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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. What you aren't keen on the whole grand-evil takes control bit? I thought that would be a great way to combine both "endings" for BO2 and start a new game no matter whom you chose at the end of buried.
  2. A better ending would have been: (Everything is dark) Samantha: Except for the fact that I'm still alive….(Scene flashes to show samantha in the MPD) None of this surprises me…. They build computers… Robots… And entire armys… But did they ever ask….. What happens…. When the enemy steals the keys…. (Her eyes open to show richtofen's bluish glow) When the things I made to keep me safe, turned against me… That's when my father figured it out… (Epic scenes of Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai) They'll always need men like them…. For they are willing to do… What others can not… (Epic scenes flashing between samantha struggling in the MPD and in the flashes shows marelton, misty, samule, russman, nikolai, takeo, Tank and richtofen fighting the hordes) Eventually it ends with samantha's back lurching back in pain as her eyes turn red and she starts chuckling like brutus (If he chuckled) Lol, but in all seriousness: MPD opens: Revealing samantha. Richtofen's voice: Round and round and round she goes….. Where she stops no body knows! AHhhahaha! Maxis's dying relay: Richt….Ofen….. Why… Why would you damn my daughter to argartha….. She just wants to get out… so very badly…. If not her.. Then surely you want to return to your…. body… Richtofen: She took my best friends with her when she CHOSE to pass through the gate… Why should I bring her back? Maxis: Please…. Please…. I beg of you…. Richtofen: Maxis… Old friend… After everything you've done to me…. I am NOT about to. (peeeeeeewwwwwwww) Samantha: Father…. Maxis: SAMANTHA! You are alive! S: Father…. We have broken the cycle… We have returned…. M: Never mind the test subjects! Daughter come to me! R: NO! MAXIS DON'T TRUST HER SHE'S NOT…. M: SILENCE! R…… Fine…. Samantha: Please father… Come here…. let me hold you…. Maxis: Oh..saman…. Samantha? S: What troubles you father (MPD's eyes flash red)? M:… Samantha… Something is very wrong… S: It's the dawning of a new era father…. The era of destruction… Grand evil: Isn't that what you wanted father? Isn't that what you worked SO hard for? (Blood begins running down sam's physical mouth) M: What are you? WHAT ARE YOU? R: Something incomprehensible to you maxis… Now… HOLD ON TIGHTLY! (Samantha's eyes burn red as reality around her shifts and burns) GE: RUN if you want… But I will.. Kill you…… (Game ends with samantha becoming fully demonic (Claws, fangs, scaly red skin… Basic bible lore)
  3. You need to open a single door in die rise, 2 at max in MOTD Zero in tranzit. Zero in buried Two in Origins. Kino: Depends on spawn, could be none, one, two, three, or four, then if you really lucked out one or two more then that! Five: REALLY hard, you need 5-6 doors open AND 2 elevators before you can get to your box… Unless I'm just REALLY unlucky and have never had the box spawn anywhere but the labs. Ascension: Roof right? Thats 4 doors max I think… COTD: Again could be no doors, could be 6… Shangri-la: 2 doors normally. Moon: AGAIN could be none, could be MANY. Nact: 1 Verruct: 3 doors Shi-no: 1 door. Der reise: 3 doors
  4. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but it would be stupid for trayarch to not make it next-gen only. -It would give them an advantage for the next year being the first TRUELY next-gen COD. -It would be 2 christmases from the next-gen launch, this is the norm for gem-swaps. -Many games are to be released for the next gens only in the next year, such as arkham knight, making it a prime time to launch the first Next-gen-only COD. -If we DID maintain a game on the 360/PS3, it would be worse then Black ops two, which pushed the limits of the 360 and PS3's capabilities, then we would have to wait 2-3 MORE years for a TRUELY good game.
  5. What’s that in the mirror, of the corner of your eye? What’s that footstep following, but never passing by? Perhaps they’re all just waiting, perhaps when we are dead, Out they’ll come a-slithering, from underneath the bed…
  6. The thing that it appears everyone wants to see more of is customization. That's what's going to sell the base game for zombies: Our own characters Hand-picked weapons Possibility of groups/clans Map wise, I'll take just about anything trayarch can dish out, as long as it -Does not ruin the story -IMPROVES the story - Uses next-gen tech. to it's full potential.
  7. Personally I think zombie's outrageously oversized hitboxes are the worst...
  8. As accurite as Samara's pick is, I find it REALLY weird zelinsqui would go from a hunting lodge hint to a die-rise hint. Right now i'm suspicious, if he makes a post about MOTD (Or buried considering Buried is the next map in the N4's story and the main story) It's going to have probable cause.
  9. It could mean die rise, moon, accession... I don't think it would mean buried, origins, MOTD, Nact, Verruct, Shino, Der reise, Kino, five, shangrila or MOTD…. Even acension is a bit iff-y OR does he mean the "Moon" sign in tranzit? Now, this is just a theory… But… IF there is a new hidden easter egg…. It would likely be in the latest game, as that is the most easy to manipulate. SO die rise is our best bet… If there's anything...
  10. I remember one of the first map ideas I did before BO2 was released was an egypt map with a train, it was SO cool!
  11. Some more glitches I've seen: Invisible zombie getting thrown beneath the map Samantha's "There's more to do" monologue stuck on REPEAT (SO god-damn annoying) Wonderfizz constantly giving me Speed cola (and not stopping) Getting down on the tank because screw physics, you're under a tank now... Zombie's hit boxes not disappearing after they're dead.
