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Everything posted by Tac

  1. The chain door very much gives me an elevator feel, especially when there seems to be that long red tube above it. Seems to me that the elevator would ascend through that tube.
  2. Definitely think it''ll be both. I've theorized for a long time that Der Riese was the home of NOVA 6 gas, so I'm hoping to see hint of that in The Giant.
  3. Welcome to CoDz! This seems like it could be an interesting topic, though I'm having trouble reading what you're saying. Is there any way you could rephrase it a little bit?
  4. Tac

    The Eclipse

    This. There was never anything concrete saying Der Riese took place after Shi No Numa, so if they want to switch up the timeline it looks like they can. Personally, I'm hoping its all explained somehow where the Giant had already happened and Richtofen still does all those things. Like the Giant is just another MotD hell map or if somehow the new Richtofen ends up taking the others place. For instance, if this map ends with the Origins Richtofen going back in time another year or 10 years or something, is involved in some of the radio transimisions we've heard, and then frees the group at SNN. Then the O4 arrive at Der Riese right after this map. As long as the original story is upheld, I'll be happy. How do you explain the revamped Shi No Numa radio that says that overloading the teleporter sent them to Kino and the Kino loading screen that corroborates that? How did they get to Kino from SNN, where there's no teleporter there? I think the larger question is - how would there be a teleporter at all? Even if SNN took place after The Giant, Richtofen kills his older self that invented the teleporter w/ maxis. Hence, wouldn't that time ripple set forth a reality in which teleporters weren't created? Unless Maxis made one? My head hurts. But remember, he kills his older self in 1945, so the teleporters are already working. Exhibit A: he just sent Maxis and Sam through one. Therefore, there would be no issues with the teleporters existing.
  5. Tac

    The Eclipse

    This. There was never anything concrete saying Der Riese took place after Shi No Numa, so if they want to switch up the timeline it looks like they can. Personally, I'm hoping its all explained somehow where the Giant had already happened and Richtofen still does all those things. Like the Giant is just another MotD hell map or if somehow the new Richtofen ends up taking the others place. For instance, if this map ends with the Origins Richtofen going back in time another year or 10 years or something, is involved in some of the radio transimisions we've heard, and then frees the group at SNN. Then the O4 arrive at Der Riese right after this map. As long as the original story is upheld, I'll be happy. How do you explain the revamped Shi No Numa radio that says that overloading the teleporter sent them to Kino and the Kino loading screen that corroborates that? How did they get to Kino from SNN, where there's no teleporter there?
  6. We certainly know that Peter was working at Der Riese at one point before being transferred to Verruckt and later killed, possibly at Shi No Numa. I think we certainly may find out some more information about him, but I don't think it's very plausible that he makes any presence, even in Shadow Man form.
  7. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/index.php?/topic/157574-481b-386a-the-missing-blood-vials-from-motd/&page=1 Wow, I have to admit that's a good find. Now we know they're still here (though we could have suspected)!
  8. This was a great thread. How do you propose to revive it however? I'm unsure, to be honest. Now that we know everything is canon, I'm able to get rid of the section in which we theorize about different facts depending on the state of Origins, so that's nice. I may re-purpose the thread or make a new one, but into what is the question. I want the goal of the thread to stay the same: get the core facts and branch out a little into theories. Suggestions on how to do that?
  9. Anyone else feel like reviving this thread?
  10. I can't wait to play the campaign on this and unlock the zombies secret. I doubt it will be some sort of zombies campaign, that seems unlikely. I'd think it would be a map but with how much they're talking about it, it seems like it would be more than that. I'm sure it'll be story related, but I'm stumped. Can't wait to find out!
  11. So first and foremost, as anyone who's been on the site for a while will know, this is like my third introduction haha. As I get older and life gets more complex, there are things that have to be sacrificed in the name of other pursuits. Unfortunately, being the rabbit hole of time that it is, CoDz (and video games in general) tend to be the first to go. With that being said, my name is Tac and I'm a college student who's looking to influence Middle Eastern foreign policy for the U.S. government, double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy with the intention of going to Law School in the coming years. My interest in Political Science is International Law (as you may have inferred), though many domestic issues intrigue me as well. In regards to Philosophy, I delve into theories regarding morality and am especially interested in logic. I joined Call of Duty Zombies five years ago yesterday and at risk of sounding cliche or overly grandiose, it truly did alter the course that my life took. I've made great friends on here that I talk to every day and occasionally travel cross-country to see, but it also taught my then-high-school-brain some valuable lessons in critical thinking, and I think it helped me become a Philosophy lover. My intrigue in logic is, in my opinion, a large reason why I've been lucky enough to supply the community with good zombie-story content over the years and I'm very appreciative of the site for not only helping me learn the valuable craft, but then letting me apply it and produce worthwhile content. I'll always be indebted to the site for that reason. I'm sure some older users will be surprised to see me back and perhaps ask why I am, and honestly it's because this site, and Zombies in general, has a unique tug on me and many others. I remember explaining to someone what it felt like to be added to a new usergroup on the site, whether it was becoming a Moderator ages ago or being added to the Hall of Fame, and expressing how happy I was when it happened. They didn't quite understand. They'd tell me that I should prepare more intensely for law school or something along those lines, not quite understand what this meant to me. Sure, it's a unique talent that a theorist produce something that few people in the world will ever read, let alone appreciate, for one game mode in one studio for one franchise in video games of all things. However, producing something your proud of regarding a topic you love is something I believe everyone can understand, regardless if they understand the topic, and that's why I enjoy the site. Anyway, that's my story. If you have any questions, be sure to ask, otherwise I can't wait to see you all around. :)
  12. Hi guys! Glad to be back and diving back into the storyline for another season :)

