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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. lol it is true I admit I have been playing a LOT of BioShock lately. But I do believe that there will be a connection to Atlantis. I've thought so ever since I discovered about Dwarka in the game. Dwarka is the name of the song on the SP mission, Rebirth. Holy Crap, Dwarka and Rebirth! Dwarka is an underwater paradise from ancient Hindu culture! And I just noticed the Rebirth. Sam will be reborn at Dwarka! It all fits. Nice work as always. Regards Alpha.
  2. Thats on the surface. Hollow Moon. DsDGGnC-ABo Take this video with a pinch of salt. "Alpha Draconis" Thuban also known by its Bayer designation Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, α Dra) is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. A relatively inconspicuous star in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, it is historically significant as having been the north pole star in ancient times. Thuban is an Arabic word for snake ثعبان thuʿbān. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_re ... _humanoids Ningizzida, Lord of the Tree of Life, mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh and linked to the water serpent constellation Hydra. Hmm, where have we see water serpents in zombies...? I wonder... Could it be:- Regards Alpha.
  3. The Spaceship Moon Theory, also known as the Vasin-Shcherbakov Theory, is a theory that claims the Earth's moon may actually be an alien spacecraft... 7vyVe-6YdUk 5Ls7lcturUQ Regards Alpha.
  4. Faust is right you don't need me to validate your work. Nice find. [brains] Regards Alpha.
  5. The Black Ops campaign ended with "Five," a Zombies level. Not part of the campaign. That's like saying Nacht Der Untoten was the end of WaW. It did... Five or the Pentagon WAS part of the campaign. Not being nasty just pointing it out. The stone cold fact is we had four characters from campaign IN Black Ops Nazi Zombies, correct? Thay would be The JFK crew, correct? So in the very first Zombie map they planted the seeds for a zombie campaign. Linking Stein to 935 was a smart move also. Reznov is also linked to Steiner. The clues are endless. Regards Alpha.
  6. You know how I feel about this. Villa Radiation WMD Kowloon Discovery The British Connection The Gate Way To Hell Firing Range & Mike Curran Frank Woods Busted Out Of Hanoi Prison Regards Alpha.
  7. Hmmm... Interesting find. Ironic that he is called Dr. Manhattan. His bio for giggles:- Doctor Manhattan is Jon Osterman. He is a superhero. His father was a watchmaker, and Jon planned to follow in his footsteps. When the US drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Jon is sixteen. His father, confronted with the undeniable facts of the theory of relativity, declares his profession outdated and throws his son's watch-making parts out the windows, urging him to instead pursue a career studying nuclear physics. Not only is this the turning point in Jon's potential future from watchmaker to nuclear physicist, it foreshadows Doctor Manhattan's 'exterior' perception of time as predetermined and all things within it as so determined, including Doctor Manhattan's own reactions and emotions. Jon attends Princeton University from 1948-58 and graduates with a Ph.D. in atomic physics. In early 1959, he moves to a research base at Gila Flats, where experiments are being performed concerning the 'intrinsic fields' of physical objects which, if tampered with, result in their disintegration. Here he meets Janey Slater, a fellow researcher; they are eventually to become lovers. During a trip to New Jersey in July 1959, Jon and Janey visit an amusement park. There Janey's watchband breaks, and the watch is damaged when a fat man steps on it. Jon decides that he can repair the watch, and tells Janey so. That night they sleep together. One month later, in August, 1959, shortly after his thirtieth birthday, Jon goes to give Janey the repaired watch, only to discover he has left it in his lab coat, which is inside the intrinsic field experiment test chamber. While Jon is inside the test chamber retrieving his coat the door closes, automatically locking as a safety feature. Unable to open the door or override the countdown, Osterman's colleagues - save for Janey, who cannot bear to see the last moment and flees the room - can only watch, horrified, as the countdown for the current experiment shortly reaches zero, and Jon has his 'intrinsic field' removed. Bathed in the radiant light, he is torn to pieces from the force of the generator, instantly vaporized and officially declared dead. The following months see a series of strange events and apparitions at the research base, leading residents to speculate the area is now haunted. It becomes plain that Jon has been progressively reforming himself during this time. This progression being indicated by a series of partial bodily reappearances: first as a disembodied nervous system, including the brain and eyes; then as a circulatory system (November 10); then a partially muscled skeleton (November 14). Each time, the appearance only lasts for a few seconds. Jon fully reappears on November 22 as a