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Everything posted by nayrcraig

  1. even with out jug the explosion wont kill you but you will be badly hurt and blinded so don't be running anywhere near him if there is zombies around
  2. new strange thing i found above where you turn the wheel to turn off the gas in the Easter egg there is a hole in the roof
  3. from google translate i get "rifle and guns/weapons"
  4. i have to admit those dragons popped straight into my head but another thing i thought of was the sight on the shrink ray but apparently that is a seprent :(
  5. i thought that at first, but why have it in a secret code on a gong if its some thing so obvious?
  6. a fire wonder weapon would be freaken awesome
  7. i shot all the gongs multiple times with the Hades and nothing happened
  8. anyone ever notice that the gongs seem to have certain writings round the edged of them, certain illuminate writings? well i did and after doing a bit of work in the way of decrypting it i started to notice some odd words cropping up, "dragon" "beware" "fire" "wrath" so i started to decode more and found that repeated round the edge of the gongs there is the sentences "BEWARE THE WRATH OF THE DRAGONS FIRE" what does this mean, is it some thing o do with the achievement, or some thing else? I honestly don't know but there you go, another Easter egg hidden in Shangri-la.
  9. Yea that shafts creepy
  10. There is some other e eggs that add question than answer them. There is lots of the containers from kino throughout the under ground, There is a pile of dead pigs on a mine cart, A load of body bags about, Bits of the lunar Lander In debris you have to clear But one intresting thing is what I belive to be the birth place of the napalm zombies, If you look down one if the mine shafts you see a bunch if burning body bags, what if 115 reacted with these burning body's and created the napalm zombies
  11. i made a post about it the first day the map came out but it was quickly buried by all the posts about the big Easter egg ect. viewtopic.php?f=69&t=12992
  12. Ya, so if we count those quotes, then we must count the Gersch one and Ascension is before cotd and even with out the gersch quote in COTD it can still be proven that ascension is before COTD in shangri-la takeo says "its no lunar landar, but it will do" when approaching the mine cart (exact quote) so ascension is before shangri-la and because of the quotes at the start shangri-la is straight after COTD. also, i haven't saw this posted anywhere yet so ill stick it in now, in one of the debris you have to clear you can see part of a lunar lander, so, what does that mean?
  13. takeo mentions the water fall reminded him of some thing, but i cant remember what
  14. they are both water, when i only activated one the power didn't come on till i hit the second.
  15. just to confirm, shangri-la is directly after the characters trip to COTD as in one of the dialogs they say Nikolia: "finely we are out of that closet" Dempsey/Richthofen "i kinda enjoyed it" takeo "no, it was a horrible experience" (not exact quotes but close,)
  16. there is no dogs round or new perks but all the old ones are back and they spawn at different locations each time except quick revive
  17. They are the "containers from kino"
  18. The containers from kino also make a return And bits of the lunar landers can also be seen
  19. there is about 20 meteorites around the map but only 3 are needed for the song
  20. im not sure if this works on co-op too as i have only tried it on solo. first you turn the power on then return to the spawn room there will be a spinning statue near quick revive with a pressure pad in the middle of that area. stand on the pad till the statue stops spinning and stairs should rise at the bottom of the staircase to p-a-p letting you access it
  21. as you make your way around shingri-la you may notice a few things one being in the under ground area there is a HUGE supply of 115, witch appears to be being mined. There is also a strange area witch they seem to be sending carts full of body bags and PIGS? into a fire. was this 935 source for more 115? why are they burning body's or more strangely, pigs?
  22. now i know they look different ect. but when you start up the map it shows you the image for shangri-la and the rip from COTD image witch means i has to be after COTD and ascension. but of course this isn't my only proof as in shangri-la when Takeo goes near the mine cart he says, "its no lunar lander but it'll do" witch proves with out a doubt shangri-la is after ascension, right?
  23. im trying to get a capture card but for now ill just be pointing a camera at the screen
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