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Everything posted by right_direct

  1. Ok edited so it is more clear what i want,i dont speak english so take easy on me next time.
  2. 1: Some sort of leveling system. I don't care how it is setup. For example it could be based of kills or points. If it unlocked things as you leveled up that would be cool. If not thats fine, I would just like some sort recognition saying: I play zombies ALOT. This is MUST Titles and emblems system for Zombies unlocking emblems and titles is always fun. Leveling system sort of one prestige only with skill stamina circle :-)
  3. Please make sure that you can see in campaign, which single player mission you have done one what difficulity!!! I just completed the campaign (MW3) on Veteran and did not get the last two trophys, because I have played on another PS3 system got some trophys but did not finished the campaign on Veteran. Now I was trying to get them and it did not work! Worst is that I can not check what missions I have done on what difficulity!!! This also happened to me with Black Ops!! It is a glitch that really has to be addressed and make sure that you can check the single player campaign mission stats like intel taken or difficulity passed!!! Thank you!!!
  4. OK,guys for all of you not believers and peoples who say it is not just cod!Now i have bought COD 3 from Treyarch the one before W@W !and there is stamina cyrcle in it!.so for example!when u ran and u use all your stamina u can not jump u have to wait to refill it up!and there is more,it was here alredy in multiplayer and it could it be here again i know it is good idea.
  5. i completly dont agree,the more is in map more interesting it is.If you only runing in cyrcles or camping it is realy boring we need chalanges,easter eggs,ranking system and so on not just new guns and maps.Go play NDU and play MOON you can see the differents!!!
  6. i would like to get something for campaign,multiplayer and zombies-maybe COD Dog Tags and poster,for multi maps avatars and for zombies themes and something like bouncing betty or hacking device,or make two prestige edition one for multi and one for zombies.
  7. I still like so dont call it adrenaline bar,but special ability stamina or what ever,man i guarante you that it will be awesome.
  8. I like this idea that u could have 4 different characters with each special adrenaline bar ability. This sound realy cool!It is not bad at all and we need invations major ones not just add ons!!!
  9. Yes yes yes. I really hope they didn't contemplate that. I think we are safe though... throw back granades maybe.
  10. What if we could have small adrenalin bar and if you kill enough of zombies to fill the bar up than you could use your adrenalin lets say for 20-30 seconds?What abilitys the bar could give you? Guys i want to hear your opinions and suggestions on this!
  11. @LILNIG dont double post your concentration camp idea.It is realy stupid idea.
  12. Edited with potential zombie maps and some more sugestions.
  13. Best would be to have 2 kind of boxes,one with some of w@w guns and B.O and one for new guns! The boxes will not spawn in same time!!!So if u want W@W gun u have to wait for the W@W box turn! Maybe activate it with some (not diff.)easter egg!Bazuka,ppsh,flamethrower ,mg,fg42 would be nice and option with bio pad so u can mount your gun on ground!
  14. it is only sugestion no one said that it has to be all in zombies,but when something look like good idea i put it in the list!And u never know how the stuff will work in real gameplay,maybe you would like it!
  15. Mainly for multiplayer but it could work for zombies as well!!!
  16. I would like to see come back of Night Vision from COD 4 MW in Multiplayer and Zombies.It would be good to have option to use night vision in cornes or in dark areas!What u say about this guys???
  17. NDU was first map,it would be silly to time sweap it with Verruckt also PROOF is that they did not know any technoloy, they do not know any strategy as we can see later in Verruckt that they have electric fances on freak bags box start to move power on switch.....what i dont get is whay u want to make Verruckt first map.They would have better defend them selfs at NDU if the would go there after Verruckt.But it is simple i dont have to go to this details because NDU is first map.What about the loading screans whitch are loaded on the beginig of the game?The maps are there in order for certain reason.
  18. i thinf Nacht was before Verruckt in Nacht der Untoten they have crash landed with air plain and had first encounter of zombies!
  19. Plus I have been thinking that Treyarch should release a two disc game this November. One with The campaign and multiplayer and another just for zombies. That way they could include a lot more into zombies if its own game. i like the idea of 2 discs however,if you want post somethibg look for existing threats about this so more people can see it.Have nice stay here in CoDZ.
  20. 3 more months they ll confirme that they working on X title and than quiet again first look on E3 2012.
  21. i rather see game called Black 2 if any one has played Black it was realy good game back than.
  22. it is march 6 not may and it is about Ea game medal of honor 2!Trust me!
  23. for quick revive it would be better if u could use equipment,by able to open doors rebuild bariers,turn on traps and it should be way more than 5 revives to get it!i say like 30 or something that is too easy 5 revives! for flooper;get 100 flooper kills (each 100=one nuke)and colect your own nuke and use it when u need it most.like in DOA.
  24. if i would get answer witch i wont get i would ask or post on fourzerotwo twitter or any one asociated with IW (just to prove you that now you are totaly wrong)with question if is somehow MW3 or MW2 connected with zombies !Milions of trilons percent the answer would be NO!I know it is long time to wait for next treyarch zombies and you looking for any thing at the moment to find out whats next!i dont know how long you playing COD games you should know that MW2 got nothing to do with zombies as well!Why dont u go there look for clues?It is same company no?Because u wont find anything there!This easter egg is not related to treyarch zombies!believe me i would like them to do so and look my self for clues but i know it is no point at all!!!So i am not the mind close but u r,because u cant accept the other option that it could be the way i am talking abou!dont get me wrong mate this is no fight or war against u it is only the true u need to accept.nothing against u mate i am glad that u came up with this it is interesting but it is not true. RIGHT OUT!
  25. he certenly did not escaped to Africa just let this thread die alredy! this theory is absolut non sensse!i am not mind closed i am thinking racionaly not childish!
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