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The Big Guy from Buried & Der Eisendrache


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The last picture to obtain the broken Wolf arrow and start the quest, I didn't think anything of it until /u/halyconic posted a thread about seeing the Big Guy from Buried in it. Here's a comparison to show.


Now I do definitely see a resemblance. But as @Nightmare Voyager posted in my Wolf King thread, it could just be a woman. Which is possible. There's a ring there. It would make more sense for a woman, the queen, to be kneeling beside her dead king and crying. But I can't deny there is a resemblance. The pose, the clothing, the colour.

Inside the castle, if you go the a window inside the armoury or inbetween Dr Maxis and Samantha's rooms, you will hear these sounds (I lowered the knife sounds because they're a bit jarring).



Credit goes to @BlindBusDrivr for pointing this out.

Now they really do sound like zombies, but there's one their in particular that really reminds me of the sounds the Big Guy makes.


So it kinda sounds like the Big Guy is in the castle. Now this isn't 100% positive, as they sound a little deeper and more like zombies, but the Big Guy does sound similar to the noises heard.

We also have this book (thanks again to Bus for finding this) found in the bookshelves between Dr Maxis and Samantha's bedrooms, titled "Lost Ghost Towns of the Old West", which is an obvious reference to Buried.


The town in Buried was a ghost town "long before the tectonic shifts" as Marlton says. So I imagine it would feature in this book. Again this doesn't confirm if it's the Big Guy in the picture. But to have this book (I actually don't think any other books reference any maps like this, or atleast any BO2 ones) and than have a portrait with someone looking very much like him in it; it just seems suspicious to me.

Now this part is complete conjecture and theory. The Big Guy being here might explain why he is afraid of humans and not the zombies in Buried. Even after releasing him from prison, the N4 have to coax him out with Booze or Candy as he is afraid of them. He has no problem wandering among the zombies, as they don't pose a threat to him. He gets scared (again only of the humans) when he is shot or takes explosive damage. The reason for that could be due to the Apothicon war he saw with the King. It could be due to Group 935 testing on him. Evidently it doesn't explain how he ended up in Buried, but due to the book being here, it's possible Group 935 took him to that site and just left him there. Again, all theory, but it does answer some questions (except the obvious why is he huge).

Going over it again: Person in portrait who looks very similar to the Big Guy, sounds within the castle that are similar to the noises the Big Guy makes, a book that is an obvious reference to Buried.

Anyway guys, what do you think? Can you see the person in the portrait being the big fella, or do you think it's someone else like a woman/the queen?

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Buried took place long after this map does, so I think in the original timeline once Group 935 was more or less gone with most of their facilities abandoned the Big Guy broke out what was an abandoned Der Eisendrache at that point and started wandering the world, finding himself eventually in the town of Buried where the local people locked him up and left him as the zombie outbreak swept through town. That would be my assumption if there is no other explanation provided in-game, assuming that is the Big Guy of course. He was always one of the more fascinating mysteries of BO2 to me, I really wanted to know where he came from and why he existed.

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Again Rissole, great theory, but once again I'd like to disagree(what's a topic without it's debate right? lol) 

The person in the picture to me is female,and as @Nightmare Voyager stated in your Wolf King thread , you can't overlook the ring and white clothing, although it's hard for me to tell if it's a dress from the waist down, too many leaves, but I can see where it wraps across the chest and it could easily be seen as a dress. Another detail I can point out is its size doesn't look all that large, even in the background its hands are pretty small ,to scale with the Wolf King I don't see a large person.

Now the book on ghost towns in the wild west is definitely Buried related, perhaps this was the beginning of research to places of interest involving anything 115/paranormal. Buried  has relevance to the story  still I'm sure, it ended the BO2 ''story'' and Maxis had been there before so it's little suprise to see references to the map. Also somewhat related is the bird painting that was a magazine cover in Tranzit.

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5 hours ago, Tattoo247 said:

You can't overlook the ring and white clothing, although it's hard for me to tell if it's a dress from the waist down, too many leaves, but I can see where it wraps across the chest and it could easily be seen as a dress. Another detail I can point out is its size doesn't look all that large, even in the background its hands are pretty small ,to scale with the Wolf King I don't see a large person.

I agree about the ring. The ring is on the Index finger as well, not the Ring finger.

Regarding the clothing, I can't tell if it's white or blue honestly. I saw blue first. But now you've pointed out white I can see that as well haha. It's the lighting that is making me confused as I can see both.

Size is roughly the same as the King, but if it is the BG, it could be before he was big.

Right now I'm in the middle of it being either the BG or a woman. I can see both. I'd love for it to be the BG, but the woman does make more sense. So I don't know haha.

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Interesting... It's hard to say for sure, as I can see the woman when i just look at the head, but when I look at the clothing, I see Big Guy. It's definitely a White/gold dress scenario.

If it is the Big Guy, it would do one of two things. One, solidify that the universes are melding together and the Big Guy of Buried somehow ended up encountering the Wolf King in this universe's past (Much like Icarus following Richtofen's "jumps" through SoE and T.G.).

OR He just pulled a Pokemon X and Y and survived so long that he just grew big. lol

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11 hours ago, Rissole25 said:

I agree about the ring. The ring is on the Index finger as well, not the Ring finger.

Regarding the clothing, I can't tell if it's white or blue honestly. I saw blue first. But now you've pointed out white I can see that as well haha. It's the lighting that is making me confused as I can see both.

Size is roughly the same as the King, but if it is the BG, it could be before he was big.

Right now I'm in the middle of it being either the BG or a woman. I can see both. I'd love for it to be the BG, but the woman does make more sense. So I don't know haha.

If you see White its the Light that reflect the clothes when  I zoom in its bleu I have learned that from school 

The Light makes believe  that its White but if you look in real life its a other collor


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I guess you could use white as a light source, but you can also use blues to add shadow to white clothing. The person is just to small to be the Big Guy, neck is also shorter. It might be a male peasant, or a female, or the Queen (starting to stray away from queen because there's literary no mention of one and non of the graves seem to give a hint to there being one) but this is most certainly a normal size figure.


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This Is the most ignorant "theory" I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of stupid theories throughout the years.

That is clearly a woman in a gown. notice the small straps, unlike the large straps a pair of overalls would have. Also, the big fancy rock on her finger indicates she's a loved one of some sort of wealthy man, be it either the wife of the king himself, or perhaps his daughter. 

Looks nothing like the giant retard in Buried lmao. Way too small and feminine.

Edited by #1atZOMBIES
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