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Everything posted by xStopDropNKillx

  1. I apply. xStopDropNKillx (Can we do this on a weekend, lol. Schools a biatch) NDU (I FAIL HARD AT THIS MAP) 17 Verruckt 24 Snn: I dont do that wunderwaffe way its cheap and boring. 29 Der Riese 33, I believe. I'm just applying, i dont care if you dont pick me. If you did it would be awesome. Just if you do make it a Sat or Fri pl0x. Projects are a biatch (3 due on Tues)
  2. I'm in bro! I almost cried (ALMOST) when i realized my first game, my favorite game, the best game, is coming to an end. But, Black Ops will be better. PM me a time / date and im in. im on the 360. (I rarely go back to topics, so ill forget if you dont PM). *BEWARE I SQUEAK SOMETIMES*
  3. Thanks Legend. You did what i was too lazy to.
  4. We all have our own opinions...
  5. Guys, look REALLY closely at the "47093" its actually 47993. Jam your head into your monitor if you have to! PLEASE!!! LOOK! http://www.GKNOVA6.com
  6. I can't set up a pay pal due to lack of a credit card.. It's sad, I have like 100 extra dollars. FMA (F*** my age)
  7. Put it this way, Hardcore CoD gamers hate MW2. 3 feet away? Try 10.
  8. Dude, this is way to short and too heavily edited stick to pure clips and keep editing to a minimum!
  9. it says no explosions that lead to limb loss D:
  10. To you and all the others, i say, the clan onto the gun, put your horses or zombie emblems on the gun too, just put a CoDz in it somewhere Sounds good! :)
  11. Sorry but no. I want to get artistic with it, so, I'm thinking the 4 horseman on my gun
  12. lol @ 8 pages. It's worth it though. T-R-E-Y-A-R-C-H!!!! ftw
  13. After watching the monitors like over 9001 (combo breaker much) times, I've concluded this is for the NEW zombie mode. Oh, and I have like 50 posts on this topic :P
  14. I posted a vid up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNctmwNl_zs Sorry about my voice, it cracked soon after the video, and I sound like Shaq with a lobster in his throat again!
  15. Didn't maxis die? In my own opinion no. There is no definite answer, though.
  16. Oh and there' gore in zombies. That was my biggest fear that they couldnt put it in Zombies. (Play Blur - Song 2)
  17. Hmmm. intriguing. Hey, lets tweet at JD for a reveal! (trailer)
  18. 47093 at the top right, CARBON WE NEED YOU!!! or someone thats epic at decoding...
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