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Anti Earth

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Everything posted by Anti Earth

  1. It does say something about brimsotne and damnation.... How do I know? It's already been discussed on the forum! Search button ;)
  2. 1)- They're NOT glasses, they're GOGGLES. They're for protection during lab experiments, because THEY ARE BOTH SCIENTISTS 2) - Your second question doesn't make sense. The "lack of the bullet wound" is everywhere... but that's what you want to hear anyway. 3) - Bro, it's called re-animation and teleportation. WEIRD CONCEPT HEY? Except the game is ENVELOPED in it... 4) - Have you noticed that when YOU KILL THE THIEF.... HE COMES BACK? GAH Guys, think before you post!
  3. but it was so bizarre!! If it was just random powerups jumping around in DOA, I wouldn't bother posting. But it was just, SOO WEEIRD!! :D :D
  4. Villa! I HATE Hanoi!! But anyway, it was the most random glitch ever Maybe somebody had left my team, and that was a text prompt that is supposed to flash on their screen (during the split second before your screen goes black). But for some reason it came onto my screen and stayed there Bizzzaaaarreee
  5. no no no, it's NOT when the dogs are in the teleporter... It's this exact spot they stand at, like, HALF in the teleporter, HALF out. Imagine the elevator doors from FIVE. You can use them if somebody is all the way in them, or all the way out. But if they're half in half out, you're stuck (because they block the doors). I think this because I usually never get hit by the dogs when I can't teleport. They're just standing very close nearby as I get mauled :)
  6. Omg, maybe I could find it on theatre mode? Will try later
  7. I had the MOST BIZARRE glitch today whilst playing Multiplayer on that castle-map-thingy. (I don't know the name, it includes a fountain and a pool). At one point, I was shooting people below from a window, when white font appeared on my screen. It said "Exiting" and that's it! It didn't remove anything, it didn't change anything at all. It was just text, in the top centre of the screen! IT WAS RANDOM! I was like "omffg, wtf is that? It's not gonna boot me is it?" After about 30 seconds, it just disappeared again... WTF WAS IT?? :D Sooo random!!!!!
  8. Mynes really funny but I don't have a camera at the moment, and I don't want to spoil it! Will try to get one soon! :)
  9. Soz, I meant that.... - It's unlikely Treyarch would put in a theme from LOST BUT - It's unlikely the numbers are related to the numbers in BO, because they are from W@W. Much before the number transmission concept!
  10. Yeah, The Illuminati are real and in control. But don't traffic NEARLY as much information and material as fanatics claim they do. The illuminati DID NOT make my lamp in front of me. It has brought me nothing but service. It did not brainwash me, it didn't molest my children (if I had any...). It was made in Australia, and is aesthetically pleasing. I also drew a picture today, and stuck it on my wall. It's a tree. The Illuminati DID NOT plant that tree, and they did not draw that picture They did not inspire me to draw that tree, they did not brainwash me to. NOW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STAY ON TOPIC! OR I WILL DELETE THIS THREAD AND START AGAIN, COZ I AM SICK OF TOPICS BEING WASTED!
  11. What... A .... douche... bag.... :facepalm:
  12. Muahaha! This is THE EXACT GLITCH that used to get me EVERY TIME on W@W What actually causes the glitch is a Hell Hound (the boss dogs) I think if they are nearby or something like that, you can't teleport. It never used to happen, but dogs could be teleported with you, which was bullcrap. Treyarch patched it, making the dogs unable to teleport, but not entirely killed by it either, or something random like that -.- Now the dogs get in the way and you're stuck PLUS If you lay down by perk machines and get the points, you actually get LESS POINTS than it says you do. Say your score increases by 30, you might only get 20. Thus, your score is 10 less than what it says. So if you had 1500 points, you still can't teleport :)
  13. Teehee Alot of files have been discovered. ALOT of pictures, ALOT of emails, ALOT of text documents! :D
  14. Haha, that is awesome! :D
  15. Oh, that's bullcrap!! :| :| I would get evidance of your rank, by taking a photo of your name on the leaderboards. Just as a precaution, there might be a way for Treyarch or Activision or whoever deals with this kind of stuff to resume you from your old rank, if you can prove you had reached it! :D
  16. This IS legitimate... But very well known, sorry :oops:
  17. This may sound very silly but... I think it might be a normal thing, that you are not aware of... you see... When you 'find a match', your emblem disappears and it says you are only rank 1, even though you are NOT. When you do enter a match or it's before-game-lobby, your emblem and correct rank returns! Also, sometimes when you first go into online (before entering lobby), your rank and emblem are also gone. So, I think this has happened to you ! :oops: To test this, simply play another game online! See what your rank is when you ARE IN A MATCH! :D
  18. I can't imagine why Treyarch would reference to Lost? Do they really think the average audience of W@W was an average audience of LOST? Unlikely. However, I can't imagine there being a link between W@W and the ascension group!
  19. I second that! FIVE IS RETARDED Let's end the rambling now, and keep this as an adequate theory then... For the people who acknowledge all this evidance, and realise the thief is the pentagon... - That's okay. We know more about the game them then. Yey For the people who are still aimlessly expressing their doubt... - Forget about it. Don't believe it then. Maybe Treyarch will confirm EVEN MORE for you one day!
  20. Well the thing is statik shocks... This is actually a COD orientated webstie, not an ANTI-ILLUMINATI website. So we may feel free to be lured into illuminati mind traps (as you suggest), if they are in our game :)
  21. OMFG OMFG OMFG My friend realised this the first day he played, and I had been stalling for ages to post on the forum until I had pictures. But I was just gonna write it up, TONIGHT!! OOOMG :cry: :cry: :cry: You beat me to it, you poopie! :D :D
  22. AND this has been discussed in another thread. It's not worth dedicating an singular thread to it, since the meaning is preeeeeeetty obvious...
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