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M3L Spec-X

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Everything posted by M3L Spec-X

  1. yeah if you see all of his videos you noticed he sucks so bad he shouldn't have been there
  2. the g11 is three round burst it could be the Galil the g11 is 2:30 foward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmTK4oHrNR8
  3. I wonder if that means just primaries or all weapons together. no if you add up all the weapons the ars, smgs, lmgs,shotguns, snipers, handguns, launchers and every weapon that has been confirmed you get like 43 (not exactly sure i can remember exactly) so that's 40 plus weapons
  4. yeah it could be and when you put extended mags on it you get the chain fed version
  5. I've seen boosters in tdm so i love the idea of removing it from free 4 all but the only way to counter boosting is to remove the join session from your friends
  6. i dont think so because the gun runs out of ammo really quickly and i dont think you can get a 30 round lmg
  7. I believe the Wager matches all have set classes and guns, I am not sure if you can choose perks. everything is preset no perks and no custom classes for any of the 4 matches
  8. The xbox 360 uses DVD that have a maximum capacity of 7 GB while the ps3 uses bluray with a maximum capacity of 25 GB meaning that for ps3 you could get more than three times the space for each disc than in the xbox 360 that's why most developers use 360's while they make the game http://gear.ign.com/articles/111/1116182p2.html
  9. its like a red dot type zoom in an acog type scope from what gameplay i saw
  10. they put a 30 second timer on it so it still annoying but less overpowered
  11. does anybody know if the splitscreen inline is coming for ps3 its been confirmed on the 360 but i dont know about ps3?
  12. I hope not. Imagine how much nubs will upload there crappy vids? that would be epic i can see it already PERFECT TDM he end finishes 0-16
  14. does anyone know if you can upload the theater mode vids to youtube somehow or are they strictly in game
  15. Let me give it to you simpliefied Kills and Challenges=Lvling you up Wager Matches,Contracts= CoD Points. acgtually a percent of the xp you earn in normal matches is converted in cod point but in wager matches you get more
  16. dude that the explosive bolt indicator
  17. Since when does it take 8 days to get to prestige seven? My friend is on prestige seven and he has more then 20 days played. But anyways, having exclusive guns to prestigers is a bad idea. Just because of the fact that prestiging is a terrible concept. Anybody that does it should be punished for being stupid, rather then being rewarded. It took me 8 days to get to 7th on mw2 its not really hard but being a beast helped and how is prestiging stupid? I have to prestige or i get bored with the game. I applaud anyone who can not prestige and still play the game. wow your almost god i have a friend whos halfway through the ninth one and he has almost 20 days worth of play time the gun idea would suck because it would give more ideas for boosters the fact is that the higher your prestige the less match bonus you get so we are already being punished and when you reach the last level if you stay there is boring so that why they invented prestige mode because they need to have people engrossed so they can have time for map dack and other dlc
  18. i think is sucks for that way i play ill unlock the masterkey
  19. they probably just lock the account from the online in blackops
  20. I LOVE THE IDEA no need to pass the controller when hanging out with my friends PS:there are going to be boosters they still need money to buy thing so they boost for the money the only way to get rid of boosters is to take out the leveling up and give you everything but that would suck so ill kill the boosters more time that they can count and keep the leveling up and you can report them now
  21. FIXED. no man i read somewhere there were only five prestiges im praying for it to be a rumor but i think 15 or 20 prestiges are too much so i say again its probably just the first prestige
  22. i think is first presige level 14 because ive heard about ther only being 5 prestiges
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