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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Welcome to the site! If you have any questions be sure to ask!
  2. Tac

    Moon Base theory?

    Well honestly, no. Nuketown 2025 doesn't take place in 2025, it takes place in the 1960's and acts as their depiction of the "Model Home of the Future." What? But it has the 2025 weapons and characters It is in 2025 but it is meant to look like a 1960s retro-futuristic Mid-Century modern style meant to represent the home of the future. https://community.callofduty.com/community/call_of_duty/english/black_ops_2/blog/2012/06/30/nuketown-the-explosive-historyAnyways that still doesn't exactly answer my question, it raises it, People thinking nuketown from BO1 is in 2025 and Nuketown 2025 is in the 1960s. Now I am utterly confused. Haha I'm all for the idea that the Black Ops version of Nuketown is in the 1960s. As for the Black Ops II version, here are some quotes from Treyarch articles, even from the link you sent: It shows to me that this map doesn't take place in the future, but it's only supposed to look like the future.
  3. Tac

    Too many topics?

    I'm with you man, I too think something should be done about this. Even just when a person posts an excessive amount of topics in general, not even if they're related.
  4. Tac

    Moon Base theory?

    Well honestly, no. Nuketown 2025 doesn't take place in 2025, it takes place in the 1960's and acts as their depiction of the "Model Home of the Future."
  5. @Nightmare Voyager, that's what I was thinking when I said I don't want alternate dimensions to exist haha. I'm fearful of it becoming a scapegoat and being used for anything and everything out of place.
  6. I can understand your plot hole reference in Ascension. Albeit, not as much as Origins, but there are certainly mysteries. With all that said, I am currently not prepared to say that any map is not related to the core story. I've advocated for alternate timelines existing for a long time and now that they're here, I want to advocate for them not existing haha. Not necessarily true, but they really start to mess things up so until the next game, I want to keep saying that all maps are important, relevant, and related in regards to the core story.
  7. Haha I'm still here. School has started this week so I'm just making sure I have everything sorted out. Big stuff on the way good man!
  8. I disagree wholeheartedly @Boom. I think most arguments about World at War being better for the story are valid, and @ hit it spot on.
  9. Welcome, we're glad to have you! If you have any questions, be sure to ask
  10. It already exists though? You just press "View New Content" and then on the left, "items I participated in"
  11. Looks great guys! Fantastic job guys!
  12. Great to have you! If you have any questions, be sure to ask!
  13. Can someone write up the UOTM eulogy for @Black Hand Smith?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inconcievable


      Rubba-dub-dub, thanks for the grub?

    3. GRILL


      We the staff write them, I've penned a few - as has Craig. Will change the status tomorrow, sorry BHS

    4. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I'm sorry, I never actually noticed that when BHS was awarded the UoTM it weasn't updated.

      I have now put BHS as UoTM and reverted the custom wording to the default.

      I'll write something up ASAP.

  14. I don't think the Aether is physical. I think the planes thing is a good way of describing it. If I may add, in Greek mythology, Aether is classified as a primordial deity, known more as the "upper air", the air that the gods would breathe, much unlike the air mortals breathe. Elaborated better here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aether_(mythology) @The Meh Aether has a lot of meanings besides just the upper air. I'm releasing a thread soon that I hope will clear up some things. @Nightmare Voyager I'm with you, once we fully understand Agartha and what we can do when there I think it'll allow for more power.
  15. Don't be to quick to judge, remember: -This COULD be the first next-gen only console COD If you look at Call of Duty: Ghosts, 18 million units were sold on old-gen and 5 million were on next-gen. For Advanced Warfare, so far 6 million have been sold on old-gen and 8 million have been sold on next-gen. The trend is certainly going towards next-gen consoles, and quickly, but with as much money is still being made from old-gen, I don't see this game being the one that doesn't offer an old-gen version. Perhaps two or three games down the road we'll see this transition. Also, I would love for mod tools to return as well. However, I'm curious what you mean by the extra year possibly changing Activision's terms?
  16. Haha solo is my main gig as well, glad I'm not alone. Welcome to the site and if you have any questions, please ask! Lookin forward to seeing you around!
  17. That's the thing though. "Conclusive proof" doesn't exist in this community. We thought we knew a lot of stuff conclusively, then we saw a minute long clip of a girl playing with dolls. Are you trying to refute what he's saying, @Electric Jesus? Pardon if I'm misunderstanding, but by saying "that's the thing though" it seems like you are under the impression that you two are saying different things, but based on the two statements of @'s that I quoted, I think you both are trying to make the same point.
  18. Welcome to the site! If you have any questions be sure to ask!
  19. I like the idea of number one, where you can make zombies slow down for a limited period of time. Even allowing them to "sleep" for a shorter period of time would be nice to weave in and out. I think instead of the proximity to the powerup indicating whether they're slow or sleeping, it could be a time-related thing. By that, I mean if the powerup lasts thirty seconds, then the first ten second are Zombies getting progressively slower, then the next ten seconds they are "sleeping" and in the final ten seconds, they come out of it and progressively get back to normal speed. Awesome ideas!
  20. YEEEESSSSSSSS!! Congrats Craig, you've done more for the site than I can even put into words. You've rejuvenated the members, given us something to be even more proud of and I can't be happier with what you've done. Again, congratulations Craig.
  21. This is a very interesting thread, well done here. It's something I haven't really thought about before, I'll be keeping up here and hopefully can contribute something soon enough!
  22. I feel like you're taking shots at some very specific people and recent threads with these..
  23. Tac


    Anything to keep the site up and running! I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for not only the website, but the Zombies franchise in general. Huzzah! Long live CoDz!
  24. That's a pretty good theory. I've believed for a long time that Moon et. al. are in the 1960s, not to mention that the the atomic bomb may have had Element 115 in it. Good thinking, this is another theory to consider!
  25. I've got a feeling they're still on the Moon, formulating a plan perhaps? I don't know, but I don't think they've traveled the globe, but who knows!
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