tall, hairless, naked, blue-skinned man. After his transformation, Jon begins to experience time in a non-linear, "quantum" fashion, and it is implied that he is aware of and experiencing all the moments of his life simultaneously. Jon is not omniscient; he remains reliant on his intellect to reach conclusions, but his range of sensory data has been abruptly extended, in proportion to the lessening of his emotional capacities. This often leads him to arrive at conclusions greatly different from those available to normal humans. His already weak will (marked by his apparent submission to his father's career plans, whatever they might be) becomes sublimated further during this time. He increasingly has difficulty acting in what those around him consider the present moment, leading to many accusations and even the public perception that he is emotionless and uninterested in human affairs. For instance, he does nothing to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, even though he is aware it is going to happen as he meets the President. His apparent lack of sentiment is more a matter of radically altered priorities, owing to a colossal, unbridgable gap of perception between Jon and the rest of humanity. He subscribes to a deterministic view of events. Doctor Manhattan appears to exert an effort of choice, and his actions often seemed governed by a rigidly utilitarian code of ethics in which the correct course of action must be the one that benefits the most. In some sense, unlimited power has come at the cost of the total absence of responsibility, and his growing detachment, if not apathy, is juxtaposed with his apparent ability to do anything. Jon's presence succeeds in tipping the balance of the Cold War in the West's favour, and the United States consequently becomes more aggressive and adventurist during this period. His abilities also radically alter the world economy, as he can, for example, synthesize the massive amounts of lithium required for all motor vehicles to become electric. At President Richard Nixon's request, he brings America victory in the Vietnam war within three months. This victory distorts the American political process, as the 22nd Amendment is repealed and Nixon is then repeatedly reelected. During the first meeting of the 'Crimebusters' superhero group, Laurie Juspeczyk, Silk Spectre II, catches his eye. His relationship with Janey Slater ends acrimoniously shortly after, and he begins dating Laurie. During the execution of Ozymanidias' plot to save the world, Manhattan is accused of giving cancer to those exposed to him over long periods of time. It emerges that this is untrue, for it is rather a careful fabrication of Ozymandias', but this revelation is not quick enough to prevent Manhattan from exiling himself to Mars. Eventually, he brings Laurie (who, in the meantime, has taken Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl II as a new lover) to Mars, where they argue over the fate of the human race. Doctor Manhattan is working in the Rockefeller Military Research Center for the U.S. Government. He is living with Silk Spectre II, Laurie Juspeczyk. He leaves Earth for Mars when he is accused of causing cancer in his close associates over the years. However, this was a frame arranged by Ozymandias to induce Osterman to leave, to remove his interference in his scheme to save the world. Eventually, he brings Laurie to Mars to discuss why he should do anything to aid humanity, an argument Laurie inadvertently wins when she goes through her life and realizes to her shock that her father is the Comedian, a man whom she despised for sexually assaulting her mother. From that revelation, Doctor Manhattan is amazed by the improbable chances that occurred to result in the birth of Laurie, which he sees as a stunning "thermodynamic miracle". By extension, this miracle can apply to any living thing on Earth, and so Doctor Manhattan decides to return to Earth to protect this wonder called life. Although they return too late to stop Ozymanidas' plan, they teleport to Antarctica to confront him. Ozymandias hinders Doctor Manhattan with a tachyon generator that interferes with Doctor Manhattan's ability to see the future, and then disintegrates him by subtracting his intrinsic field. Doctor Manhattan restores himself much more quickly this time, but when Ozymandias reveals that his scheme appears to have averted a looming nuclear war, Doctor Manhattan realizes that to expose the scheme would be too dangerous for all life on Earth. Doctor Manhattan and the other superheroes except for Rorschach agree to keep quiet to preserve Ozymandias' results. Rorschach leaves on his own and is killed by Doctor Manhattan to prevent him from ever telling the truth. Manhattan does so reluctantly, at Rorschach's own insistence, who asserts that his death is the only thing that will ensure his silence. Doctor Manhattan does not mention Rorscach's death when talking to Ozymandias not long after. Doctor Manhattan decides to depart Earth again, but he might return one day. Ozymandias is surprised by his decision, pointing out the apparent contradiction with Doctor Manhattan's apparent renewed interest in human life. He is shown to be