  12. My least favorite downs are when I have a wonder weapon, but I can't switch to it fast enough due to zombie's HUGE hitboxes blocking my way…
  13. No…. It's turned with 2 teams not only fighting to not be turned, but also for the highest amount of kills.
  14. For some reason I lost it when I saw John Hurt in today's doctor who episode...

  15. This game mode focuses around a 3 team basis: Team Red, Team Blue, and Team zombie. Team red has 3 players Team blue has 3 players Team zombie has 2 players Each team goes about killing zombies as predicted, however they will find that one or two zombies are actually players, one red one blue. Team blue wins if they accumulate the most kills by round X (Picked by slot machine between 20 and 10, can be set in custom games), the same for red, team Zombie however doesn't win, ever. However there are ways from leaving zombie mode and returning to the conscious world, two infact. The first is the turned way: Consume teammate (can not eat other team) obtain humanity, so protect yourself or let your team mates be eaten! The other way involves the other team's side ringing a bell (shooting it, knifing it, ect.) which will automatically switch a zombie and a human (this can not be done on the final round). Likewise collecting a bell drop will do this too to both teams. I should mention: -The start of the game (before the first bell drop is obtained) will have all players and no zombies. This gives players time to set up. If neither team collects a bell drop by round 5 richtofen/whomever will spawn one in the center of the map and refuse to let the game progress until you do. -While a zombie you keep your perks and guns (but have no access to them), so if you're taken down, you'll get your things back if you switch back. -Players whom are taken down by regular zombies will become a zombie and the player playing a zombie will turn back. They will NOT maintain perks. - Remember, you can fight for humanity all you want, if the other team gets more kills then you, you lose anyway. -If killed while a zombie, you return as a zombie. -Zombie drops: -Singe: You're on fire now and if the player is killed by your burning residue you get their humanity. -RAWR!: You are even faster then normal turned speeds. - Stealth: Hides one's nameplate and other revealing features to blend as a normal zombie. Other then these changes it's sill zombies however. You can't knife players like in grief, but you still have access to perks, the box, and PAP. This IMO would be a fun and challenging way to show in the zombies universe you can't even trust your team-mates. It is a fun 3 team mode which incorporates both grief and turned elements.
  16. @Electric Jesus RPB? Rocket propelled bayonnet? Works like an un-upgraded crossbow on any weapon, and an upgraded ballistic melee weapon before? … Good idea? No? Yes?
  17. Every day our school systems become more and more of a failing bureaucratic abomination...

  18. Personally Richtofen is only valuable to me when he's NOT being a huge dick in the aether. When he's physical he's much more creepy-funny-lovable-doctor!
  19. See… I feel like we've already had a chernobly act with ascension, and a map composed of tight areas like the catacombs? I've seen the trailers for as above so bellow, I know there's NO training spots down there… However I think a school would probably be the BEST map decision for the default map in 2015. -We've never been to a school -Most of the population whom play zombies are teenagers or in college so they can relate. -It would offer an interesting element of confined space and long or wide areas. However we would HAVE to do this in a college campus. We can't be shooting little children zombies I'm fairly certain that' illegal… Even for zombies. Teachers and undergraduates are OK.
  20. I think that you'll find that MOTD is most reasonably in hell, and thus has been, and will presumably be under the control of the grand evil (Be that whom you think). This would explain how one is able to fly a plane into the golden gate multiple times, why the zombies eyes are red, why brutus's name is what it is, why there are 3 dog heads (This is dont'e ancient stuff), and why the mobsters can't really die all that easily (Ghost mode and rebirth), as well as how weasel, one who has not sinned with adultery, murder, or lies, is able to escape. If MOTD is in hell it's considered timeless and could both be a frozen few seconds of 1933, or centuries old time bubble in a psychotic loop only weasel notices. Furthermore Griffen station happened YEARS after MOTD and Origins's base time. Samantha came into control early 40s when WAW was in full swing and the nazi party was well… Being evil…. Sam entered the MPD and thus became the original announcer. Then came the events of Nact, Verruct, Shi-no, moon, tranzit, buried, everything. Origins is set in a world where somehow aetheric or argarthian samantha is able to communicate with maxis and control zombies, this leads to changes in history. But this does not matter, because Origins, just origins, is a game made up by samantha and richtofen's presence in samantha's aetheric state. Now, don't take everything you heard as fact in any way shape or form, but this is a generally accepted theory and should help your topic to some extent. OH! And I should also mention that in the main universe, 935 was either disbanded between 1919 and 194X or it simply didn't exist in the "real" world yet. So no big research was to be done.
  21. The future is bright due to nuclear radiation… BUT BRIGHT NONE THE LESS!
  22. The buried EE is IMO the most fun to do, up til the shooting gallery step… Before that it's pretty kick-ass. Aside from that Buried is an easy way to rank up your bank to it's max capacity. As well as improve rank. Get any perms-perks you need… Generally it's a map made for easy-goers. MOTD is similar but is made to not be a part of the BO2 main storyline. Origins is super hard and complex, and difficult, AND tedious. Die rise is personally, the place I go when I just WANT to destroy the undead with a sniper…
  23. Oooohhh… And what about PAP with double tap on double tap weekend? 1-Shot kill with a Kap 40 til round 30! But seriously, this would become kinda OP, and wouldn't really be fair to players who joined after the game began. Perhaps it shouldn't count for leader boards, but can be used to rank up easier. Also what about some other perk-related specials? What if we had a whole week for this? Each day offering different advantages. Mule-kick monday Thunder tuesday: Electric cherry Wonderfizz wednessday: Wonder fizz is half off Threatening Thursday: Map-specific perks are automatically equipped. Flop Friday: PHD flopper Stamin-up saturday: Staminup Speedy sunday: Speed cola
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