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Everything posted by Shapeshifter

  1. Yellow's over Yellow card unless Dark Jolteon is shifted to Green for GMT. Instead of having people switch teams we could just start team Greenish Yellow. Hai Jake! Been a long time! ^_^
  2. Hey CJ! hey, i remember seeing you around a a while ago, you probable dont really know me im not a very "well known" vet I remember you. You had posted that AMAZING synopsis about Richtofen, right? Good read, and all of it is 100% plausible. Lovin' the welcome messages, Shapeshifter
  3. I would think in the next coming month, or even weeks, since the app released in December. I would ASSUME Moon would be out before the release of the next CoD, or maybe not. Don't give your hopes up though, remember, Treyarch is working on the next CoD as well as the new mobile zombies app, so stay tuned.
  4. You can change me to whatever, as long as I get into a game.
  5. Yes, I do remember, haha. Do we still have a Minecraft server? Anyway, I thank everyone for the welcomes... ~Shapeshifter
  6. Yes. In fact, I wish there were more maps, haha!
  7. TheOnlyShapeshifter |PSN: GLaDOSIsALive | Availability: 4PM - 10PM EST | Team: Yellow. Looking forward to this.
  8. Hehe. Bronies, you say? (I am a Bronie.) 8-)
  9. Hello, I'm sure none of you remember me from when I ragequit CoDz. If you do, I was younger. More reckless. I let the... uh.... Salad Man Fans get to me. (oldy insider.) I see that most of the Vet's are still here, and I'm glad. Most importantly though: I'm back. ~Shapeshifter *edit* On a side note, I realize that I have the Veteran rank now. Sweet.
  10. Well I stand corrected. 'Tis a wee bit hard to gauge tone over the interwebz, well done. Either way my statement still stands for a lot of the threads on CODZ . You sir, are a wise man.
  11. LMAO. People still post on this thread? I hope you know, I was trolling HARD. :lol:
  12. My view: By destroying earth, the crew had alternated time, and space itself. Along with the MDT/Time device, Maxis was able to DECEIVE the crew, into blowing up earth. Why? No one knows. YET. I believe, that Richtofens plan, wasn't to do ANY OF THIS. It was to Release Samantha from the pyramid, and to control the zombies. Now that Earth is blown up, Richtofen has no medium for destroying earth, thus maxis got his "Sweet, sweet, revenge." It was all planned ahead so that Richtofen would fail, and that Samantha was placed in the hands of trustworthy people.(AKA, Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai.) This is just what I think.
  13. Of course, he's wearing military attire, I just thought it looks ALOT like hudson.
  14. Is it just me, or does that look an AWFULLY lot like Hudson...?
  15. *Cough* Um, I think there is more than one Wave Gun. Due to the face that on the original "Rezzurection" intel/post on the Call of duty website. http://www.callofduty.com/intel/490 "Arm yourself with a space-age arsenal of epic proportions, including the Wave Gun, capable of cooking zombies from the inside out, as well as the Quantum Entanglement Device, which taps into the theories of quantum mechanics to bless (or curse!) your battle against the undead." Could this mean there's more than the stuff we've seen...?
  16. :( Browning, Spas, PSG, M60, AK47, RPG, M16, L961A. From top to bottom. (On a side note, all the way to the right, theres a Barrett 50. cal?)
  17. What I think.... Area 51 WILL BE IN THIS MAP PACK WITH MOON. Also, have you noticed that in some shots the crew is wearing their original outfit? Also astronaut suits? Also astronaut suits WITHOUT helmets? Hmmm....... Interesting.
  18. Top to bottom: Browning, Spas, PSG, M60, AK47, RPG, M16, L96A1. To the left of the rack: 2 Mystery Boxes, a weapon on the table, A Barrett 50 Cal.
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