immensely powerful and invulnerable to all harm; a clear limit to his powers is never explicitly shown. Jon has complete awareness of and control over atomic and subatomic particles. He can alter his body's size, coloration, density, and strength. He does not appear to age, need food (although he is shown to eat regardless of this), water, or air, and is for all intents and purposes immortal at thirty years old. In addition, he is even able to reconstruct his body if completely disintegrated. He can teleport himself and others over great (even interplanetary) distances, but the exact limit to the number of people other than himself he can teleport at one time or the distance he can teleport them is unknown. It is quite possible there may be none since on one occasion he teleports a whole crowd of rioters away from the streets and each into their own individual homes. However, he seems unable or unwilling to prevent the side effects others experience during teleportation; Laurie, for instance, always throws up on arrival and two demonstrators had heart attacks--something Jon seems to dismiss. Due to his non-linear perception of time, he can also see the future (and the past), although he is apparently unable to change it, regardless of the outcome. His only weakness appears to be tachyons; a large burst of them can 'jam' or slow his ability to see the future to a large extent, as well as temporarily confusing his perception of the "present time". In addition to these powers, Jon is able to phase any part of his body through solid objects without damaging them, produce multiple copies of himself which function independently of each other, project destructive energy, create force fields, transmute and create matter, move objects without physically touching them (telekinesis), reverse entropy, and, he suggests, create life. In the event of a nuclear war, he would be capable of destroying upwards of 60% of all Soviet nuclear missiles while at the same time 'destroying' large areas of Russia. As a result of these capabilities, Jon becomes central to the United States' Cold War strategy of deterrence. 5aETN112ors Dr. Manhattan a Human in the 11th Density. Where have we seen these beings before? From there it is a short step to Hollow Earth theory. I remember seeing a simpsons episode with a blue being at the center of the Earth pulling all the levers & pushing buttons... Regards Alpha.
  8. If you think Treyarch would not mind the leak or that it was intentional, then it is probably ok to post it... However, if you think it is a critical leak that would anger Treyarch or more likely Activision, then do not risk posting it until it has been approved by a Mod or Admin. I would like to point people to the PM system. There are no rules about discussing leaks in private messages. Just don't send them to everyone please. Regards Alpha.
  9. Interesting, could we be visiting CERN? I've heard many rumors about this place, this is were they discovered the Higgs boson (God Particle): Higgs Boson Link. I'm sure this can be worked into the plot line, the Germans probably had a early prototype of the particle accelerator. It would seem that most of todays technologies have their roots in Nazi science. Couple this with the fact that the EU is basically Hilters wet dream & they control CERN... Who is leading CERN I wonder? I've heard conspiracies about CERN that possible link into wormholes, which would be another form of teleportation. Einstein-Rosenberg wormhole which can be tied to the Manhatten project & Kino... After a quick search on this, I've seen some connections to sacred geometry & Anicent India Shiva symbolism. "The Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN: The statue of Lord Shiva at CERN near the building A40. Given by Department of Atomic Energy, India. The statue is a gift from India, celebrating CERN's long association with India which started in the 1960's and continues strongly today. Unveiled at June 18, 2004. I always thought the LHC looked like a giant Dharma wheel, and there's some photos of what the computer monitor screens look like in the lab there similar to the Black Sun." Hope this adds to the conversation.0 Regards Alpha.
  10. Welcome, always good to see fresh corpses rising from the grave. :twisted: Regards Alpha.
  11. Best of luck in your new job Daniel. Regards Alpha.
  12. I have to agree with the OP. The proximity of Baikonur to Rebirth Island is no coincidence. Secrets Of Rebirth Island CoDz Link. I 100% believe that Rebirth Island will be a zombie outbreak in Treyarchs' next season of Zombies... Jimmy gave all the right keywords at CoDXP. The images in the secrets of rebirth link have been seen by several people in the GKnova screens as mentioned above, they will be used at some point. Those screens are a view into Nazi Zombies future. The Coldwar spans 1945-1991 so far we have seen 1945-70 What about 70s to the 90s, plenty of conspiracies for Black Ops to continue as a main game, I've said it before that we have new heros just waiting to be released, that doesn't mean the old crew are finished either, we could do flashbacks to missing chapters in the story. Point is the clues are there. Regards Alpha.
