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The bridge..? Eating my brains.

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Okay since the release of this map and after playing few games i wondered what is that bridge? that is broken and there is shit floating all around.. I tought that when someone complete the EE you are able to go there or something.. But no.. So what is it ? When i first played it i tried to go and buy my way trough cause it looked like buyable depree.. No ?.. Shit whats wrong with it.. It has been bothering me since.. (To clearify im talking the bridge near double tap) What do you think its about..? After lot of thinking i personally think it is going to be our heroes way out there in the next cut scene. I hope cause i cant think anything else right now why it is there.. 



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2 hours ago, ZombieSlayer1997 said:

Maybe originally they planned the map to be larger but then decided against it, or maybe they'll release a future update that adds a smaller survival map to der eisendrache, in a brand new part of the map? Survival dungeon or survival village?

Wasnt that similar speculation to SOE, the concern that Nero didnt have a ritual site and used the Spawn as his.  Originally the map was larger with the "Downtown" District but was pulled because consoles couldnt handle the size rendering of the map?


I wonder if DE was designed bigger but consoles are maxed because FPS rendering would have killed the console?

Edited by Exactice_808
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We may never know if it were a size issue. But the bridge IS shown in the intro cinematic with the crew walking underneath it. Judging from the rest of the bridge on the other side, it appears to lead nowhere (and is for perspective purposes). 

I can't tell you how many times I've tried mashing the X button when first hopping into the map, in hopes that I could magically clear the debris like other areas. :Weary Face:

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The truck was filled with anti gravity urns, (urns with the blue glow) looks as though the truck was blown up breaking these urns. Might have some thing to do with a different EE or something hidden but I think it was only for aesthetics. I was wondering about all the multiple phonograph's around the map...


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Why in the new der eisendrache trailer are they walking underneath it? Is this them leaving the castle? Why did they not take the gondola? 

After that trailer I did take a closer look at that bridge to see if maybe there was an ee to get down below it.

Edited by Josh Keatley
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