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Everything posted by Phillips455

  1. i nonimate triix and undeadwolfy :D
  2. maybe that was the map of verruckt with modern weapons verduckt doesnt have modern weapons on the walls...
  3. posted well back, with one of alp[has post and a compel of others
  4. i Think thatg the persson you ride with is reznov but after you jump he jumps into the river before youi notice, and he swims away with colleges he also wants to meet up with hudsan and manson to show he is still alive
  5. the masked soliders are the soliders yo fihgt on rebirth island in campine... also, this is either a mistake or an easter egg of some sort :!:
  6. thats because they dont like american consle the xbox so the ps3, which is made in japan is more popular
  7. I'm fairly sure NDU is not part of the storyline. There's too little in it to qualify as such and can't really be twisted in... unless of course it was a small test to see if the project was working, but that's doubted. or the plane crash contained 115, which well you know, creates the dead to rise...
  8. what if where in another dimension where pieces (like the thertaer and van) from different times are put togher to create an enviroment in which the 4 characters have something in common... or something they hope for.....
  9. wait, so this is about group 935 having a base in eastern germany which its technoligy thata cant be touched by the americans and british?
  10. so, what? does he kick you back to arena 1? then you have to fight again (he has many brothers ) yeah, but as i said, you still have to fight the cralwers, the hellhounds ect inarea one
  11. 3arc only started to make a story ar snn and dr, but have tried to bend verruckt and ndu to the storey...
  12. but manson is in a dream... remember, there was no body... also, then how would this explain "FIVE"? Five is either different people undergoing a different test in Dreamland, or the same four in a different expirement, with different memories. Alternatively, the fifth picture could be one of the four here, and Richtofen could be playing in this test as the thief. i would say that this treatment is going under these people, (jfk, mcnamara, nixion and castro) but by the american goverment, as they have fallen into this, and the thief is a character that is most likly and virus, if this experiment was being controlled by computers...
  13. md8Pdg26Izw space strawberry feilds :D
  14. but manson is in a dream... remember, there was no body... also, then how would this explain "FIVE"?
  15. Rubbish... what about the one across nuketown and was the game winning kill?
  16. We've known "Five" was the Pentagon since day 1. In the video of the meeting for it, McNamara says "The Pentagon has been breached, Sir.". Also, where else would a meeting for the Cuban Missile crisis take place? Not unless there is a projector reel in Kino and last time I checked, there isn't. Five, is not canon, nor will it ever be. there is a projector reel in there its is canon, part of the story, if you dont like it, dont play it
  17. its refering to element 115 as theres 114, then a space, then 116 check the periodic table if you want, also this is also in the der riese teleporter too :D
  18. cool, heres some of my input: i think the next arena is hellhounds, fast deadly and incredible strong then you fight the cosmic sivler back with every other type of zombie helping him, and if you kill the cosmic silverback, his brother comes and kicks you back to the starting level, but hellhounds and crawlers are there too
  19. Like - campine , multi and zombies, (wait thats 3 things...) hate - the spawning,( but theres going to be a patch for that soon )
  20. so he has a shield, powered by 115 i guess :?: anyway, its roughtly 45 rounds before fighting them
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