpose, killing off our favourite characters, although it pisses us of big style. Apparently it makes the player want to play through the game to get the Bastard that killed those people. Think about it, most of the times our favourite characters die, there is someone we can kill to avenge them: COD4 - Price (they made you think he was dead) + Gaz --- You kill Zakaev WAW - There isn't really one, apart from the last bit where you nearly get killed putting up the flag, but it's Reznov that kills him. MW2 - Roach + Ghost die --- You kill Shepherd BlackOps - Reznov (they make you think), Dmitri and Woods die --- You kill Steiner and Dragovich. I know Reznov and Woods aren't really dead, but someone playing the game near to the release wouldn't know that as all the Codes weren't found.
  9. Vietnamese = Communists Russians = Communists. We've already had communist Zombies, and even if it is Vietnamese, then they're still communist.
  10. You can guarantee that if there is a female playable character, Machinima will have a 4 way gangbang scene within 2 days ;)
  11. Anyone thought that they could be NPC's for a cutscene people are on about?
  12. Me gusta la avatar de tu. Me gusta usar me gusta meme en la forum gracias por tu attenticion, me gusta Me dont know what the f*ck you're on abouta
  13. Personally, i don't think it would be him. Not on the basis of any in-game evidence, but the basic fact that it would be an insult to Russia. Yuri Gagarin is (was) one of their biggest national heroes. He was the man that effectively beat the Americans in a war of propoganda. He was the first man in space for gods sake! To the Russians, it would be like President Lincoln or Winston Churchill being portrayed as an evil murderer. Just my two cents. Or pennies - More like 1.8p thanks to inflation D:
  14. Damn i wish i had an achievement to unlock... :(
  15. Haha, Dempsey kinda says the samething in Ascension: "Haha Ray buddy! Man I so need to buy you a drink!" Hah, Never heard that! We still need to play sometime on XBL... :D
  16. It's a really really hard question to answer about how 115 got on the moon, as in real life, it has to be made by scientists in labs, and obviously does not re-animate the dead. Using a real element with fictional properties was a clever idea, even though it was dreampt up by several conspiracists about 20 or 30 years ago.
  17. Who is the person neg-brainsing everyones posts? Theres no need for it, i only just said that.
  18. I know he re-posted, but there was no need to neg-brains him just for that.
  19. Shi no numa is Japanese for Swamp of the Damned Ascension is an English word Considering we don't even know where it's set, then you cant really guess what language it is in. Even if we did know, it might not be in that country's language. Russia - Ascension = not russian. Not dismissing it entirely, but to me it seems unlikely :)
  20. It looks awesome, and i want it. But there's a little niggle in the back of my mind that it's been edited and is fake... :(
  21. And also, just because it's in BO, doesnt mean that it is happening in the 60s/70s, it is most likely set at the same time the original DR was set.
  22. you cant count woods since hes not dead, so with reznov woods is in a vietnamies POW Camp and reznov is undercover I knew about woods, i forgot to put the (Making me think he was dead) bit on the end. But Reznov? I didn't know anything about that...
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