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Everything posted by play2often

  1. HS-10. hs stands for "High Standard" which is the company that makes the model 10 bullpup shotgun. high standard made a silenced pistol for SOG in real life, so that may be how treyarch heard of the company.
  2. *facepalm* it's kravchenko, this game's villain, he could be called a Zakhaev equivalent.
  3. the kiparis will be in mp, it's been seen in sharpshooter footage. it's most likely the classified smg.
  4. for the sp kowloon vid at 0:56 seconds, is that the RAFFICA?!?! i see a handgun with a foregrip and extended barrel. a 3rd person image of it at 1:30 when he trades it for the G11!! edit: it's a "cz75 full auto" !!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. regarding the ppsh-41, hurrraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! but........ it's not the (only) classified smg, the OTs-02 kiparis was identified in a screenshot from multiplayer, but isn't listed on the smg create a class menu. but it's possible there's more than 1. the shot that got my interest most is the one of the cop car (around where he says, 'you will operate above the laws). the cop car says "POLICIA", which is spanish for police, i can't make out what the other word is. and it looks like the m16 he uses to kill the cops inside is firing FULL AUTO, it's too long to be a commando.
  6. the 1887 would actually be the 6th shotgun: spas ithaca stakeout ks-23 olympia hs-10 1887. i actually don't mind the 1887 (notice how i'm not making it plural) being in mp, mainly because Treyarch can learn from iw's fail. No akimbo, although fmj has a perk equivalent now. what i want to know if there will be DRAGONSBREATH 1887?!?!?!? ps. 1 other detail i noticed. the 1887 in mw2 used blue shotgun shells, and so does this one, as you can see the blue shell floating over the handlebars. IT'S ALSO FUNNY HOW PEOPLE ARE FOCUSING ON THE GUN, AND NOT THE F****** MOTORCYCLE CHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. lol Reznov is probably the defector in the mission called 'the defector.'
  8. i thought this thread was about the preorder flight suit or woods avatars for xbox/psn. lol.
  9. the gun is a mac-11. i personally think an smg w/ tac knife would be a little overpowered... but the python was seen in campaing with a flashlight held in the same manner is a tac knife, so it's entirely possible that the tac knife will be in campaign. also, anyone notice the white tape camo on the car-15?
  10. look at the angle the stock takes after the 'bumb' i'm assuming is the iron sights. that could help identify. edit: got a pic of a belt fed hk21: http://www.rdts.com/Photos/HK21Black_re ... und8x6.jpg looks like the gun in the video, but i swear i've read the hk21 in multiplayer has a 30 round rifle mag, not a belt....... edit: takes both.
  11. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/news/new ... ox_mag.jpg ^this is what i mean by box mag belt for lmgs. the hk21 and rpk are magazine fed, meaning a spring in the mag pushes the bullets up to the reciever. now i'm not exactly how lmgs work, but something PULLS in the belt. so it's not easy to convert an lmg from magazine to belt feed. but i do feel stupid for not looking up the date for the m249 (visits wikpedia) ok so it could be an m249 prototype. but as said in the op, the hk21, rpk, and stoner 63 (which uses a 30 round rifle mag when seen in game) are magazine, not blet fed. the m60's belt box is on the left, not underneath. but THANK YOU for providing pics.
  12. unfortunately i'm not good with computers, that's why i included the details of the scene so someone who IS could get a pic. here's a bit more info. approx 11 seconds from the very beginning of the transmission, on the screen on the far right, bottom. it shows it again approx 33 seconds, same screen. (i started counting at the very beginning, right when the wierd sound starts). i would download the video but i just spent a lot on a new laptop for school and i don't use it for videos, etc. but i'm certain the said gun doesn't resemble a confirmed weapon.