  13. Interesting is that... Not long now. Regards Alpha.
  14. You know, I've always wondered about your name. Is your real name Benn? Jk. Regards Alpha.
  15. The Gods of Atlantis Synopsis: A thrilling standalone sequel to ATLANTIS, David Gibbins' international bestseller of high-action adventure, marine archaeology and the exploration of one of history's most fascinating and enduring mysteries. A lost Nazi bunker in a forest in Germany contains a dreadful secret. But is there a horrifying new dimension - another ingredient in the Nazi's rule of terror? Marine archaeologist Jack Howard returns to the lost island of Atlantis in the Black Sea to answer questions about the Atlantis priests that have plagued him. Then by tracking down the 1930s expeditions of Himmler's Ahnenerbe - the Nazi's Department of Cultural Heritage - and its link with Atlantis, Jack realises he is not just on the trail of the greatest lost relics from the past. Could there possibly be a terrifying new version of 'Atlantis', a priesthood of evil? Jack must uncover the truth before it is too late. My "2nd Son/Sun" (Hollow Earth) is called Jack, I've been seeing 115 everywhere, I've been reawakened once again. :twisted: Regards Alpha.
  16. Nice thread. I'm reading a book at the moment called 'Gods of Atlantis'. Check the cover for an idea of what I'm getting at here: To think I was just walking down the book aisle & there it was plain as day & a steal at £3.86... :twisted: There is so much more to come, Nazi Zombies will return in 2012 & you can quote me on that. Regards Alpha.
  17. A bit late here, but better late than never, thank you JD it was a good time. You will be missed. Regards Alpha. :)
  18. AlphaSnake


    Fine then. I'll take my perks else where too then... GRFXP gave free shirts to me as a CoDz Admin for CoDz, how is that any different from Kontrol Freek? Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind. I leave you to your site, eh Carbon... Regards Alpha Snake.
  19. AlphaSnake


    Wow, thats a bit excessive considering this guy is spending money just like I did with the Perks... Does Kontrol Freek give you all their profits Carbon? Ask GRFXP for a discount for our members, does that not sound fair. Regards Alpha
  20. AlphaSnake


    XyB-lm35zvM Watch Carbon... Regards Alpha.
  21. AlphaSnake


    Free T-shirts have arrived from GRFXP. XyB-lm35zvM GRFXP Store Link. The two wunderweapon T-shirts will be used in a future CoDz competition. The Zombie Train one belongs to SGC Barbarian. I also ordered a Zombie Train one for myself, I must say they look the part. Very professional done. I would highly recommend getting one of these from GRFXP, you will not be disappointed with them. He also included a free strip of Perk Icon stickers which are also fantastic. Customs also snatched the package & held it to ransom, which GRFXP graciously took care of, which makes him awesome in my book. Thank you GRFXP on behave of everyone at CoDz. Regards Alpha.
  22. This was done to stop the glitchers from trying I'll bet. I love this. Mule Kick is not dumb in every map. This will change things up a abit now. Dempsey has a child? Noted... Regards Alpha.
  23. Nacht Der Untoten: Start Room Verruckt: Thompson Room Shi No Numa: Starting Room Der Riese: Thompson Room Kino Der Toten: Potrait Room, besides the Pygmalion poster Five: War Room, near Juggernog Ascension: Before Speed Cola left of the stairs in the room with one of the red phones. Call of the Dead: Upper forward section of the ship by the Mystery box location Shangri-La: In the water fall section under the rope bridge (Thanks Yellowcard) Moon: As we all know is outside by the Moons MDT to no mans land (I'll add this later as we all know where it is.) I was running for my life in five so it was a picture on the move For the sake of keeping this in one place, Mods will merge multiple topics into this one. Regards Alpha.
  24. Dude, no need to shout at him... (Shrink Ray edit) we have a team mate section that should help you in finding a team. Welcome to CoDz. Regards Alpha.
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