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Who are you again? 


      Jk. Welcome back Tac!

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Who are you? 

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Stealing ma jokes Hells. 

  13. Welcome back my man, it's great to see you again. Things have changed around here, as I'm sure you've seen, but it's better than ever. Great things are coming in the future and I think you'll be impressed. Can't wait to start talking theory with you again, and I hope life is going well. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask
  14. I do what I can man, life's gotten difficult but CoDz is forever If I drank coffee I'd know but I don't get invited to such things haha. Do you have a Skype account? I'm not sure if I have you or not but I'm tacticalinsertion, so add me and I'll get ya in our group chat
  15. I remember seeing you around here, it's great to have you back! As for the story, Black Ops 2 didn't add much. I'm hoping to add it all up in one giant story by the end of the month so hopefully that'll help. If you have any other questions, be sure to ask
  16. Welcome to the site!! We hope to see you around and if you have any questions, be sure to ask
  17. Haha you and me both my man, but now we've changed and we're better men
  18. We're still trying to unravel what it all means if you care to join us in this discussion : http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/137988-the-pentagon-thief-solved/
  19. Learning as much as I can about horses to impress a girl... LETS GOOOOOO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tac


      Haha if only that applied to me mocking... hopefully it's not her ;)

  20. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I always expect there to be historically-based information for us to look into and really dive into. I really didn't get much of that with this game, unfortunately. I mean the location of Green Run was cool, but we really didn't have anything much larger to tie it into. Seeing that "October 2 1962" makes me excited, hopefully they're bringing it back. The gritty feel is another thing I expected and just didn't really get it, besides Origins.
  21. Welcome to CoDz, it's great to have you! If you have any questions, be sure to ask
  22. No, Dr. Richtofen had never been to Kino before we play there. He'd heard of it, but never actually seen it or known what it was for. That last part is certainly interesting, and it could be. Having the action figures of the players makes this very plausible, in my mind.
  23. Thanks to everyone, this means a lot, truly. I don't know what to say, other than I won't let you guys down, you won't regret the choice
  24. Welcome to the site!! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask
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