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Everything posted by Blamco177

  1. Or maybe we will get a glimpse of aether? The possibillity of Sams' true intentions might come to show on this map. Anyway [brains] to whoever said that Alma was the inspiration for Sam, I was thinking the same thing.
  2. Blamco177


    Aint codz against cheaters, glitchers and stuff that hasn't been proven legit? on my part, I forgot this stuff has been confirmed but I just saw the word leaks sooooo..... Yeah my bad.
  3. Blamco177


    Aren't we against leaks on this site? If I remember correctly mods please delete this.
  4. He knows too much :twisted: . But on a serious note, you put me to shame, I have only theories and off topic things up, and you start out finding something pretty big. [brains] For you. *Raises glass* here's to the new guy, with the big head!
  5. Its a good gun, I will gladly pick it up any day, but the same can be said with most guns. I am surprised that no one will touch any of the other smg's. Other than the Mp5k and the ak74u.
  6. You just described the entire game of minecraft. Oh the horror the horror *Vietnam flashbacks* They where coming from nowhere, all the diamonds.... all the armor.... :cry: On topic I love how no one has said George Romero, probably because he's an optional kill.
  7. A creeper, if you kill them in a tight area, you won't be able to see leading you to either A. run into a mob of zombies B.Stay in a corner and take a couple of hits. On they're own they are tame, but thrown in with a horde in the middle of a round and your begging for mayham. (My favorite :twisted: )
  8. Waw still has better guns You cant beat those guns though... I'll take that as a WOOT WOOT, though.
  9. It may not be the end of zombies, but it's supposed to end the timeline. I'm just looking forward to an epic map to cap the whole series! Agreed! There is always a chance that Danny Trejo might come back =P. That finish must be worth it whether its an Easter egg or something that ALL will see.
  10. Like what yellow card said, , here's hoping it's a joke.
  11. It doesn't mean that this is the last zombies map ever. P.s. Can I have your disk? Please. No but seriously keep it.
  12. Thank you!!! I was gonna say the same thing. Ok on topic, the wunderwaffe is a 1 handed gun, that is the way I see it, and that is the way I will kill with it. Dual ray guns, hmmmm sounds like a recipe for newbies to kill themsleves easier. I like it!
  13. I doubt he is a zombie let alone the boss, remember Richthofen has the golden rod and the focusing stone, with both of these there is a chance that he is immune to zombifactaion. I can't confirm this though, we don't have alot of information on the map yet .
  14. Well let me post a couple of small theories of mine, when it comes to the characters at least. 1. If the original crew is sent there than that means that Richthofen is searching for another item, possibly a large amount of element 115, I think this because in der reise you can clearly see entire chucks of a meteorite on the moon. 2. There is a chance that a new set of characters are sent to the moon, i'm thinking if its not Tank and the others there is only 3 other teams that could pop up on there. Team 1 would consist of members of the Illuminati, Richthofen is or was working for them. So it would make sense that they are also looking for these items of power. Team 2 could be astronauts that where sent to research the deposit of element 115 on the moon and are there fighting to survive. Team 3 could be some rag-tag group of people reminiscent of the cast in Cotd, whether they help Richthofen or not we'll see.
  15. In the words of a fanboy.... ZOMGJjdsakglahgk!!!!! I am excited, I no longer need to buy world at war!!! I get to buy this and scrap of the cost of the WaW Dlc. Can I get a WOOT WOOT?
  16. Hmmm... Sorry to say but I haven't had any of these issues. Are you sure its a clear jump? Maybe you weren't timing it correctly. If you're right then I am a bigger idiot than I thought.
  17. I like five, but at times it is inconvenient.The way that the teleporters send you any which way is understandable. The guns are placed in relatively good spots. The positions of the spawns are what infuriates me. I can be running from the pig room to the main teleporter and bam, zombies are coming from every angle. Its just at the bottom floor though. I play that map with friends only. Obvious reasons include. -Rage quiters -Griefers -And more entertainment Its a good map just not for a large crowd
  18. Hmmmm... I've noticed this also, I think its treyarchs way of adding more necessity for akill, not just using a safety rope for high rounds. I say that there is a 50/50 chance of them coming back next map. If not meh more points for me .
  19. I'm pretty sure he named it Fapmas. [brains] To you for being original. Back on topic, maybe its just an error of some sort? Treyarc doesn't want ease of access maybe?
  20. You are no longer alone =P. Congrats I'll give you brains soon.
  21. I was thinking Tier 3, 935 intern Tier 2, Veruckt Survivor Tier 1, Aether resident Love it so far though! Will we be able to travel up the Ranks? Will the pictures come with being in the usergroup? Will any other usergroups be affected?
  22. I'm all for it, I've been seeing alot of users from Canada, Sweden, and Australia asking for the usergroups, this'll give more variety so they can pick the a usergroup. Will the users in the us have any usergroup available besides Dweller, moderator, Zombshee, survivor? Its not a question asking for more, just a question if it'll happed.
  23. Wow, it feels so different. Man treyarch did a great job. P.s. the building ay 1:12 - 1:20 always got 'splodid by me, its good to see it back.
  24. No, the "arooooo" is one of Nixon's quotes. Reznov has nothing to do with this.
  25. Alrighty, I see most of these are pretty fun missions, mile high club was a pain on veteran. Wmd was move, move, move. All ghilled up was great. And numbers was interesting.
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