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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2022 in all areas

  1. The "sacrificial ritual" heard under the city pre-Shadows makes more sense if they are actually killed. There are some Shadowman quotes and radios that could explain the yellow eyes fairly simply. The Shadows "pocket" encompassed the entire world, and the moon, some Shadowman quotes imply this. And they give an explaination why in the radios. This Shadowman quote references the whole world. And after we complete the rituals, this "pocket" expands to the entire dimension The reason the "pocket" in this case is so large is because the Apothicons have already seeded potentially the entire world (and the moon) with Apothicon life. (No to mention the ritual was supposedly carried out by a coven of professionals, instead of just some lone, amature "third rate occultist") They did this with a meteor shower which significantly expanded the range of their influence. Something which is a major differentiator between Shadows and Mob. So the Moon has already been assimilated into this pocket dimension. Hence the yellow eyes. The fact that the Apothicons already have limitied physical access to dimension 63 in order to seed biological matter as opposed to just inorganic 115 is likely due to dimensional instability caused by events in the Alcatraz pocket. Which was created in Dimension 63 many years previously.
    1 point
  2. For Shadows, I've gone between thinking it is a pocket and not a pocket, but I think I lean towards it not being a pocket dimension. The Mob and Tag ones were both formed around the deaths of the Mobsters and Pablo respectively, with neither able to die or escape. The Shadows characters don't seem to die but are drugged and transformed into beasts to serve the Shadowman. I think what is different about Morg City is that it is fully corrupted by the Apothicons coming from the rift stone. Our goal intially in the map is freeing the Apothicons who then proceed to corrupt and destroy Dimension 63. I don't see how they could do that if we only free them in a pocket dimension. As for the Crazy Place zombies, perhaps it is that Agarthan/Keeper influence, and they are simply "programmed" to defend the gateway from any intruders.
    1 point
  3. Great theory and yes, the dates Nov 6th (GK) and Nov 5th (DE) are too close to each other to be coincidental and unintended. I think the devs really meant it this way. It would simultaneously confirm the well-substantiated hypothesis that fractures are not merely based on the original timeline with some random changes here and there, but rather that the fractures are dependant on and influenced by each other. Agonia would in this sense be a fracture of Proditione, which is a fracture of Deceptio, hence the destruction of the MPD on the 5th of November in Deceptio also being an event in the other fractures (although only visible in GK since ZnS takes place prior). I only don't understand the yellow eyes in Shadows of Evil, since I consider that map as taking place in a pocket as well. Any thoughts on that? What's also interesting to note is the absence of yellow eyes at the Crazy Place zombies in Origins, rather being bright purple-ish. If red indicates default Apothicon/Ancient Evil/Elder Gods influence, would purple-ish be Keeperese/Agarthan influence? Question is, then, why do they fight us in Origins
    1 point
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