  13. I was watching the gknova6 video, and i noticed something: on the two rightmost screens, you will see a soldier in a winter uniform and gas mask, with his back to the player, he will turn right and fire an lmg that doesn't look like any of the confirmed ones. -It has a large box mag underneath (containing a belt): -this eliminates the RPK, Stoner 63, and Hk21, as those use 30-ish round mags, not a belt -the M60 is the only lmg that's belt fed, and it's box mag is on the LEFT, not underneath. So what could it be? -the RPD is possible, but it's belt is in a ROUND drum, not square. -it's waaay to early to be an M249 or M240, and the character using it looks russian. -One possible candidate is the soviet PKM lmg, with fits the time period nicely, being around since 1965. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PK_machine_gun We haven't yet seen the LMG create-a-class screen, so it's entirely plausable that there's another lmg. thoughts? Comments?
  14. the plane (f4 phantom) is dropping NAPALM on a ZOMBIE. i kno BO is still a month away people, but don't give yourselves headaches by over-analyzing the obvious.
  15. the skorpion grip adds a STOCK, not a vertical grip, so to speak. look closely and you'll see the wire stock extended. funny you brought up bayonets. they're not in multiplayer, but i have a black ops pic as my laptob screensaver and i could SWEAR there is an NVA with a bayonet on his AK.
  16. the cod wiki origionally had a better pic of the psg-1, but for whatever reason it is gone now. however, i featured the pic in a youtube vid of the stuff revealed by the customization trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e79kwnU_R4Q music sound familiar?
  17. good researching by the OP and Treyarch. what makes treyarch zombie stuff so creepy is that they incorporate real stuff instead of making it up!
  18. Here's a list of the classified weapons the Cod fanbase has been able to determine, based on the fact that these weapons were sighted in game, but were not listed in that weapon category create a class: Assault Rifle: G11 http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/G11 SMG: OTs-02 Kiparis http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/OTs-02_Kiparis LMG: Stoner 63 http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Stoner_63 Sniper: PSG-1 http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/PSG1 Shotgun: Unknown, 5 shotguns are listed so far, and i haven't seen a pic of the shotgun selection screen, so not sure if there is a classified shotgun. it may be the HS-10, as that has been confirmed, but only one screenshot exists of it. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/HS-10 The only reason i included a link to the wiki pages is because they have decent pictures of the above weapons.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrpC3jCqe0c here's my vid with an isolated pic of the gold, and also red camo.
  20. *facepalm* why does everyone say 'escape from the past' means time travel? we know from the teaser trailer that a guy is being tortured and having flashbacks. then he most likely snaps out of it, so to speak.
  21. haha. i preordered back in june. then upgraded to hardened when those editions were announced. but i still don't get the flightsuit avatar, even tho the hardened preorder was considered a new preorder.
  22. also, in the screen on the far left, top row, a zombie wearing a high school varsity jacket, US level confirmed. also, there's the civilians with ties.
  23. 2nd screen from the right, bottom row: guys wearing berets mowing down scientists, Spetznaz? so far i've seen the ak, m60, chaulk outline for famas or aug (t0p row, 2nd screen from right, near start of transmission) bottom right screen: and maybe another lmg with a large belt/box mag, kinda looks like a PKM (i'm guessing it's russians using it as the guy's wearing white winter uniform and gas mask) edit: outline is of the aug.
  24. look on the 2nd tv from the right (top row), at the beginning you see zpmbies being sprayed by a flamthrower (hell yeah!) and shortly after that, you seee a glimpse of a chaulk weapon outline! edit: on the farthest left scrreen, the scientists arent running from zombies, they're running from guy shooting them with ak-47s and gas masks! also, on the 2nd screen from the top left, at the very end, there is an f4 phantom dropping bombs, killstreak?
  25. at the begining it was showing the old nazi zombies, at least on the left tvs. BTW DID ANYONE SEE THE ZOMBIES THAT WEREN'T ON THE TVs, LOOK IN THE BACKGROUND ABOVE THE LEVT TVs, ZOMBIE WALKING AND POUNDING ON GLASS IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!
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